Legacy Farm Project to create local documentary

The Legacy Farm Project is announcing the development of a documentary, in partnership with the Western District Historical Society with a focus on the history of the Legacy Barn.

“The documentary is being produced by Wanda Reinhold here in Wheatland County and so she is our lead on the production team,” said Scott Silva, director of business development for the Legacy Farm Project. “We are working directly with the Western District Historical Society, as it is their principal project with the focus on historical barns. We are able to cultivate a lot of information and historical data from them, but what is also great is we have the Town of Strathmore involved, and also Wheatland County.”

Silva explained the two municipalities will be contributing both finances and resources to aiding in the production of the project.

Additionally, a portal will be opened on the Legacy Farm Project website in order for local residents and historical enthusiasts to also be able to get involved with the production.

“That really is what makes up the foundation of this documentary … it is community based, it is collaborative, and it is about collecting these ideas, these thoughts, these memories, and this historical data and really putting it into this documentary for everyone to enjoy,” said Silva. “On (our website), you are going to see everything about the project – what is going on… on that webpage (we) are going to have a tab where you submit your thoughts or tell us a little bit about your story about the project.”

Information, literature, videos, photos, stories, and any other relevant information and media may all be submitted digitally.

Silva added as the Legacy Farm Project continues to grow and develop, the team will be actively seeking volunteers, as well as new members to support their programming.

“One of the main items we are looking at is cultivating a program director to really program not only the educational component, but the entire experiences for families, for entertainment, and future development of what is the Legacy Farm experience,” he said.

The intention is to begin filming of the documentary later this year, though Silva did not provide an exact date. Similarly, it will likely not be ready for review until the end of the year or into 2025.

Filming intends to begin right away, and the Legacy Farm website will be updated to accept public submissions roughly by the end of May.

John Watson, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Strathmore Times