Nicola Bulley – latest: Partner of missing dog walker says ‘someone in the village knows something’

Someone in the village must know something about Nicola Bulley’s disappearance claimed Paul Ansell, Nicola Bulley’s partner, in an interview on Channel 5.

Speaking to Channel 5’s Dan Walker Mr Ansell said: “Whatever has happened in my eyes has to be somebody who, who knows the local area, who knows that. And the fact that nothing’s been seen or heard, I just truly believe that it’s something in the village.”

Mr Ansell explained that he and his wife had done the same walk for years. “And you see the same faces every single day, and on the very odd occasion when you see somebody that you know, you, you don’t know, they, they stand out like a sore thumb.”

Mr Ansell also grew emotional as he discussed his wife’s disappearance.

“It is horrendous because you, you people don’t just vanish into thin air. It’s absolutely impossible. So something has happened,”

He went on to beg for the search for his partner to be stepped up.

“My plea now is personally, I want every house, every garage, every out building, the land scrutinised. I want it all searched. I want it all scrutinised, every piece of it. And I’m, you’re not gonna appease me with anything else. That, that is what I want to happen.”

Key Points

  • Missing Nicola Bulley’s partner says ‘something happened that day’ as family ‘in hell’

  • Police told of ‘tatty red van’ seen on day Nicola Bulley went missing

  • Nicola Bulley’s partner ‘does not believe’ the missing mum fell into the river

  • Nicola Bulley search moves to sea as police ‘stop vigilantes hunting derelict home’

  • Nicola Bulley’s body ‘may have been swept out to sea'

  • Search expert’s river hunt ends without solving ‘mystery’

08:13 , Joseph Rachman

Someone in the village must know something about Nicola Bulley’s disappearance claimed Paul Ansell, Nicola Bulley’s partner, in an interview on Channel 5.

Speaking to Channel 5’s Dan Walker Mr Ansell said: “Whatever has happened in my eyes has to be somebody who, who knows the local area, who knows that. And the fact that nothing’s been seen or heard, I just truly believe that it’s something in the village.”

Mr Ansell explained that he and his wife had done the same walk for years. “And you see the same faces every single day, and on the very odd occasion when you see somebody that you know, you, you don’t know, they, they stand out like a sore thumb.”

Mr Ansell also grew emotional as he discussed his wife’s disappearance.

“It is horrendous because you, you people don’t just vanish into thin air. It’s absolutely impossible. So something has happened,”

He went on to beg for the search for his partner to be stepped up.

“My plea now is personally, I want every house, every garage, every out building, the land scrutinised. I want it all searched. I want it all scrutinised, every piece of it. And I’m, you’re not gonna appease me with anything else. That, that is what I want to happen.”

07:56 , Joseph Rachman

The disappearance of Nicola Bulley, which has left experts “baffled”, is bringing new attention to the mysterious disappearances of several other women, writes Maryam Zakir-Hussain.

A total of nine woman are still registered as missing by the police. The oldest case is of Fatima Mohamed-Ali, 52-years-old, who disappeared without a trace seven years ago on 12 February 2016.

She left her home shortly after her husband left the house for work and was last seen on CCTV at around 7.58am that morning. She did not take any personal belongings with her such as a handbag, money or keys.

Sussex Police had searched woodland areas and rivers in Newhaven and the surrounding area as part of the investigation.

Reminder of the timeline of her disappearance

07:00 , Sam Rkaina

8.26am- Nicola leaves her home address with her children

8.40am- Nicola drops the children off at school and has a brief conversation with another parent.

8.43am – Nicola walked along the path by the River Wyre towards the gate/bench into the lower field, having dropped her children off at school

8:47am (approximately) - A dog-walker – somebody who knows Nicola – saw her walking around the lower field with her dog. Their two dogs interacted briefly before the witness left the field via the river path

8.53am – She sent an email to her boss

8.59 am- She sent message to a friend

9.01am – She logged into a Teams call

9.10am (approximately) – A witness – somebody who knows Nicola – saw her on the upper field walking her dog, Willow. Work is ongoing today to establish exactly what time this was.

9.20- Her phone was back in the area of the bench

9.30am – The Teams call ended but Nicola stayed logged on

9.33am (approximately) – Nicola’s mobile phone and Willow were found at a bench by the river by another dog-walker.

Friends of Nicola Bulley hold appeal posters along the main road in the village of St Michael’s on Wyre (Owen Humphreys/PA) (PA Wire)
Friends of Nicola Bulley hold appeal posters along the main road in the village of St Michael’s on Wyre (Owen Humphreys/PA) (PA Wire)

‘So-called experts and ill informed speculation'

06:01 , Sam Rkaina

Police investigators also criticised ‘speculation and conspiracy theories’ that the case has attracted.

“Our priority throughout this investigation has been on finding Nicola and providing answers for her family,” the spokeperson said. “They continue to be supported and regularly updated by specially trained officers.

“Unfortunately, we continue to see groundless and hurtful abuse of innocent people, including witnesses and local businesses, which is totally unacceptable

“We also continue to see a huge amount of commentary from so-called experts, ill-informed speculation and conspiracy theories which is damaging to the investigation, the community of St Michael’s and, worst of all, to Nicola’s family. It must stop.”

Police downplay significance of 'red van’

05:03 , Sam Rkaina

Lancashire Police said: “We are aware of reports in the media about a red van being reported to us.

