Are you having trouble accessing the Tarrant Appraisal District website? Take our survey

The Tarrant Appraisal District website has been experiencing technical difficulty for months. Now, with the commencement of property tax season, some homeowners are unable to log in to their accounts.

Are you experiencing technical difficulties? Please fill out the survey below.

Rumblings of potential trouble with online protests came to a head when the subject was put on the agenda of the TAD board’s March meeting.

Before the March meeting, the Star-Telegram reached out to the Appraisal Review Board about this topic when it appeared on the agenda.

“I wouldn’t be able to comment on that at this time. You might try me later,” said board chair Nancy Sharpe.

Chief appraiser Jeff Law answered, “It is our plan to have the online protest available and I believe the plan will work.”

Problems with the agency’s computer system were listed as reasoning for issuing a “letter of repair” to Law earlier this month.

The letter gives Law 90 days to complete 11 tasks, including, “ensure that all Tarrant Appraisal District computer systems and website work properly and in compliance with statutory requirements and that any deficiencies are fixed in a timely manner and are communicated with the public.”

If you would like to share your experience with the TAD website, email Jess Hardin at