Milton Council approves ambitious 5-year transit expansion plan

The Milton Council has officially endorsed a comprehensive roadmap to enhance and expand the local transit network over the next five years.

The Milton Transit five-year service plan and master plan update provide a strategic framework for the Council and senior staff to align transit growth with projected population increases.

Milton's commitment focuses on delivering a secure, efficient, and integrated transit system to support community development characterized by smart density, placemaking, mobility, and economic progress.

Key components of the transit service update include recommendations to bolster Milton Transit's network and services from 2025 to 2029. The plan also outlines a transit investment strategy targeting a substantial increase in service capacity by 2041, aiming for one service hour per capita—an expansion exceeding 150% of the current system.

Furthermore, the plan includes a zero-emission bus feasibility strategy and fleet transition plan to facilitate the electrification of the fleet, positioning Milton for future grant opportunities.

The proposed 2029 transit network, shaped through extensive community engagement, introduces several enhancements:

  • Expansion of direct transit routes

  • Increased frequency of service

  • Extension of evening and late-night services

  • Introduction of Sunday services

  • Longer routes with new transfer points

  • Enhanced service coverage and redistribution of OnDemand services

  • Preparedness for fleet electrification

  • Adoption of the PRESTO fare system

  • Enhanced marketing and communications efforts

These service improvements are contingent upon annual budget approvals and may be subject to adjustments.

"In the years ahead, transit will play a pivotal role in Milton's evolution towards higher densities. The approval of the Milton Transit Five-Year Service Plan will guide our efforts to meet the growing transit needs of our community—both now and in the future," said Mayor Gord Krantz.

"We extend our gratitude to residents, businesses, and partners whose feedback has shaped this service plan. We are eager to translate this input into tangible enhancements for Milton's transit services," concluded Tony D'Alessandro, Director, Transit Services.

Muhammad Aamir, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, The Milton Reporter, Milton Reporter