Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Tudor Dixon facing off in second gubernatorial debate: recap

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and GOP challenger Tudor Dixon squared off over abortion, public schools, COVID-19 mandates, gun regulation and Michigan's famously rutted roads Tuesday in the second – and final - debate before the Nov. 8 election.

With polls between the two suggesting a nip-and-tuck contest, both candidates aggressively went after each other in a last-minute effort to woo any Michiganders who have yet to make up their mind in one of the nation’s most watched gubernatorial contests. 

Whitmer, seeking a second term, criticized Dixon as a divisive force who can't be trusted, warning the state would regress if her opponent won.

"Are we going to go backwards or are we going to drive together toward the future," Whitmer said. “I say, let’s step on the accelerator." Whitmer  accused her opponent of dividing Michiganders.

“She stokes violence, spreads conspiracy theories, even attacks working women and teachers,” she said of Dixon in her closing statement.

Dixon, in her closing statement, criticized her opponent of “carelessness” and “hypocrisy.”

“You’ve all felt the pain of her failure and you deserve better,” Dixon told viewers in her closing statements.

More: Watch replay: Whitmer, Dixon in second Michigan governor debate on October 25

More: Abortion, voting and COVID-19: Why we're eyeing these 10 governor's races in 2022 midterms

Dixon also called the governor an advocate for a "radical, progressive social agenda" who's responsible for the backsliding of Michigan public schools.

As it has in many other battleground states, abortion took center stage.

Whitmer vowed to support Proposal 3 on the ballot this fall that would enshrine the right to abortion access, while Dixon accused the Democrat of having a "radical opinion of abortion" with no restrictions on the procedure.

The race is a stark contrast between Dixon, a MAGA Republican endorsed by former president Donald Trump, and Whitmer who, like other Democrats running this fall, must weather rocky terrain from high inflation and President Joe Biden’s low approval ratings.

More: John Fetterman, Mehmet Oz spar in Pennsylvania US Senate debate on abortion, crime, frankcing: recap

Thanks mostly to backlash over her enforcement of strict COVID-19 rules, Whitmer was a top target for Republicans at the beginning of this year.

But after several Republican gubernatorial contenders were kicked off the primary ballot for their participation in a voter roll fraud scandal, and another well-polling candidate was arrested for allegedly participating in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack, the state GOP settled on Dixon who's seen as an underdog because of her ties to Trump.

Whitmer currently leads Dixon by nearly 8 percentage points, an average of recent polls by analysis site FiveThirtyEight shows.

Michigan gubernatorial debate: Whitmer and Dixon portray each other as radical, 'dangerous'

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Dixon slams Whitmer's governorship in closing remarks

“You’ve all felt the pain of her failure and you deserve better,” Dixon told viewers in her closing statements.

Dixon used much of the time in her final remarks to criticize her opponent, who she said is guilty of “carelessness” and “hypocrisy.”

“We would look at her governorship as a disappointment,” Dixon said, before adding that voters have “another choice” by electing her as governor.

In addressing crime and job loss, Dixon promised to put money back in Michigan people’s pockets, along with building safer communities and more reliable roads.

- Savannah Kuchar

Whitmer’s closing statement: Dixon ‘stokes violence, spreads conspiracy theories’

In her closing statement, Whitmer said she can’t help but think of her own kids when she thinks about the future of Michigan.

In a second term, Whitmer said she will stay focused on helping Michiganders find good-paying jobs with secure retirement, attend great schools, feel safe in their community free from discrimination, and allow residents to make their own decisions about their bodies.

She claimed her opponent is more focused on dividing Michiganders.

“She stokes violence, spreads conspiracy theories, even attacks working women and teachers,” she said of Dixon.

- Rachel Looker

Dixon rebuts Whitmer's claim about school closings

In her rebuttal, Dixon criticized Whitmer for saying that schools in Michigan were closed for three months.