“We would like to stress that while this has been reported to us and we are making efforts to identify the owner at this time there is nothing to suggest this was anything other than one of many hundreds of vehicles in the area that morning.

“The inquiry team are working through hundreds of pieces of information and reports such as this in the media can distract them from genuine enquiries.”

Force insists - again - there is nothing to suggest third party involvement

04:02 , Sam Rkaina

“Throughout this investigation we have been keeping an open mind about what might have happened to Nicola, and we continue to look at all the potential scenarios to eliminate them,” the police statement continued. “We are reviewing our decisions regularly.

“Based on all the work we have done up to now our belief remains that Nicola may have fallen into the river for some reason, but we are continuing to investigate all possible leads, and this involves viewing CCTV, Dashcam footage and speaking to people who are providing us with information.

“It remains the case that at the present time there is absolutely nothing in all the extensive enquiries we have made that suggests anything untoward has happened or that there is any third-party involvement in Nicola’s disappearance, but the investigation is ongoing.”

The police Search and Rescue team on the river bank near to Shard Bridge on the River Wyre in Lancashire (PA) (PA Wire)
The police Search and Rescue team on the river bank near to Shard Bridge on the River Wyre in Lancashire (PA) (PA Wire)

Police explain ‘less activity’ on river

03:03 , Sam Rkaina

Lancashire Police issued a lengthy new statement on the ongoing search on Friday night.

It stated: “It’s now exactly two weeks since Nicola Bulley went missing and our search for the mum-of two is continuing.

“Specialist resources including underwater search teams, drones, mounted and the police helicopter will be out today as we comb the River Wyre and down and out into the sea.

“People may have seen less police activity in the last day or two than previously around the river above the weir at St Michael’s but that is not because we have stepped down our searches, it is because the focus of the search has moved further downstream into the area of the river which becomes tidal and then out towards the coast.”

Partner 'feels like he’s in the Truman Show’

02:05 , Sam Rkaina

Talking about his children, Mr Ansell went on: “The only thing, the only thing that I can do is tell them that everybody is looking for mummy.

“The best people in the world are looking for mummy - just to give them that, you know, that level of hope that they can understand that everything that can be done to find mummy, is being done.”

Asked how he feels about the situation, Mr Ansell added: “Anger, loads of frustration, confusion, disbelief, surrealism, nothing feels real.”

He continued “It just doesn’t feel real... I feel like I’m in The Truman Show. I honestly believe I’m going to wake up at any moment... how are we even in this? We are good people.”

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

‘Nikki would never give up'

01:02 , Sam Rkaina

Police have discounted foul play and are treating the incident as a missing person inquiry, believing that Ms Bulley has fallen into the water.

But police say they are still keeping an “open mind” and have been appealing for information.

Focus of the police search on Thursday switched from St Michael’s to around 10 miles downstream where the river empties into the sea at Morecambe Bay, with police patrol boats and rescue boats spotted on the river and in the bay.

Mr Ansell said the family was going through “unprecedented hell”.

“But that hope and that positivity in me is stronger than ever, and I’m never, ever going to let go,” he said.

“Nikki would never give up on us ever. She wouldn’t give up on anybody. And we’re not going to ever give up on her, we’re going to find her.”

Nicola Bulley is ‘pillar of strength'

00:01 , Sam Rkaina

Ms Bulley had dropped off her daughters, aged six and nine, at school and was on her usual walk when she disappeared, her phone - still connected to a call for her job as a mortgage adviser - was found on a bench overlooking the river.

Despite a huge search of the river and surrounding countryside by Lancashire Police, no trace of her has been found.

Speaking about his partner, Mr Ansell went on: “She is fun. She is loving. If you’re friends with her, she’s the most loyal friend that you could ever have.

“With Nikki, what you see is what you get. There’s no hidden, nothing’s hidden.

“You know, it’s all. That’s, that’s her. And she is an exceptional mum and she absolutely adores our girls. And goes above and beyond.”

He added: “She’s just a pillar of strength to our family and without her, the hole is bigger than you can possibly imagine.”

Partner’s ‘gut instinct’ on disappearance

Friday 10 February 2023 23:03 , Sam Rkaina

The partner of missing mother-of-two Nicola Bulley says it has always been his “gut instinct” that she is not in the river.

Ms Bulley vanished while walking her springer spaniel dog Willow alongside the River Wyre in St Michael’s on Wyre on January 27.

Speaking to 5 News presenter Dan Walker, Paul Ansell said he wants to keep “all options open” about her disappearance.

Mr Ansell said: “We’ve always been very careful that we don’t want to say, ‘oh, we think it’s that’, and then push that when it might not be.

“The most obvious thing, of course has always been the river. It’s always been my gut instinct and her sisters, and family that, that isn’t the case.

“Extensive searching, as you know is probably well aware has gone on in that river.”

Paul Ansell has spoken of the ‘perpetual hell’ of not knowing what has happened to Ms Bulley (PA Video) (PA Wire)
Paul Ansell has spoken of the ‘perpetual hell’ of not knowing what has happened to Ms Bulley (PA Video) (PA Wire)

Paul Ansell ‘100 per cent’ convinced Nicola Bulley is not in the river

Friday 10 February 2023 21:45 , Joe Middleton

Paul Ansell said is “100 per cent” convinced that his partner is not in the river and has called for a more extensive search in the area.

