GOP representatives must approve more aid to Ukraine. If not, they’ll lose my support | Opinion

Republicans for Ukraine

Ukrainian soldiers who were blinded in combat face the new battle of navigating the world again,” (, August 18)

After reading that Russian missiles killed an 8-year-old boy mere months after they attacked a pizza shop, I feel compelled to speak out against the isolationist viewpoint some in my Republican party have adopted.

The Republican representatives who have continuously voted against sending aid to Ukraine need to do some self-reflection. This is the party of Ronald Reagan, who believed in global democracy — never backing down in the face of oppressive totalitarian regimes. Now, some Republicans would rather appease a dictator than stand up for what’s right.

The fight in Ukraine is not only for Ukrainians’ freedom. This is a war for the freedom of all of Europe, and the whole world, too. We must continue providing them with both humanitarian and military aid.

GOP representatives must approve more aid to Ukraine. If not, they will lose my support and that of many others.

Ahsaf Goldman


Who we are as Americans

Donald Trump seems inescapable but many Republicans embrace a campaign discussion without him,” (, Aug. 24)

I’m sad for our country to have a man diminish an office we look to to guide our country to prosperity and safety. Washington, Lincoln, the Roosevelts: these men of legacy represent the best of who we are as a united country.

Now, we have a man whose legacy is unlike the others. His besmirches the presidential office, and its tentacles of distrust reach out from there to every political office in America. Trump could have been a man of esteem — a statesman, perhaps a negotiator in the Ukrainian war. Instead, he is being booked on criminal charges; fingerprinted and having his mugshot taken.

We cannot let the disgrace of this man replace the pride we have for our country, and our unity as Americans. Together, we must remember our democracy and freedoms are who we are, and they will be defended to any person or country that tries to take them away.

Gary J. Freiberg

Los Osos


Halt further damage

SLO County under flood watch as another storm rolls in. Here’s what the forecast shows,” (, March 13)

Let’s park 262 RVs on six acres in the Salinas River flood plain in Atascadero, right where hikers, horse riders, bicyclers, dog walkers, bird watchers and nature lovers enter the historic De Anza trail along the river.

The planning commission OK’d this plan on July 18 without any review of its recreational or environmental impacts, and without looking for other suitable sites in town, giving it a “categorical exemption” from the California Environmental Quality Act.

Two appeals have been filed opposing this project, and they will be heard by the city council on September 26. The Salinas River habitat for the beavers, fish, birds, trees and plants living there has already been degraded by years of trash, illegal dumping, off-road vehicles and pollution.

Three of the seven planning commissioners voted to deny this project because it’s either inconsistent with the current General Plan’s Open Space Policy or with the goals for its updated version due in a few months. One vote gave this plan its approval. Together, we can halt further damage to this precious source of life, water, recreation and beauty.

David Broadwater


Remembering Camilo

California Democrats have long failed to tax guns, ammunition. Could this year be different?” (, Aug. 23)

I strongly support the passage of Assembly Bill 28, which will tax gun manufacturers to provide ongoing funds for programs including community violence intervention, school mental health and support for victims of gun violence. Gun manufacturers are making record profits, and they should help mitigate the damage their products cause.

Yes, it would be a bold action for California, but hopefully it will help us lead the way to solving our country’s gun violence epidemic. I started volunteering with Everytown after my only child, Camilo, was killed in a random shooting while out celebrating after completing paramedic school.

We all know it could be any one of us — anywhere and at any time.

Clare Senchyna


Gun violence

California Democrats have long failed to tax guns, ammunition. Could this year be different?” (, Aug. 23)

California must pass Assembly Bill 28, a transformational bill for our state. As a survivor of gun violence, this bill means a lot to me. AB 28 includes $2.5 million in funding for the Office of Emergency Services which will provide counseling and trauma-informed support services to victims of mass shootings and people who have experienced chronic exposure to community gun violence.

Too many Californians know firsthand the impact of gun violence. Supportive services in the aftermath of violence are essential. As communities, families, survivors and taxpayers, we all bear the enormous costs associated with gun violence, whether we own a firearm or not. This bill can bring down those costs by funding proven prevention programs.

Liz Russell


Another perspective

Time zone doomed West Coast college football conference,” (, Aug. 21)

I live in the coveted Eastern Time Zone described by Opinion Writer Tom Philp and I can assure you that I much prefer watching Fresno vs. Boise State on the blue turf, or the exciting San Diego State — in the late Saturday slot — to Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State or Michigan squash their hapless opponents.

Cal and Stanford shouldn’t fly the coop when fresh marketing and innovative streaming ventures could expand West Coast football in 2024 and beyond.

Adam Silbert

New York, NY