“Perhaps she wasn’t paying attention,” Dixon said about her opponent, adding that: “test scores show she’s being dishonest.”

Under an executive order, Whitmer kept schools closed from March 2020 through the end of that school year. The decision to hold classes virtually or in person at the start of the 2020-2021 school year was largely made by the districts.

- Savannah Kuchar 

Dixon: legislation sometimes has 'unintended consequences'

Dixon said that the state's insurance rates were too high, noting that people in Detroit couldn't afford car insurance and were spending thousands to drive.

"Sometimes legislation has unintended consequences. We've seen this with this legislation," Dixon said before turning it against Whitmer. "In fact the governor knew there was going to be a lawsuit when she decided to give away the catastrophic injury fund and give $400 checks back to everybody in Michigan."

- Sarah Elbeshbishi

Dixon accuses Whitmer of offering taxpayer money to 'China'

Dixon warned voters to "be careful of where all of your dimes go" under Whitmer, accusing her of offering millions of Michigan taxpayer money to a Chinese corporation to come to the state and refuting Whitmer's claims that she's keeping automotive jobs to Michigan.

- Sarah Elbeshbishi

Dixon: Whitmer ‘had no plan’ to improve roads

Dixon said if she is elected as governor, she will make sure there is a plan to improve roads.

She said when Whitmer previously ran for governor, her only plan involved raising the gas tax. She said when Whitmer received road funding by the legislature, she vetoed it.

“This was a tantrum because she didn’t get her road funding,” Dixon said.

- Rachel Looker 

Dixon questions when the roads will be fixed

Dixon asked Whitmer when will it be a priority to finish the roads before noting that she's had five flat tires this year on "these roads."

She called the roads a "total disaster" and said that they're costing Michigander's $5,000 a year in road repair before calling Whitmer's other promises "failures."

- Sarah Elbeshbishi

Whitmer does not support COVID vaccine requirement for kids

Whitmer said she does not support requiring the COVID vaccine for children.

She recalled how she made quick decisions as governor to save lives, while her opponent was sowing conspiracy theories about masks and vaccines, she said.

“It’s that kind of foolishness that actually endangers people,” she said, claiming if Dixon was governor during the pandemic, thousands of more people would have died.

- Rachel Looker 

Whitmer on libraries, parent involvement in schools

Whitmer acknowledged parents' rights to understand what schools are teaching and that they should be a part of the discussion, which is happening at the local level.

The governor also said that children should feel accepted and safe when they're at school, saying she doesn't believe it has to be one or the other.

She called politicians trying to turn communities against one another "dangerous" and "selffish."

- Sarah Elbeshbishi

Whitmer on infrastructure

Whitmer highlighted the improvements to Michigan's roads and infrastructure under her administration, noting that they are working against years of disinvestments.

Whitmer also emphasized the impact of fixing infrastructure on the state's economy, public safety and general investment in Michigan's future.

- Sarah Elbeshbishi

Whitmer responds to Dixon: 'That's just not true'

In her rebuttal on education, Whitmer said the state has made a historical investment in education and has laid the groundwork for Michigan to become a top-10 state when it comes to literacy.

Whitmer said that if Dixon is elected, she would take $500 million out of the school system. The Michigan governor vetoed legislation in 2021 that was similar to an initiative backed by former U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos that included funding for private tuition, commonly referred to as vouchers.

Whitmer said the legislation would have reduced state revenue by $500 million each year and said it could turn “private schools into tax shelters for the wealthy,” according to ChalkBeat, a news site that covers education issues.

- Sarah Elbeshbishi

Dixon takes on first education question

Dixon said that Michigan is among the bottom 10 states regarding the public school system.

She noted that the state received its test scores for 4th and 8th graders, saying the state is doing "horribly" in reading and math for those grades.

- Sarah Elbeshbishi

Dixon says Whitmer 'crushed' Michigan's economy

“She crushed our economy,” Dixon said, accusing her opponent of causing 3,000 restaurants to “die” and never come back amid the pandemic.

