Man dies while swimming with family members in Modesto Reservoir. Divers recover body

A 37-year-old man died while swimming in Modesto Reservoir on Tuesday afternoon, according to the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office.

Emerson Garcia-Arredondo of Oakland was visiting the reservoir with family members, who said they last saw him struggling to stay afloat and yelling for help. Garcia-Arredondo slipped under the water and was not seen alive again.

A search by the Sheriff’s Office and Modesto Fire Department was initiated. Garcia-Arredondo’s body was found about two and a half hours later, around 7 p.m., by a team of Sheriff’s Office divers.

Initial reports state that Garcia-Arredondo was trying to swim to a buoy that marks the spot swimmers should not go past, said Sgt. Veronica Esquivez. The buoy was less than 100 yards from the shore

As of Wednesday afternoon, The Stanislaus County Coroner’s Office had not determined a definitive cause of death.

“We extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the victim during this time,” reads a Sheriff’s Office Facebook post.

In the same post, the Sheriff’s Office offers several public safety tips for swimming in lakes and reservoirs:

  • Wear a life jacket as provided for free by county Parks & Recreation

  • Know your limitations when entering any body of water

  • Moderate your alcohol intake

  • Always swim with someone else who can provide help or reach out to others during an emergency.