He said: “It’s, it, it is horrendous because you, you people don’t just vanish into thin air. It’s absolutely impossible. So something has happened. Something has happened. Find out what it is, find out what it is. There has to be a way to find out what happened.

“There has to be, you cannot, you cannot walk your dog down a river and just vanish into thin air. Something, happened that day. Something.

“Find out, find out what it is. And my plea now is personally, I want every house, every garage, every out building, the land scrutinised. I want it all searched. I want it all scrutinised, every piece of it. And I’m, you’re not gonna appease me with anything else.

“That, that is what I want to happen. Because for something to have happened there, it’s not many.”

‘I tried ringing again on WhatsApp. And again, there was no answer. I tried the mobile again and no answer'

Friday 10 February 2023 21:22 , Joe Middleton

Nicola Bulley’s partner Paul Ansell is describing the day when his partner did not return after dropping the girls at school and walking the dog.

He said: “So, you know, it’s not often, but she has got back at quarter past twenty past 10 so I wasn’t like massively concerned or anything. Then it got to half past.

And that’s when I thought you know, she’s quite, quite late now. More late than usual. So I tried ringing her phone. And there was no answer. I tried ringing again on WhatsApp. And again, there was no answer. I tried the mobile again and no answer.. Now I sort of started to get a bit bit panicky I think.

“So that’s when I thought I’m gonna have to go down there and see if she’s alright. See if I can see the car or you know, see what’s going on.

“But I still expected that I’d just get there and you know there she is. I go to the gym on a Friday, Friday lunchtime.

“So I quickly got my gym stuff up on. Because I just thought basically I’m gonna go out, find her, come home do a bit of work.”

Candles were lit around a photo of Nicola Bulley and Paul Ansell on an altar at St Michael’s Church in St Michael’s on Wyre during the vigil (PA)
Candles were lit around a photo of Nicola Bulley and Paul Ansell on an altar at St Michael’s Church in St Michael’s on Wyre during the vigil (PA)

‘She is fun, she is loving'

Friday 10 February 2023 21:13 , Joe Middleton

Paul Ansell is describing his partner to 5 News presenter Dan Walker.

He said: “She is fun. She is loving. She is, if you’re friends with her, she’s the most loyal friend that you could ever have. With Nikki, what you see is what you get.

“There’s no hidden, nothing’s hidden. You know, it’s all. That’s, that’s her. And she is an exceptional mum and she absolutely adores our girls. And goes above and beyond. I was saying to Emma the other day, I don’t think that she’s been away from them for more than like one or two nights, you know, since we’ve had our eldest.

“She’s just a pillar of strength to our family and without her, the hole is bigger than you can possibly imagine.”

Nicola Bulley’s partner said the last two weeks have been ‘hell'

Friday 10 February 2023 21:10 , Joe Middleton

5 News presenter Dan Walker has asked Nicola Bulley’s partner Paul Ansell how life has been for the last two weeks.

Mr Ansell said: “Hell. I am still here obviously. My main focus is the children, always has been. So that’s my focus that gets me through.

“But you know I think when you’re going through something like this. I can’t put it into words. Can’t say how I’m doing. Can’t really explain it.

“You know the emotions, the feelings, what your body is going through is so unprecedented isn’t it. It’s not your run of the mill situation. We all have things in life that you know get us stressed or get us down or worry us.

“But this is not your average everyday thing, you know. Nobody knows really anybody who’s ever gone through anything like this, who knows anybody who knows anybody. So, it’s just an impossible situation for everybody, you know involved.”

Dan Walker (left) with Paul Ansell (PA)
Dan Walker (left) with Paul Ansell (PA)

Vanished: Where is Nicola Bulley? begins on Channel 5

Friday 10 February 2023 21:03 , Joe Middleton

Vanished: Where is Nicola Bulley? has started on Channel 5. We will be bringing you the latest updates.

Video ‘disproves’ theory that Nicola Bulley in river, according to forensic expert

Friday 10 February 2023 20:49 , Joe Middleton

Police tell ‘so-called experts’ to stop commenting on case

Friday 10 February 2023 20:03 , Sam Rkaina

Police have urged people to refrain from indulging in commentary and conspiracy theories about missing mother-of-two Nicola Bulley.

The 45-year-old disappeared while walking her springer spaniel dog Willow, alongside the River Wyre in St Michael’s on Wyre on January 27, sparking a major ongoing police search effort.

On Friday, Lancashire Police appeared to call out social media sleuths for their “hurtful abuse of innocent people” in relation to the case.

It said that speculation about her fate by “so-called experts” is “damaging” to the investigation.

On Twitter, the force stated: “We continue to see hurtful abuse of innocent people, including witnesses and local businesses.

“There is also a huge amount of commentary from so-called experts and conspiracy theories which are damaging to the investigation and, worst of all, to Nicola’s family.

“It must stop.”

Video ‘disproves’ theory that Nicola Bulley in river, according to forensic expert

Friday 10 February 2023 19:30 , Joe Middleton

Emma Christie: Nicola Bulley’s disappearance isn’t a Netflix series – stop treating it like one

Friday 10 February 2023 19:00 , Emily Atkinson

I’ve written two novels about missing women. Why?

Novels offer resolution, writes Emma Christie. Loose ends are tied up. Endings are not always happy, but in most cases they give us closure. Baddies takes many different forms, but always have one thing in common: they rarely get away with it.