Dixon also charged Whitmer with causing unneeded deaths of senior citizens in the state during COVID-19.

- Savannah Kuchar

Whitmer emphasizes her spending on law enforcement

Whitmer emphasized the importance of addressing crime, acknowledging how police put their lives on the line every day.

She said the state has earmarked more than $1 billion to law enforcement to recruit, train and provide wrap-a-round services to law enforcement officers.

- Rachel Looker 

Dixon responds to question on retirement taxes

In her response to a question about retirement taxes, Dixon noted that increasing the exemption for retirement taxes went to Whitmer's desk and was vetoed by the governor.

Dixon, again, recalled Whitmer saying that eliminating the retirement tax was her top priority during a 2018 debate.

- Sarah Elbeshbishi

Dixon responds on Narcan

Dixon said Narcan is “obviously very important.”

She added that the state government needs to also focus on getting drug dealers off the street to reduce the number of deaths.

- Savannah Kuchar

Whitmer on expanding health care access

Asked about the opioid crisis, Whitmer talked about expanding health care access, mentioning her mother who died of brain cancer.

Whitmer said a million more people have access because of her work as governor so far.

She said putting more resources into addiction treatment is “so incredibly important,” adding that the state has made progress but still has work to do.

- Savannah Kuchar

More: Five takeaways from Florida governor race debate between Ron DeSantis and Charlie Crist

Dixon's positive comment on Whitmer: Her daughters

When asked on what positive comment she can make about Whitmer, Dixon said that Whitmer "always talks about her daughters," something she thinks is important as a mother with daughters herself.

Dixon also noted that Whitmer has "fought for women," saying that she "loves" that about the current governor.

- Sarah Elbeshbishi

Whitmer: Positive trait about Dixon is she is a working mom

When asked to say something positive about her opponent, Whitmer said she knows how hard it is to raise kids and run for office and applauds any woman, like Dixon, who puts herself out there and can balance the pressures of working moms.

“I think moms’ voices are important,” she said.

- Rachel Looker 

Whitmer on no-fault auto insurance

When asked what she will do to help survivors in cases of no-fault auto insurance, Whitmer said she is working to address Michigan’s historically highest insurance rates in the country.

“Now people can make that choice,” Whitmer said about new legislation letting Michigan residents choose their level of insurance. She said they have already seen rates come down.

- Savannah Kuchar

Whitmer: Dixon ‘ill prepared’ to be governor

Whitmer slammed Dixon as “ill prepared” to be governor.

In her rebuttal, she said the governor doesn’t decide for the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association what the checks are going to be.

- Rachel Looker

Whitmer: ‘Historic process’ on economic development

“We are making historic process when it comes to economic development,” Whitmer said, citing programs to build long-range batteries. She claims Dixon worked against economic development incentives.

“If she was governor, none of those projects would be happening,” Whitmer said.

- Rachel Looker 

Whitmer and the Chamber of Commerce

Whitmer said she is grateful for the state’s chamber of commerce endorsement. She said it is because of their work to create an office of rural development, devoted to increasing broadband.

Whitmer said 23,000 homes have already been added online.

“What we can’t afford is someone who’s going to take political potshots instead of rolling up their sleeves,” Whitmer said.

--Savannah Kuchar

Dixon on gas tax

Dixon said that the lack of increased gas tax in Michigan is due to her running mate, not Whitmer.

Dixon recalled Whitmer saying she wouldn't raise the gas tax in 2018 to pay for roads, the GOP candidate accused the current governor of doing just that when she got into office.

-Sarah Elbeshbishi

Whitmer on rebuilding the state

In her rebuttal, Whitmer chose not to directly address Dixon’s comments, instead discussing how she plans to rebuild the state.

Whitmer mentioned specific projects she says are up next, saying the state is making progress already.

