I had to move my grandkid out of Missouri because of politicians’ cruel anti-trans law | Opinion

Family torn apart

An open letter to Gov. Mike Parson:

I was born and raised in Missouri. I taught school here for 20 years and raised my four sons here because my family saw it as a place we could call home. I no longer feel that way.

This Sunday, as we cooked out on the grill for what would normally have been a family gathering, I was pretty close to tears. I think about what you and your administration signed behind closed doors.

We just returned from taking my third son, his new wife and three of my wonderful grandchildren to another state to live. Your senseless new law prevented my beautiful transgender granddaughter from following the care of trusted physicians here who provided her services for the past eight years, and you turned her future over to ignorant politicians. My family no longer felt welcome or safe. (Aug. 27, 2A, “Judge won’t stop restrictions on gender-affirming care”)

As you and your fellow Republicans gather with your families, I want you to remember all the things you have robbed from my future: hugs, walks, school events, overnights and a chance to be an integral part of their lives. I guess you believe that forcing us to communicate with our grandchildren via video chat represents the family values agenda all Missouri residents deserve.

- Mary Sasser, Columbia

A transit great

A longtime leader in Kansas City’s highway transportation history passed away Aug. 23. George Satterlee was the Missouri Department of Transportation’s Kansas City district engineer for many years. He served eight years as director of public works for Kansas City, then worked as a consultant with HNTB. (Aug. 27, 25A, Obituaries)

George was a loving husband, an exceptional family man, a dedicated engineering professional and a respected mentor to many. George may have done more than anyone else in the second half of the 20th century to shape Kansas City’s excellent highway transportation system.

Our city is a better place because of George. Our world is a lesser place with his passing. He will be fondly remembered by all who were privileged to know him.

- Joseph Fahey, Kansas City

Picture perfect

The only thing missing from Donald Trump’s booking mugshot is Richard Nixon’s famous quote above his head: “I’m not a crook!”

- Dolores Hart, Richmond, Missouri

Royal question

Sportswriter Jaylon Thompson opines that Cole Ragans could develop into the Royals’ next pitching ace. (Aug. 25, 5B, “Could Ragans develop into the next Royals ace?”)

Pray tell, who was the Royals’ last pitching ace?

- Mike Brown, Kansas City

Solar woes

The Star’s editorial on Evergy was on the spot but missed an important item. (Aug. 24, 10A, “New ‘time-based’ Evergy rates could cost Missouri”)

Several years ago, Evergy encouraged users to purchase solar panels to help Evergy avoid the need to build additional power plants. The promise was that Evergy would credit us for any power we generated for them. Many of us spent thousands of dollars to help Evergy, and we knew it would take 12 to 15 years to recover our costs.

Now Evergy is going to charge higher rates to everyone during peak hours, but the utility is going to credit solar users at the lower off-peak hour rate, not the peak rate when we generate the most power for the grid.

This is a scam directed at those of us who agreed to help Evergy.

- Ken Landes, Blue Springs

Out of sight

The evidence we’ve seen so far, along with his lawyers’ feeble rebuttals and rationalizations, suggest Donald Trump is guilty on all counts. Failure to send him to jail would be a failure of the American legal system. (Aug. 29, 5A, “Trump’s federal obstruction trial scheduled for March”)

As long as he hangs around, he will be a thorn in American society and our government, as well as a threat to our Constitution. I hope true American patriots will shortly remove him from our midst.

- Bill Mason, Lansing