Girl power: Geri Horner and Amanda Holden celebrate daughters’ GCSE results

Geri Horner has celebrated her daughter’s impressive GCSE results with a post on Instagram (Jeff Spicer/PA) (PA Archive)
Geri Horner has celebrated her daughter’s impressive GCSE results with a post on Instagram (Jeff Spicer/PA) (PA Archive)

Geri Horner and Amanda Holden have gushed over their teenage daughters as they each shared news of their GCSE exam results.

Hundreds of thousands of 16 and 17-year-olds across England, Wales and Northern Ireland collected their results on Thursday.

Spice girl Horner, 50, shared her delight at her daughter Bluebell’s impressive nine A grades.

Alongside a picture of her beaming daughter looking at her results, Horner wrote: “SO Proud of you Blue! All A!! 9 GCSES! You worked so hard ! You inspire me! Girl power!!!!!”

Horner shares daughter Bluebell with former partner and screenwriter Sacha Gervasi.

She has been married to former racing driver and current principal of the Red Bull Racing Formula One team Christian Horner since 2015.

In a second Instagram post, Horner shared a selfie of herself and Bluebell, with the caption: “So proud!!!! celebrate, #GCSEs.”

Amanda Holden also celebrated her daughter Lexi’s GCSE success on social media.

Writing on her Instagram story, the Britain’s Got Talent judge and Heart Breakfast show host said: “Me when we got Lexi’s results this morning. She smashed it. Sooooo proud of our girl.”

An image accompanying the post showed Holden, 51, from behind as she fist pumped the air in a sunny garden overlooking the sea.

Holden shares Lexi and younger daughter Hollie with her record producer husband Chris Hughes, who share married in 2008.

Horner and Holden’s celebrations come as top grades for GCSEs are down on last year – but remain higher than pre-pandemic levels.

In 2021, the proportion of GCSE entries awarded top grades surged to an all-time high after exams were cancelled for the second year in a row due to Covid-19 and pupils were given results determined by their teachers.

Similar to the pattern with A-level results, published last week, it had been expected that grades would drop below last year, but remain above those from 2019 as students returned to sitting exams for the first time in three years.

Horner’s husband Christian also posted on Instagram congratulating his step-daughter, writing: “Wow Bluebell 9 straight A’s in your GCSE’s is an incredible achievement!

“You worked incredibly hard and we are all very proud X.”

Presenting duo Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly sent their well-wishes to students collecting their results. Writing on Twitter, the pair said: “To everyone picking up their GCSE results today. Congratulations!

“You’ve come through the toughest couple of years and you should be very proud of your hard work and dedication.

“Massive respect. #gcseresultsday2022.”