“It doesn’t end,” Whitmer said. “But we’re making headway and we’ve got to put our foot on the gas.”

- Savannah Kuchar

Dixon on 'inappropriate content' in libraries

Dixon said the biggest concern she hears from parents is “inappropriate content” in libraries, specifically sexual or pornographic content.

“What these parents are talking about are not textbooks that will help children learn about themselves,” but rather Dixon said books that describe “how to have sex.”

- Savannah Kuchar

Whitmer: ‘I’m trying to keep our kids safe’

Whitmer said the policies Dixon has proposed for keeping kids safe in schools — such as one place of entry and armed guards — still leaves students in danger, referencing a recent shooting this week.

“We’ve been trying that for 30 years and it’s not working,” she said.

She said it’s time to try proven policies like background checks, secure storage and red flag laws.

“I’m not talking about hunting, I’m trying to keep our kids safe,” Whitmer said.

- Rachel Looker 

Whitmer on inflation

Whitmer said the world is experiencing inflation, not just the country and a governor can't fix global inflation. However, Whitmer said, she can put "more money" in voters' pockets.

The current governor noted that through a bipartisan effort, the state was able to help families get free or low-cost childcare while also helping other Michiganders receive tuition free skills.

- Sarah Elbeshbishi

Dixon calls Whitmer manipulative

“How manipulative,” Dixon said in rebuttal to Whitmer’s criticism about her social media post, which Dixon said was up 29 days before the school shooting occurred.

Dixon said she has school-aged daughters “that I am concerned about every single day.”

In her response, Dixon said she wants armed security and one entry point at schools, along with ways to identify students struggling with mental health.

- Savannah Kuchar

Whitmer says she supports gun control measures

When asked about “hardening on schools,” Whitmer said, as a mom, she is furious that guns are the number one killer of children. She supports secure storage, red flag laws and background checks.

She claims Dixon’s plans for gun control are “downright dangerous.”

“She (Dixon) might think this is a joke, but I think there’s nothing funny about it,” Whitmer said.

- Rachel Looker

Dixon rebuts Whitmer's claim about school closings

In her rebuttal, Dixon criticized Whitmer for saying that schools in Michigan were closed for three months.

“Perhaps she wasn’t paying attention,” Dixon said about her opponent, adding that: “test scores show she’s being dishonest.”

- Savannah Kuchar

Dixon comments on Whitmer’s 'demeanor'

Asked about a 1931 Michigan law that criminalizes abortion, Dixon instead pivoted to her opponent’s demeanor instead. Dixon noted that Whitmer called her an election denier – which she didn’t deny but turned it against Whitmer.

Dixon asked Whitmer whether she’ll say she can’t run with Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist anymore since “he is also an election denier,” Dixon said.

Dixon is referring to when Gilchrist asked for a recount in 2017.

- Sarah Elbeshbishi

Whitmer on retirement tax: ‘It’s wrong’

When asked about repealing the retirement tax, Whitmer said the Republican legislature is preventing her from moving forward with a repeal. She said retirees deserve relief and should be able to reap the rewards of work done over a lifetime and not have to face additional taxes when on fixed income.

“It was wrong then and it is still wrong,” she said.

- Rachel Looker

More: Whitmer to call for repeal of Michigan pension tax in State of the State address

Dixon on repealing income tax over time

“This is not a radical concept,” said Dixon, citing the nine states that do not have an income tax.

“They are thriving economically,” she said, adding that her plan would help balance the budget and bring more people to the state.

- Savannah Kuchar

Whitmer on repealing the retirement tax

“I am trying to repeal the retirement tax,” Whitmer said, criticizing the Republican-controlled legislature of blocking her efforts.

She said she is hopeful with a new legislature that she will be able to accomplish this goal.

- Savannah Kuchar

Whitmer calls for more alternative energy

On the topic of rising energy costs, Whitmer said energy alternatives are even more important now, calling for more wind and solar options.

