Ky’s election is getting close and voters have many thoughts about it | Opinion

Susan Lamb

Susan Lamb is the ideal candidate for Fayette County Clerk. Prior to her appointment to this position in January 2023, she had experience in this office as the council clerk. A beloved leader, she served four terms as District 4 council representative.

Susan manages with an air of quiet calmness and competency. She prides herself on being fair, honest and ethical. She is organized, has been intent on learning the vast intricacies of this job which includes car, boat, motorcycle taxes, transfers and relicensing, marriage and property records, all aspects of elections including voter registration, voting, election office training, running an election and tabulating election results.

Susan has already implemented three days of early voting at four areas (previously there was only one option), the Lexington Sr. Citizens Center, and the Tate’s Creek, Northside and Eastside libraries on Nov. 2,3, and 4. Additionally people can vote by requesting a ballot in the mail or by voting at the county clerk’s office for six days in late October and early November for a qualified reason.

Susan has a handle on this position, loves her job and is the obvious choice for Fayette County Clerk.

Mary Diane Hanna, Fayette County Judge/Executive

Adrielle Camuel

Recently, Adrielle Camuel, candidate for the House’s 93rd District, knocked on my door. It’s rare when we see a candidate (or elected representative) in the neighborhood. I asked her in, questioning her about important issues, that she fully answered.

Adrielle grew up, was schooled in Morehead, and has a BA and an MA in political science from the University of Louisville. Going on 14 years, she has served as an administrative professional for the Fayette County Public Schools, working on challenges facing diverse family backgrounds, finding common ground to solve problems.

She also was communicating with Kentucky legislators about issues in the lives of families, seeking out legislators who would better serve the citizens who elected them.

It’s a plus for voters that we have an education professional who understands and can represent interests and values in Central as well as Eastern Kentucky.

I ask citizens in the House’s 93rd District to vote for Adrielle Camuel in the upcoming elections so we can have the representative/representation that we need and deserve.

Ramona Rush, Lexington

More Camuel

Adrielle Camuel is a candidate committed to Kentucky. A product of public education and alongtime employee of Fayette County Public Schools, Adrielle is a fierce advocate and protector of public education. She knows it’s the key to our state’s success.

Camuel identifies with the challenges Kentuckians face. As the daughter of small business owners, she recognizes the need for policies friendly to business owners and employees. As business owners, her parents encountered difficulty obtaining insurance, which is why she supports healthcare for all and allowing individuals to make their own healthcare decisions.

Camuel is a compassionate leader committed to uplifting all Kentuckians. She knows when all people have opportunities to succeed, society as a whole wins. Adrielle will always defend those marginalized or mistreated.

Those in House District 93 will truly benefit from Adrielle’s experience, qualifications, passion, and leadership. With undergraduate and graduate degrees in political science and experience supporting political candidates statewide, Camuel is ready to lead. She will listen to constituents and find solutions that benefit everyone. Her tagline says it best: “It’s not about me. It’s about us.” I urge you to vote for Adrielle Camuel on Nov. 7.

Heather VanDemark, Lexington

And more

Adrielle Camuel is an outstanding candidate for the position of Kentucky State Representative for Lexington’s 93rd district. I am confident in Adrielle’s ability to represent and fight for the issues that matter most. I had the pleasure of working with Adrielle for many years and know her passion for serving her community and helping others. She is honest, trustworthy, hardworking, and dedicated - all traits we want in an elected official. She will be an active voice and will fight for all Kentuckians and I confidently recommend her as the best choice for Lexington’s 93rd district State Representative.

Ketsy Fields, Winchester

Daniel Cameron

Nero played a fiddle. Whether true or not, it’s not the whole story. Daniel Cameron tells us that Gov. Andy Beshear closed the schools. Now that is true, but it’s hardly the whole story either. Cameron and the Fauci haters don’t want us to remember the very uneasy months before the vaccine as the death toll approached 100,000 and hospitals were on the verge of collapse. No, we’re supposed to forget the parents, teachers and other school personnel in panic at the possibility of Covid raging through crowded and poorly vented schoolrooms. We’ll never know how many lives were saved; lives now behind in math, but at least able to count their blessings.

Chaos and hate are the news of the day, but this charge against Beshear really steams my eyeglasses. And not just for the discredit of those who had to make difficult and unpopular decisions at a time of great fear and uncertainty. It also roils my gizzards that it ignores the life-risking efforts of healthcare workers and EMT’s. Their courage and dedication shame these schemers who stop at nothing to slander good people whose only sin is caring for one another.

