Mumps outbreak at Toronto restaurant

Toronto's public health department is asking anyone who dined at Ki Restaurant at 181 Bay Street between July 7 and 18 to watch for symptoms of mumps.

Four employees at the restaurant have been diagnosed with the mumps - a rare occurrence since the city usually only has about 15 cases per year.

In a news release public health said the risk to patrons is low "however, as a precaution, if you were at Ki Restaurant at anytime on or between July 7 and July 18, watch for symptoms of mumps which could occur up to and including August 12th."

The symptoms of the virus include swelling and pain on the sides of the cheeks and jaw, fever, headache, muscle aches and pains, fatigue and loss of appetite.

"If you were at the restaurant during this period, and you experience symptoms of mumps, please call Toronto Public Health at 311, and call your doctor and indicate that you may have been exposed to mumps." said Dr. Irene Armstrong, in the release.

An outbreak of mumps is very rare, since most people have been vaccinated or have developed an immunity from exposure to the virus.

"Persons diagnosed with mumps or suspected of having mumps should stay home and refrain from having visitors for five days to avoid spreading the infection to others."

People who get the mumps usually recover in about two weeks - but in some cases the illness can be more severe.

Mumps is most commonly spread through saliva - sharing cups or cigarettes for example, or through kissing, coughing or sneezing.