Heat warning prompts school closures in parts of Quebec

Tuesday and Wednesday will be particularly hot with temperatures possibly exceeding 30 C and humidex values ranging from 37 to 42. (Evan Mitsui/CBC - image credit)
Tuesday and Wednesday will be particularly hot with temperatures possibly exceeding 30 C and humidex values ranging from 37 to 42. (Evan Mitsui/CBC - image credit)

The sweltering weather blanketing most of Quebec has triggered the closure of schools in the western and southern parts of the province.

Environment Canada issued a heat warning Monday for much of the province, with hot and humid weather forecast to last until Friday.

One school service centre in the Outaouais region has decided to close because of the high temperatures.

In a notice sent to parents and posted on Facebook Monday, the Centre de services scolaire au Cœur-des-Vallées (CSSCV) said it is closing all of its primary and secondary schools (23 establishments) as well as daycare services on Tuesday due to the weather forecast.

Vocational and adult training centres will remain open.

Tuesday and Wednesday will be particularly hot with temperatures possibly exceeding 30 C and humidex values ranging from 37 to 42.

Meanwhile, a Boucherville high school in the Montérégie region announced it will also close its doors Tuesday. De Mortagne High School says the intense heat, but also a boil-water advisory still in effect and ongoing construction work, led to the decision.

The Centre de services scolaire des Patriotes (CSSP) made the announcement on its website Monday evening.

"The situation will be assessed again at 4 p.m. [Tuesday]," the alert reads.

Environment Canada warns that young children, pregnant women, older adults, people with chronic illnesses and people working or exercising outdoors have higher health risks in this weather.

It recommends people drink plenty of water and stay in a cool place.