What about true crime stories? In the UK there’s a rapidly growing choice of TV channels, festivals, books and podcasts encouraging amateur sleuths to examine unsolved and ongoing cases; no happy ending guaranteed. And, of course, we have the endless bombardment of breaking news.

Opinion: Stop treating Nicola Bulley’s disappearance like a Netflix series

Map shows distance between where Nicola Bulley went missing and open sea

Friday 10 February 2023 18:15 , Emily Atkinson

 (Datawrapper/The Independent)
(Datawrapper/The Independent)

Update from Lancashire Police

Friday 10 February 2023 17:42 , Joe Middleton

Lancashire Police have posted an update on the search for missing mother-of-two Nicola Bulley.

The force said their belief remains that Ms Bulley has fallen in the river, but they are investigating all possible leads, including reviewing CCTV, dashcam footage and talking to witnesses.

The statement added that officers do not believe anything “untoward has happened or that there is any third-party involvement” in Ms Bulley’s disappearance.

It added: “Our priority throughout this investigation has been on finding Nicola and providing answers for her family. They continue to be supported and regularly updated by specially trained officers.

“Unfortunately, we continue to see groundless and hurtful abuse of innocent people, including witnesses and local businesses, which is totally unacceptable.

“We also continue to see a huge amount of commentary from so-called experts, ill-informed speculation and conspiracy theories which is damaging to the investigation, the community of St Michael’s and, worst of all, to Nicola’s family. It must stop.”

Missing Nicola Bulley’s partner says ‘something happened that day’ as family ‘in hell’

Friday 10 February 2023 17:20 , Joe Middleton

The partner of missing mother-of-two Nicola Bulley has said the family is going through “unprecedented hell” but will never give up hope of finding her.

In a television special due to be aired on Friday evening, Paul Ansell said despite the awful situation his hope and postivity are “stronger than ever” and he is “never, ever going to let go”.

“Nikki would never give up on us ever,” he said. “She wouldn’t give up on anybody. And we’re not gonna ever give up on her like, we’re going to find her.”

Nicola Bulley’s partner says ‘something happened that day’ as family ‘in hell’

The CCTV blind spots that could hold key to Nicola Bulley’s disappearance

Friday 10 February 2023 16:15 , Emily Atkinson

A number of CCTV blindspots have been identified as the hunt for missing mother-of-two Nicola Bulley continues.

Ms Bulley, 45, vanished while walking her springer spaniel dog Willow, alongside the River Wyre in St Michael’s on Wyre on January 27.

She had dropped off her daughters, aged six and nine, at school and was on her usual walk when she disappeared, her phone was found on a bench overlooking the river.

My colleague Joe Middleton reports:

The CCTV blind spots that could hold key to Nicola Bulley’s disappearance

Nicola Bulley’s partner ‘does not believe’ the missing mum fell into the river

Friday 10 February 2023 15:11 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The parter of missing mother Nicola Bulley does not believe she fell into the river, a diving expert has reported.

Paul Faulding, a forensic expert who was leading the underwater search for the 45-year-old, said Ms Bulley’s partner, Paul Ansell, was “shocked at how shallow the rocks were” when they went to see the area.

“He thought it was really deep there. If she had gone in she would have landed on the rocks,” Mr Faulding told The Sun.

“The family thanked us for being here. They said ‘You’ve given us confidence now’ and his belief is that Nicola has not gone in that river.”

Partner of missing mother-of-two Nicola Bulley, Paul Ansell, (right) visiting the riverside with Peter Faulding, the underwater search expert called in by the family to help with the search in the River Wyre (PA Wire)
Partner of missing mother-of-two Nicola Bulley, Paul Ansell, (right) visiting the riverside with Peter Faulding, the underwater search expert called in by the family to help with the search in the River Wyre (PA Wire)

Church candles lit in hope of new clues on missing mother

Friday 10 February 2023 15:00 , Jane Dalton

Candles were lit around a photo of Nicola Bulley and Paul Ansell on an altar at St Michael’s Church in St Michael’s on Wyre during the vigil by friends and neighbours (PA)
Candles were lit around a photo of Nicola Bulley and Paul Ansell on an altar at St Michael’s Church in St Michael’s on Wyre during the vigil by friends and neighbours (PA)

Wait is hell above hell, says close friend

Friday 10 February 2023 14:25 , Jane Dalton

A close friend of missing Nicola Bulley has told of the “agony” of waiting for news and Ms Bulley’s family’s desperation for news, following an emotional vigil at their local village church.

Heather Gibbons said: “It’s an agonising wait, it’s almost a hell above hell, because the unknown is unbearable.

“So, this morning at 10 o’clock we just opened the church for people to come and to light a candle, just to have a chance to come, a space to collect their thoughts, to be together.” Read more:

Friend of missing mother Nicola Bulley speaks of ‘agonising wait’ for news

‘My husband went for a walk like Nicola Bulley a year ago – people don’t just vanish’

Friday 10 February 2023 13:24 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The wife of a man who went missing a year ago has urged the family of Nicola Bulley to “keep the faith”, saying “people don’t just vanish”.

Lucy Creaney said she still believes her husband, Finn Creaney, who went missing nearly a year ago after he started a solo hike in Loch Naver, Sutherland, is still alive.

She has urged Ms Bulley’s family to say positive as the search for the missing dog walker was expanded to the sea – some 12 miles downriver from where she was last seen.

