Heads up: Clipper system to bring messy, active weather week to Ontario

Heads up: Clipper system to bring messy, active weather week to Ontario

Ontario is looking ahead to a stretch of changeable weather into next week as a duo of storms moving in from the west brings gusty winds, swingy temperatures, and the whole spectrum of precipitation.

The first system is a bothersome clipper that began life drenching B.C. before bringing wintry weather to the Prairies into the weekend. Our next low will arrive later in the week with the potential for more precipitation and another temperature swing.

MUST SEE: Canada's November outlook: A smooth transition or a free fall into winter?

Clipper brings warm, gusty winds and showers to southern Ontario

We’ll begin to feel the effects of an Alberta clipper pushing into the northern Great Lakes region late Sunday into the day Monday.


Blustery conditions and warmer temperatures will spread over southern Ontario on Monday as southerly winds pull into the heart of the clipper as it tracks over cottage country.

Wind gusts of 70+ km/h will be possible at times on Monday, especially near the shores of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay.

SEE ALSO: Canada’s cold air brings Mexico some of Earth’s most violent winds

The good news, though, is that these gusty winds will bring in warmer-than-normal temperatures from south of the border. Daytime highs on Monday will come in as much as 3-6 degrees warmer than usual for southwestern Ontario and the Greater Toronto Area.


Rain will begin to push into southern Ontario late Monday as the bulk of the clipper moves into the region. Heavier precipitation is likely closer to cottage country and eastern Ontario—and the precipitation may even start off as snow toward Ottawa and Montreal.

Temperatures will fall behind a cold front as the clipper moves off to the east, with Tuesday on track to come in about 10 degrees cooler than Monday.

Cottage country, Nickel Belt expect snow as the clipper arrives

This clipper will prove messier for folks farther north, where cold air hanging tight will make this a heavy snow event for portions of cottage country and the Nickel Belt.


Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) issued widespread special weather statements on Saturday to advise residents of the likelihood of heavy snow on Sunday night into Monday.

“Snow is forecast to develop Sunday night and then quickly become heavy early Monday morning,” ECCC said in its statement for Timmins.

Some particularly treacherous routes include Highway 17 near Dryden and along Highway 11 between Geraldton and Kapuskasing, where up to 20 cm of snow is forecast to fall locally.

Warmer temperatures nudging into cottage country will allow snow to transition over to rain for some by Monday morning. But anyone across the region expecting heavy snowfall can expect slick roads and slow travel overnight Sunday into Monday.

N ON Snow
N ON Snow

Uncertainty lingers as midweek storm eyes Ontario

We’ll catch a quick break as cooler air settles over Ontario for the middle of the week while the pattern reloads and sends another wave of disturbances heading east by Thursday.


A Colorado low will move over the Great Lakes at the same time as a clipper pushing in from the Prairies. Computer models are struggling a bit with the complex interaction between these two systems, as one system dominating over the other will have big implications for Ontario's weather.

Either way, this looks like it could be a more impactful snow event in northern Ontario, with the potential for prolonged freezing rain in central Ontario.

ONPrecip Thu
ONPrecip Thu

It doesn’t look like a winter weather event for the Greater Toronto Area right now, but forecasters will closely monitor the southern extent of snow and freezing rain to see how close it gets to the region.

Stay with The Weather Network and check back frequently in the days ahead for the latest on this midweek system and how it may affect your community and your travels this week.

WATCH: How powerful Canadian cold fronts can produce some of Earth’s most violent winds

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