Letters to the Editor: Beware of false prophets

Being a veteran, it’s unbelievable to me how any true patriot can display the American flag and rationalize support for a despicable sexual predator, criminal and traitor like President Bone Spurs.

What kind of logic says it’s acceptable for a president to: divulge classified intelligence to Russians in the White House; prostitute himself before the world by praising Vladimir Putin at Helsinki; constantly praise dictators of the world and encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell you want” with countries delinquent in their payments to NATO?

How can a veteran support a presidential candidate who denigrates John McCain’s time as a POW and deceased veterans as “suckers and losers”?

It sickens me to know that any American would support a traitor who stole government secrets, hid them from the government and probably sold them to his love letter friends Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jung Un. It sickens me to know that the spineless Republican House is aiding Russia’s border expansion by denying funding for Ukraine.

Russian intelligence has been helping the Republican Party build its case for impeaching Joe Biden and trying to influence another election. Speaker Mike Johnson, Jim Jordan, James Comer and most other Republican House members are impersonating Russian assets instead of acting like members of Congress.

In the Bible, Mathew 7:15 warns, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”

Gene Robke, Carlyle

One fear

The only thing we have to fear are lies themselves. They paint a picture that creates an internal fear that the power brokers have capitalized on for generations. Their plan for the New World Order is coming together worldwide, and they realize by their control of the first world countries’ money supply they care less who makes the laws.

Except for the few brave men who spoke the truth about the evil of socialism and the poverty and death it causes, there is no pushback at the World Economic Forum in Davos. To wrench that control back into the hands of the people, will take a strong helmsman at the wheel, to declare the national debt is canceled and we return to printing our own money.

This will shock the majority, because the powers that be obliterated true history for their benefit. But the post-World War I German economic model did just that; we must duplicate it worldwide if we are to regain our sovereignty as free nations.

Yes, there will be problems but the pains for the rebirth of our nation will evaporate quickly as we have read in Holy scriptures, when a mother realizes she has brought a child into the world for her Creator.

Lee Harris, Belleville

Blood on their hands

Sadly there is little surprising about the Kansas City Super Bowl shootings.

This is from Melinda Hennenberger’s excellent column covered in the Feb. 16 BND:

“... in 2007, the Missouri legislature stopped making anyone buying a handgun go through a background check in person at their sheriff’s office.

“The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research found that in the first six years after the state repealed that requirement, Missouri’s gun homicide rate rose by 16% — even as the national rate declined by 11%. The kind of law Missouri repealed is considered the single most effective way to keep those who really shouldn’t have guns from getting them. In the decade after Connecticut passed such a law, gun murders went down by 40%.”

There is blood on the hands of every legislator who voted to pass that repeal.

If I could, I would publish the name, address and contact information of every one of them. But here is a safe bet – not one of them feels the least remorse for their complicity.

Mark Riesenberger, Mascoutah