Ernest Henninger, Lexington

Intersex ignorance

Daniel Cameron and his campaign staff apparently are unfamiliar with the medical condition Intersex — sometimes called Hermaphroditism. Intersex is a group of medical conditions where there’s a genetic discrepancy between the external and the internal genitals of newborns. The most common is where internally one set of sex organs develop while on the exterior the other set of sex organs emerge. Also, sometimes fully developed males can be born with female breasts. Mother nature can play very nasty genetic tricks on children. For persons who are Intersex, life is very difficult in our society, and too many commit suicide later in life because of the situation. Cameron thinks that Kentucky sex change surgeries are at someone’s woke convenience whim. Actually, Intersex surgeries are attempts to ameliorate imbalances to permit the afflicted to live as normal of a life as possible.

For decades, yes decades, advanced Kentucky hospitals that performed these surgeries did so very, very, very quietly because of the sex charged emotions of “unknowledgeable” Frankfort politicians and overexcited theologians. Cameron is callously taking advantage of Intersex people in his political ads. Please vote for honesty in November and vote down uneducated opportunists.

Gene Lockhart, Lexington


According to his TV ads, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron apparently believes that Gov. Andy Beshear’s cooperative relationship with President Joe Biden is bad for Kentucky.

Biden visited Kentucky in the wake of the Eastern Kentucky floods, bringing much needed financial aid. Biden came to Western Kentucky following the devastating tornadoes, and he came to Northern Kentucky to announce billions in funding for the new Brent Spence Bridge over the Ohio River.

How is this a bad thing? Does Cameron believe that a hostile, antagonistic relationship with the most powerful man in the free world is somehow preferable to a friendly relationship?

Cameron lacks good judgement. Vote Beshear.

Dave Cooper, Lexington


A hero is someone you admire for their courage, outstanding achievements and/or noble qualities. It appears Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s hero is former President Donald Trump.

Mr. Cameron, I ask you, what examples of courage, outstanding achievement or noble qualities has Trump exhibited, in your opinion? Would it be the insurrection he led on Jan. 6? Lying about the threat of COVID? Bragging about grabbing women by the vagina? Pressuring an attorney general (your job) to find 11,780 votes to overturn an election? Attacking election workers personally to further the BIG LIE that an election was stolen? Sharing classified national security secrets with anyone? Storing boxes of highly classified documents in the bathroom of a country club? Attempting to extort the Ukraine government? Considering those who serve in the armed forces “suckers”? Declaring “good people on both sides” including the KKK? Cozying up with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers? Subverting democracy? Attacking the press? Or is it the two impeachments, four indictments, 91 felony counts?

The war on coal? Mitch must be proud.

Beshear is correct - you will say anything to get elected. SAD!

Tim Unger, Lexington

Police support

In a recent TV ad for Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s campaign for governor, Cameron brags about being endorsed by former President Donald Trump, who tried to have the results of the last presidential election overturned by force.

In another ad, Cameron claims to support police officers and brags about being endorsed by the Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police. Those 138 Capitol Police Officers injured during the trump-inspired insurrection attempt on January 6 must not count for anything in Cameron’s eyes.

Greg Kring, Lexington

Trump endorsement

Where else but Kentucky does a man holding the highest law enforcement position in the state brag about having the endorsement of a man who has 91 criminal indictments. You can’t make this stuff up.

Bob Sutton, Springfield

Political Ads

Surely all of us will rejoice when this election is over because it ends our constant bombardment of political tv ads. Historically, there have been some doozies, so I didn’t expect this current crop to be better. However, I admit to being somewhat surprised to learn that President Joe Biden is running for Kentucky’s governorship. He has been transformed of late by the Republican Party spokesmen from a doddering senile old grandpa into an all-powerful puppeteer plotting all sorts of malevolence for our economy and our children!

While there are many contenders for the worst ad this go-round, there is a recent one that leaves me not knowing whether to laugh or cry. We see Kentucky Attorney General Cameron proudly lauding that he is THE Trump candidate and pairs that support as proof of his law and order mindset. I can’t believe the irony. The multiply-indicted former President Donald Trump? The Trump found guilty of sexual assault? The Trump whose lawyers are daily pleading guilty to lying for him? The Trump who watched the Jan. 6 insurrection that almost killed the Vice President as if it were a tv show? Really?

My ad? “Vote for sanity. Vote Beshear.”

Janice Russell, Lexington

Compiled by LIz Carey