Cooldown sends warmth packing in Ontario as pattern makes a change

The gorgeous week of sunshine and mild fall weather in southern Ontario will come to an abrupt end by Friday, so enjoy it while you can.

A cold front will sweep through and bring rainfall with it, sending temperatures back to reality across southern Ontario.

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Temperatures will peak on Thursday, with daytime highs hitting the low to mid-teens for some areas. While the bout of rain won't be excessive by any means, it could still put a damper on the day with the cooler temperatures accompanying it.

Warmth peaks before rain and colder temperatures arrive

Ontario’s above-seasonal temperatures are expected to peak Thursday, with low to mid-teens expected inland, away from the lake shores and towards the southwest.


For perspective, Windsor should be at 8°C this week while Toronto should be at 7°C –– making this warm-up nearly five degrees above seasonal. Get out and enjoy it while it lasts because a classic November chill is just around the corner.

Forecasters are watching a cold front that will spread a widespread 5-10 mm of rainfall across southern Ontario through Friday. Rain will spread from west to east through Friday morning and wrap by the late afternoon.


Behind the front, temperatures will tumble down below normal for this time of the year. Expect 4- to 6-degree daytime highs this weekend, calling for extra layers for Santa Claus parade goers.

A clipper will then track across the region Saturday night and into Sunday with rain and snow-showers. Blustery and chilly conditions behind the system with a brief period of lake-effect snow-showers southeast of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay.

Changeable weather is expected for next week, starting off as chilly and then ending that way for the second half of it, with some mild temperatures halfway through.


Forecasters are also watching the potential for a period of colder weather, possibly wintry for parts of the region, heading into the final week of November but milder weather is expected to return for early December.

Thumbnail courtesy: Alesia Kazantceva/Unsplash.

Stay tuned for the latest forecast updates for southern Ontario.