Mr Creaney was dropped off by a family member at a caravan park near the start of where he hoped to embark on a solo hike on 25 March.

‘My husband went for a walk like Nicola Bulley – people don’t just vanish’

Nicola Bulley’s friend says she won’t give up on search

Friday 10 February 2023 12:24 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Two weeks after the mum-of-two disappeared, a friend said she will keep searching until she can bring Nicola Bulley’s children good news.

Emma White told BBC Breakfast: “We just want to bring them that news that we’ve found mummy.”

Watch the clip here:

The baffling 10-minute window shrouding Nicola Bulley’s disappearance in mystery

Friday 10 February 2023 11:30 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

From the last place she was sighted at approximately 9.10am, and where her phone was seen at 9.20am, there is a baffling 10-minute window where Ms Bulley could have walked or driven to the surrounding areas.

We have mapped out the rough radius where the 45-year-old could have walked and driven to in those 10-minutes.

The baffling 10-minute window shrouding Nicola Bulley’s disappearance in mystery

Friends of missing woman Nicola Bulley hold missing person appeal posters along the village main road

Friday 10 February 2023 10:53 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Friends of missing woman Nicola Bulley hold missing person appeal posters along the main road in the village in St Michael’s on Wyre, Lancashire.


Mapped: Where could Nicola have gone in the mystery 10-minute window?

Friday 10 February 2023 10:17 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The disappearance Nicola Bulley continues to puzzle the police and public as almost two weeks have passed since the mum-of-two went missing in Lancashire.

Specifically, Lancashire Police have a 10-minute window in which they cannot account for Ms Bulley’s movements.

At approximately 9.10am, a witness – somebody who knows Ms Bulley – saw her on the upper field walking her dog.

Police know that at 9.20am, her phone was on the bench it was later discovered on. The phone was still connected to a teams call she logged on to at 9.01am.

We map out the rough radius where the 45-year-old could have walked and driven in those unaccounted minutes:

Where could Nicola have gone in the mystery 10-minute window?

‘My brother went missing in same place as Nicola Bulley - exactly 45 years before’

Friday 10 February 2023 09:30 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

A man whose brother went missing on the same stretch of river where Nicola Bulley disappeared but exactly 45 years earlier has shared his sympathies with her family.

Don Jones said “we know just what they must be going through,” as his brother Roger also vanished on January 27 close to the River Wyre near Preston in 1978.

Mother-of-two Ms Bulley has not been seen since around 9.15am on the same day in 2023 and emergency services have still not located any trace of her in the water.

‘My brother went missing in same place as Nicola Bulley - exactly 45 years before’

Friend of missing looking to ‘jog’ people’s memory with campaign

Friday 10 February 2023 08:45 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

A friend of Nicola Bulley said a campaign highlighting her disappearance a fortnight ago will be looking to “jog” people’s memory about the day the Lancashire woman went missing.

Emma White, speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, said: “It is two weeks today.

“The local community are coming out to raise that profile, we’re trying to jog anybody’s memory. Dashcam footage of Garstang Road, which is just outside of the village of St Michael’s on Wyre, just by the bridge that you go over.

“It is quite a key part of the village so people would remember going over it.

“Did they see anything? We’re out with banners, we’ve got placards of Nikki’s face, we’ve got a moving eight-foot LED board with her face on it with the message ‘Bring Nikki home’.

“We just need Nikki home for her two beautiful little girls who need their mummy.”

Nicola Bulley can’t have ‘vanished’ – this is what the police should do now

Friday 10 February 2023 08:00 , Sravasti Dasgupta

It is now 14 days since mum of two, Nicola Bulley was last seen – leaving her family, friends and the police baffled by her disappearance. Let’s be clear: people don’t just vanish, there is always an explanation.

So, what could have happened to her?

Former detective and TV investigator Mark Williams-Thomas writes:

Opinion: Nicola Bulley hasn’t ‘vanished’. This is what the police should do now

Police told of ‘tatty red van’ seen on day Nicola Bulley went missing

Friday 10 February 2023 07:58 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Police may be searching for a “tatty red van” after a local resident noticed the vehicle parked in the village on the morning Nicola Bulley went missing.

The 55-year-old witness, who has not been named, told The Times that they saw “tatty red van in Hall Lane outside a barn”.

“I didn’t think anything at the time, but when I saw Nicola had gone missing, I called 101 and spoke to an operator.”

The witness said they contacted the police again and said the van could have been a Renault, adding it was the “sort of van you can live in”.

A second witness told The Sun that they had reported seeing a red van which “looked suspicious” at around 9.40am on the day Ms Bulley disappeared.

The man called the police three days after the mum-of-two went missing and was asked if he had any dashcam footage of the vehicle.

ICYMI: Search expert’s river hunt ends without solving missing Nicola Bulley ‘mystery’

Friday 10 February 2023 07:00 , Sravasti Dasgupta

An underwater search expert said the case of missing mother-of-two Nicola Bulley is a “complete mystery”, after his team could not find her.

Peter Faulding, who was called in by the family to help find Ms Bulley, met her partner Paul Ansell on Wednesday and told him she had still not been found.

Search expert’s river hunt ends without solving missing Nicola Bulley ‘mystery’

Nicola Bulley vanished two weeks ago and police no closer to finding her

Friday 10 February 2023 06:00 , Sravasti Dasgupta

Five hundred lines of inquiry, three potential witnesses approached and one private expert diving team deployed – but still, there is no sign of missing dog walker Nicola Bulley.