“Michigan has the number one – number one – state for clean energy jobs in the country,” Whitmer said.

-- Savannah Kuchar

Whitmer: Republican economic bills are a 'gimmick'

Responding to Dixon, Whitmer called the bills dealing with the economy by Republicans “a gimmick.”

“I don’t have time for games and I don’t think you do either,” Whitmer said to Michigan voters.

- Savannah Kuchar

Dixon ‘will accept’ if abortion is codified

If Proposal 3 passes or any court battles result in codifying abortion, Dixon said she will accept that as the will of the people.

“There are no laws that I say 'I think I’m more powerful than that',” she said.

- Rachel Looker 

Dixon: 'The people will decide' on Proposal 3

In her rebuttal on Proposal 3 (abortion referendum), Dixon said that Michiganders will decide what they want in terms of abortion rights, referring to the vote left up to Michigan voters on whether to adopt Proposal 3 to their state's constitution.

Dixon went on to say that Whitmer has the most "radical opinion of abortion" and accused Whitmer on having no restrictions on abortions.

- Sarah Elbeshbishi

Whitmer: Dixon is election denier who would undermine 'will of the people'

When asked if she would accept "the will of the people," Whitmer said: “I think that is a question that should be posed to Mrs. Dixon,” calling her opponent an election denier.

“This isn’t about me,” Whitmer said, returning to the topic of abortion and saying the discussion should be about the women in Michigan.

- Savannah Kuchar

Whitmer asked about abortion in first question

The current governor took on Proposal 3 (abortion referendum) in her first response of the night when asked how she would legislate if parts of the legislation still has to work through the courts.

Whitmer acknowledged that the proposal will guarantee the rights voters had for 40 years under Roe v. Wade, noting that it isn't currently in effect because of Whitmer's lawsuit.

- Sarah Elbeshbishi

'Cannot trust her,' Whitmer says

“You can’t trust anything she says when it comes to reproductive rights,” Whitmer said in her rebuttal, calling Dixon extreme.

She finished her response by advocating for Michigan voters to vote yes on proposal 3, which would enshrine the right to an abortion. 

- Savannah Kuchar

More: Proposal 3 on abortion access could leave questions for Michigan Supreme Court to decide

Dixon put family first in opening statement

A mother of four, Dixon focused on what she called her family-friendly plan in her opening remarks.

“As a mom I understand what it’s like to have kids locked out of school,” Dixon said.

She criticized her opponent for pushing what she called a “radical” agenda as governor and causing things like job loss and lower test scores.

Dixon called herself “another opportunity” for Michigan.

- Savannah Kuchar

Whitmer touts record as governor

In her opening statement, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said she is a proud Michigander and that she “loves the state.”

She mentioned how she was raised in a bipartisan household and referred to her record as governor focusing on safe jobs and schools, safe roads and communities, emphasizing how she’s worked across the aisle to make sure Michiganders can thrive.

“I am fighting like hell to make sure women can make their own decisions about their bodies,” she said.

Whitmer claimed her opponent, Dixon, will have divisive rhetoric and spread misinformation throughout the debate.

The big question she said, is if the state is going to go backwards or will “drive together toward the future.”

“I say, let’s step on the accelerator,” she said.

- Rachel Looker 

How to watch?

The debate will be livestreamed here beginning at 7 p.m. ET on the Detroit Free Press website and aired on local Michigan news stations.

The debate is being held held at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. It's hosted by three local news networks and the university's Center for Civic Engagement, will begin at 7 p.m. and is set to last an hour.

– Ella Lee, Rachel Looker

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Contests to watch: Abortion, voting and COVID-19: Why we're eyeing these 10 governor's races in 2022 midterms

Who is Gretchen Whitmer?

Michigan born and bred, Whitmer was elected as the state’s Democratic governor in 2018, after stints as a state representative and senator, professor at the University of Michigan and prosecutor.

