P.E.I. recognizes public works employees for their contributions

Pride-related road closures in Charlottetown on Saturday

Prince Edward Island is recognizing the contributions of public works employees for providing infrastructure to help communities grow.

P.E.I. joined other provinces and territories in celebrating National Public Works Week. It honours public works professionals who build infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and water and wastewater systems.

"Everyone should take a few moments to recognize the significant contribution public works employees make to their communities," said Cornwall Mayor Minerva McCourt.

She thanked those who help communities run smoothly and efficiently, often working in difficult conditions.

"We all benefit from the commitment and the wide range of skills that our public works professionals bring to projects that improve the Island's quality of life," Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy Minister Paula Biggar said.

National Public Works Week runs from May 21 to 27.

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