Thomas Kingsley reports:

Two weeks after Nicola Bulley vanished and there’s more questions than answers

Partner of Nicola Bulley visits scene as diving expert quits search

Friday 10 February 2023 05:00 , Sravasti Dasgupta

The partner of missing mother-of-two Nicola Bulley on Wednesday visited the riverbank where she vanished.

Paul Ansell spent around 10 minutes close to a bench overlooking the River Wyre in St Michael’s on Wyre.

Joe Middleton reports:

Partner of Nicola Bulley visits scene as diving expert quits search

The 12-mile stretch of water that could hold key to finding Nicola Bulley

Friday 10 February 2023 04:00 , Sravasti Dasgupta

The focal point of the search for Nicola Bulley on Thursday shifted miles downriver from the spot near St Michael’s on Wyre where her phone and beloved dog Willow were found on the morning of 27 January.

Footage showed rescue boats searching the estuary at the mouth of the River Wyre, where it empties into Morecambe Bay, a limitless body of water which opens into the Irish Sea.

Andy Gregory has more:

The 12-mile stretch of water that could hold key to finding Nicola Bulley

‘My husband went for a walk like Nicola Bulley a year ago – people don’t just vanish’

Friday 10 February 2023 03:00 , Joe Middleton

The wife of a man who went missing a year ago has urged the family of Nicola Bulley to “keep the faith”, saying “people don’t just vanish”.

Lucy Creaney said she still believes her husband, Finn Creaney, who went missing nearly a year ago after he started a solo hike in Loch Naver, Sutherland, is still alive.

She has urged Ms Bulley’s family to say positive as the search for the missing dog walker was expanded to the sea – some 12 miles downriver from where she was last seen.

‘My husband went for a walk like Nicola Bulley – people don’t just vanish’

Nicola Bulley: Search for missing mother-of-two moves to coastline at Morecambe Bay

Friday 10 February 2023 02:00 , Joe Middleton

Nicola Bulley vanished two weeks ago and police no closer to finding her – so what happens now?

Friday 10 February 2023 01:00 , Joe Middleton

As the search extends, there are still more questions than answers in the mysterious case of a missing dog walker, Thomas Kingsley reports.

Two weeks after Nicola Bulley vanished and there’s more questions than answers

Nicola Bulley search moves to sea as police stop vigilantes hunting derelict home

Thursday 9 February 2023 23:59 , Joe Middleton

The search for Nicola Bulley has now reached the sea, as police were forced to issue a dispersal order to stop vigilantes from hunting for the missing mother-of-two in riverside properties.

The 45-year-old mortgage adviser disappeared on 27 January while taking her dog on a routine morning walk along the River Wyre, in the village of St Michael’s on Wyre, after dropping her daughters – aged six and nine – at school nearby.

Her mobile phone was discovered on a bench by the riverbank, still connected to a Microsoft Teams work call, with her springer spaniel running loose nearby. The ensuing search for her, now in its 13th day, has “baffled” investigators and drawn intense national attention.

Nicola Bulley search moves to sea as police stop vigilantes hunting derelict home

Nicola Bulley: 5 things forensics expert claims don’t add up about dog walker’s disappearance

Thursday 9 February 2023 23:00 , Joe Middleton

A forensic expert leading the underwater search for missing Nicola Bulley has been left “baffled” by “strange” events in the mother’s disappearance.

The 45-year-old disappeared while on her regular dog walk in the quiet village of St Michael’s on Wyre, Lancashire.

Dropping her children off at school, she took her spaniel Willow for a stroll by the river and was sighted at around 9am by a witness but despite an extensive search, she has yet to be found.

5 things forensics expert claims don’t add up about missing dog walker disappearance

ICYMI: 'Baffling case': Private rescue team confirm they are pulling out of Nicola Bulley search

Thursday 9 February 2023 22:00 , Joe Middleton

‘My husband went for a walk like Nicola Bulley a year ago – people don’t just vanish’

Thursday 9 February 2023 21:21 , Joe Middleton

The wife of a man who went missing a year ago has urged the family of Nicola Bulley to “keep the faith”, saying “people don’t just vanish”.

Lucy Creaney said she still believes her husband, Finn Creaney, who went missing nearly a year ago after he started a solo hike in Loch Naver, Sutherland, is still alive.

She has urged Ms Bulley’s family to say positive as the search for the missing dog walker was expanded to the sea – some 12 miles downriver from where she was last seen.

‘My husband went for a walk like Nicola Bulley – people don’t just vanish’

The 12-mile stretch of water that could hold key to finding Nicola Bulley

Thursday 9 February 2023 20:57 , Joe Middleton

What began with the discovery of a mobile phone on a riverside bench – still logged into a work videoconference call but with no sign of its owner – has quickly grown into an “unprecedented” search effort, encompassing hundreds of active lines of enquiry.

With it approaching two weeks since mother-of-two Nicola Bulley was reported missing, the focal point of the search on Thursday shifted miles downriver from the spot near St Michael’s on Wyre where her phone and beloved dog Willow were found on the morning of 27 January.

“People may have seen less police activity today than previously in the area of the river above the weir” at St Michael’s on Wyre, police acknowledged on Thursday.