Though Whitmer ran her 2018 campaign primarily on infrastructure, her 2022 reelection campaign has focused largely on her efforts to protect abortion rights in the state after the Supreme Court repealed federal protections, plus her record as governor.

Whitmer’s national profile was raised after federal authorities exposed a plot by militia members to kidnap the Michigan governor ahead of the 2020 election.

-Ella Lee; Paul Egan, Detroit Free Press

Who is Gretchen Whitmer?: 3 things to know about the Michigan Governor

Who is Tudor Dixon?

Dixon, 45, is the Republican nominee for Michigan governor. The race is “personal” for her because of COVID-19 school closures and her grandmother’s death during the pandemic. which Dixon has attributed that to the "failure to thrive" because Dixon//she// and other relatives were prohibited from visiting her under state pandemic policies, even though they were vaccinated.

Dixon has peddled former President Donald Trump’s false claims of 2020 election fraud and received his endorsement in July.

Raised in Illinois and college educated in Kentucky before moving to Michigan in 2002, Dixon was previously employed in the steel industry and in media.

– Ella Lee; Paul Egan, Detroit Free Press

What do the polls show?

Poll numbers show Whitmer leading Dixon, with the analysis site FiveThirtyEight placing Michigan's current governor nearly 8 percentage points ahead of her challenger.

Still, it appears Whitmer's strong lead has shrunk as Election Day nears. The Michigan Democrat held an averaged lead of 19 points through mid-August.

– Ella Lee

Where the candidates stand on issues?

The candidates agree on very little, which was on display for voters during their first debate, as Whitmer has highlighted her efforts to protect abortion rights in Michigan while Dixon has focused on attacking Whitmer over her actions as governor, including her handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Whitmer’s decision to move COVID-positive patients into nursing homes – while barring family from visiting – and keeping schools closed during the pandemic were called mistakes by Dixon. The Republican has attacked Whitmer over poor student performances saying schools were closed for too long, leaving students struggling to catch up.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer announces new economic development projects at an event on October 5, 2022 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The projects were the result of a bipartisan bill the Governor signed this week.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer announces new economic development projects at an event on October 5, 2022 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The projects were the result of a bipartisan bill the Governor signed this week.

More: Reading and math test scores fell across US during the pandemic. How did your state fare?

The GOP candidate has also attacked schools themselves, making accusations that Michigan school curricula includes porn and teachers are helping students with gender transitions without the knowledge of their parents.

The current Michigan governor has touted her record, citing the record funding invested in K-12 and major investments in roads, bridges and other infrastructure projects alongside efforts to protect abortion rights in the state. The Trump-backed Dixon supports an abortion ban with no exceptions unless the mother’s life is at risk.

-- Sarah Elbeshbishi; Paul Egan, Detroit Free Press 

What happened in the last debate?

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Republican challenger Tudor Dixon had a spirited debate that did not devolve into throwing personal attacks during the last gubernatorial debate held on Oct. 14.

On abortion, Dixon said during the last debate that she doesn't want to criminalize it and referenced a ballot referendum that places the decision in the hands of Michigan voters who will be able to decide whether to explicitly enshrine a woman's reproductive rights in the state constitution.

However, the proposed amendment anticipates accompanying legislation a sitting governor would be asked to sign.

Whitmer, during the last debate, attacked Dixon's record of vetoing Republican bills that would pause taxes on Michigan fuels. Dixon struggled to explain why her proposal made sense over the Republican's state gas tax proposal, one she vetoed.

-- Rachel Looker; Paul Egan, Detroit Free Press 

Candidates take the stage

Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Republican challenger Tudor Dixon have taken to their podiums during the second Michigan gubernatorial debate. Both candidates are facing off after a debate held on Oct. 14 where each candidate depicted the other as ill-equipped to lead the state.

The debate is expected to last for one hour.

-- Rachel Looker

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Michigan governor's debate: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Tudor Dixon face off