Michael Moore calls for Walgreens boycott after pharmacy chain refuses to sell abortion pills in 21 states

Michael Moore has called for a boycott of US pharmacy chain Walgreens over the company’s refusal to sell abortion pills in 21 states.

Last week, the retailer announced that it would no longer be selling mifepristone, the first of two medications necessary for a medication abortion, in 20 US states. The news follows the overturning of Roe v Wade in the US in June 2022.

Medication abortion is the most common kind of abortion in the US and is currently legal in 37 states – including states where the retailer will no longer offer the medication.

On Monday (6 March), Bowling for Columbine director Moore shared a blog post on his Substack titled: “Boycott Walgreens, a Pharmacy that Stands with Anti-Abortion Extremists Against the Rights of Women.”

In the post, the filmmaker accused the pharmacy chain of “caving in to threats from the extremist anti-abortion/Forced Birth movement”.

“This decision by Walgreens to further cement women’s status as second-class citizens must be met forcefully by each and every one of us,” he wrote. “Every day of our silence since last Thursday is another day of you and I enabling this bigotry and misogyny.

“Please join with me and others in a NATIONWIDE BOYCOTT OF WALGREENS. They must reverse their decision immediately. They must acknowledge that nearly 70 per cent of all Americans believe this legal prescription [should] be made easily available to all women — and that the vast majority of Americans still support Roe v Wade.”

Moore called for a boycott on his blog (Getty Images)
Moore called for a boycott on his blog (Getty Images)

He continued: “I ask you to please make your voice heard. Contact your local reproductive rights group, women’s group, or connect nationally… Let Walgreens know you have stopped shopping there. Let the other pharmaceutical chains know you’ll do the same to them if they follow Walgreens’ lead.

“Picket your local Walgreens. Tell the White House to stand strong, and let your members of Congress know this is one of your top issues in deciding how you will vote next year. WE are the Majority.”

The Independent has contacted Walgreens for comment.

On Monday (6 March), governor of California Gavin Newsom said that the state was “done” with Walgreens following their decision.

“California won’t be doing business with @walgreens – or any company that cowers to the extremists and puts women’s lives at risk,” he tweeted. “We’re done.”

In February, Republican attorney generals of 20 states signed a letter to Walgreens threatening the company over its distribution of mifepristone. These are the same 20 states the retailer will no longer sell the drug in.

Businesses have faced pressure from anti-abortion groups who are seeking to fully cut off abortion access following last June’s Supreme Court ruling.