The 12-mile stretch of water that could hold key to finding Nicola Bulley

ICYMI: Missing dog walker Nicola Bulley’s final text before she disappeared revealed

Thursday 9 February 2023 20:30 , Joe Middleton

Missing dog walker Nicola Bulley’s final text before she “vanished into thin air” has been revealed.

The 45-year-old was last seen walking her dog by the river in St Michael’s on Wyre, Lancashire, on Friday 27 January. She was still logged into a Microsoft Teams call which had ended at 9.30am when her phone was recovered.

Just half an hour earlier, the mother of two had texted a friend to book a playdate. She sent the message at 8.57am shortly before logging into the Teams call, locals at a village meeting were told.

Missing dog walker Nicola Bulley’s final text before she disappeared revealed

Nicola Bulley’s partner ‘extremely upset’ after visiting river scene, says search expert

Thursday 9 February 2023 19:32 , Joe Middleton

Witness tells police of ‘tatty red van’ seen on day Nicola Bulley disappeared

Thursday 9 February 2023 19:00 , Joe Middleton

Police could be trying to trace a “tatty red van” that was seen by a witness parked close to the area where Nicola Bulley disappeared.

The 55-year-old witness, who was not named, told The Times, they saw the “tatty red van” outside a barn on Hall Lane.

They added: “I didn’t think anything at the time, but when I saw Nicola had gone missing, I called 101 and spoke to an operator.

“I contacted the police again on Friday and spoke to a police officer. It could have been a Renault van.”

VOICES: Mark Williams-Thomas: Nicola Bulley can’t have ‘vanished’ – this is what the police should do now

Thursday 9 February 2023 17:50 , Joe Middleton

Former detective and TV investigator Mark Williams-Thomas reveals the three most likely scenarios – and solutions – as the desperate race to find the missing mum-of-two continues.

Opinion: Nicola Bulley hasn’t ‘vanished’. This is what the police should do now

Nicola Bulley: Search for missing mother-of-two moves to coastline at Morecambe Bay

Thursday 9 February 2023 17:01 , Joe Middleton

ICYMI: Partner of Nicola Bulley visits scene as diving expert quits search

Thursday 9 February 2023 16:41 , Joe Middleton

The partner of missing mother-of-two Nicola Bulley on Wednesday visited the riverbank where she vanished.

Paul Ansell spent around 10 minutes close to a bench overlooking the River Wyre in St Michael’s on Wyre, as the search continued in the Lancashire village.

But he was told by underwater search expert Paul Faulding, called in by the family to help in the hunt, that Ms Bulley, 45, had still not been found.

Partner of Nicola Bulley visits scene as diving expert quits search

Watch: Search for missing mother-of-two moves to coastline at Morecambe Bay

Thursday 9 February 2023 16:00 , Emily Atkinson

Nicola Bulley vanished two weeks ago and police no closer to finding her – so what happens now?

Thursday 9 February 2023 15:30 , Emily Atkinson

Five hundred lines of inquiry, three potential witnesses approached and one private expert diving team deployed – but still, there is no sign of missing dog walker Nicola Bulley.

Peter Faulding, founder of underwater rescue team Specialist Group International (SGI), said if the 45-year-old was in the River Wyre where she disappeared on Friday 27, January, his team would locate her.

However, after less than five days after joining Lancashire Police’s operation, the group has pulled out of the “baffling” disappearance.

Thomas Kingsley reports:

Two weeks after Nicola Bulley vanished and there’s more questions than answers

Police reveal there are 500 lines of inquiry in search for missing Nicola Bulley

Thursday 9 February 2023 15:00 , Emily Atkinson

Police have urged members of the public not to share conspiracy theories about the disappearance of Nicola Bulley online as they revealed they were looking into 500 lines of inquiry.

The search for the missing mother-of-two entered its twelfth day on Tuesday and police continue to believe she may have fallen into the River Wyre while walking her dog on 27 January.

At a press conference on Tuesday, Lancashire Police Superintendent Sally Riley said: “At the moment there are around five hundred active pieces of information and lines of enquiry that we are working on to try and find answers for Nicola’s family.”

Liam James reports:

Police reveale there are 500 lines of inquiry in search for Nicola Bulley

Police confirm dispersal order

Thursday 9 February 2023 14:34 , Emily Atkinson

Police have now confirmed that a dispersal order for the village where Nicola Bulley went missing was ordered, after people travelled to the area to reportedly search an abandoned house.

Lancashire Constabulary said: “We can confirm a dispersal order was issued around 8.40pm yesterday (Wednesday February 8) in St Michael’s on Wyre.

“This followed reports of individuals - from outside the area of St Michael’s - filming on social media close to properties.

“The order will remain in place for 48 hours and gives officers the power to disperse anyone committing anti-social behaviour.

“Two dispersal notices were issued, and a number of other people were warned about their behaviour.”

The force added that it would “not tolerate criminality, including trespass and criminal damage”.

Nicola Bulley search moves to sea as police ‘stop vigilantes hunting derelict home’

Thursday 9 February 2023 14:15 , Joe Middleton

The search for missing mother-of-two Nicola Bulley has now reached the sea, as police were reportedly forced to issue a dispersal order to stop vigilante search parties from breaking into riverside properties.

The 45-year-old mortgage adviser disappeared on 27 January while taking her dog on its routine morning walk along the River Wyre after dropping her daughters – aged six and nine – at school nearby.

Her mobile phone was discovered on a bench by the riverbank, still connected to a Microsoft Teams work call, with her springer spaniel running loose nearby. The ensuing search for her, now in its 13th day, has “baffled” investigators and drawn intense national attention.

Andy Gregory has the latest:

Nicola Bulley search moves to sea as police ‘stop vigilantes hunting derelict home’

Watch: Police reject suggestion Nicola Bulley's disappearance could be criminal

Thursday 9 February 2023 14:10 , Emily Atkinson

Nicola Bulley’s body ‘may have been swept out to sea’

Thursday 9 February 2023 13:40 , Emily Atkinson

Nicola Bulley’s body may have been swept out to sea by now, the head of the specialist rescue team searching for her has said.

Peter Faulding told The Times that he believed Ms Bulley’s body could have reached the sea by now if she had fallen into the River Wyre, given the distance and the meandering course of the river.

Superintendent Sally Riley also told reporters: “The amount of technology that we have put into the river – clearly as time goes on, the open sea becomes much more of a possibility.”

Police would continue to search the river until they received guidance from national bodies to do otherwise, Supt Riley added.

ICYMI: Search expert’s river hunt ends without solving missing Nicola Bulley ‘mystery’

Thursday 9 February 2023 13:10 , Emily Atkinson

An underwater search expert said the case of missing mother-of-two Nicola Bulley is a “complete mystery”, after his team could not find her.

Peter Faulding, who was called in by the family to help find Ms Bulley, met her partner Paul Ansell on Wednesday, as day 12 of the search continued in St Michael’s on Wyre, Lancashire, and told him she had still not been found.

The mortgage adviser, 45, vanished on January 27 after dropping her two daughters – aged six and nine – at school, then taking her springer spaniel Willow for a walk along the river.

Search expert’s river hunt ends without solving missing Nicola Bulley ‘mystery’

Could ‘Human Mole’ who tackles MI6 mysteries hold key to Nicola Bulley’s disappearance?

Thursday 9 February 2023 12:40 , Emily Atkinson

The mystery of a missing mother-of-two who disappeared while walking her dog has captured the nation’s attention, with no hint of an answer in sight.

Nicola Bulley vanished on a riverside path in Lancashire nearly two weeks ago, and now a man dubbed the ’Human Mole’ is hoping to help find out what happened.

Forensics expert Peter Faulding joined the search for Ms Bulley this week, after raising concerns about the police theory she slipped and fell into the River Wyre.

Martha McHardy reports:

The ‘Human Mole’ forensics expert who could hold key to Nicola Bulley’s disappearance

‘Dispersal order issued after men travel from Liverpool to search for Nicola Bulley'

Thursday 9 February 2023 12:10 , Emily Atkinson

A dispersal order was reportedly issued by police last night after a group of men travelled from the Liverpool area to search for Nicola Bulley in an abandoned house by the River Wyre.

TalkTV reporter Oliver Whitfield-Miocic said: “The police here have just had to issue a dispersal order to a group of men believed to have travelled down from the Liverpool area.

“They wanted to search this abandoned house on the other side of the river where the police believe that Nicola Bulley had accidentally fallen in.

‘All of this despite the police having already searched that area and only 24 hours ago the superintendent in charge of this investigation asking people not to take the law into their own hands and not to search these abandoned properties because it could amount to criminal damage.”

Missing dog walker Nicola Bulley’s final text before she disappeared revealed

Thursday 9 February 2023 11:40 , Emily Atkinson

Missing dog walker Nicola Bulley’s final text before she “vanished into thin air” has been revealed.

The 45-year-old was last seen walking her dog by the river in St Michael’s on Wyre, Lancashire, on Friday 27 January. She was still logged into a Microsoft Teams call which had ended at 9.30am when her phone was recovered.

Just half an hour earlier, the mother of two had texted a friend to book a playdate. She sent the message at 8.57am shortly before logging into the Teams call, locals at a village meeting were told.

Eleanor Noyce reports:

Missing dog walker Nicola Bulley’s final text before she disappeared revealed

Rugby league star’s disappearance ‘exactly the same’ as missing Nicola Bulley, brother says

Thursday 9 February 2023 11:11 , Emily Atkinson

The brother of an ex-rugby league player who disappeared in the US more than a year ago says his case is “exactly the same” as that of missing dog walker Nicola Bulley.

Bryn Hargreaves, 36, vanished in Virginia on 3 January last year but while detectives believe his body may be in a lake, he has yet to be found.

Police were first called to his house after a neighbour reported water had been leaking into their apartment.

Matt Mathers has the details:

Rugby star’s disappearance ‘exactly the same’ as missing Nicola Bulley, says brother

ICYMI: Forensics expert says ‘third party’ could be involved in case of missing dog walker Nicola Bulley

Thursday 9 February 2023 10:30 , Emily Atkinson

A forensic expert has warned that a ‘third party’ could be involved in the case of missing Nicola Bulley who disappeared in Lancashire 11 days ago.

The lead of a diving team searching for the dog walker said his instincts tell him if she is not found today in the river near where her phone was found, there was a “third party “ involved in her disappearance.

Peter Faulding, the chief executive of Specialist Group International (SGI) said he is “very surprised” that she has not been found in river searches.

Martha McHardy reports:

Forensics expert says ‘third party’ could be involved in case of missing dog walker

Watch: Underwater search expert responds to claims he has 'ulterior motive'

Thursday 9 February 2023 10:00 , Emily Atkinson