From paper to canvas to Government House: Artists with intellectual disabilities shine

Adrian Morgan is one of the artists behind a new exhibit at Government House downtown Fredericton.   (Jonathan Collicott/CBC - image credit)
Adrian Morgan is one of the artists behind a new exhibit at Government House downtown Fredericton. (Jonathan Collicott/CBC - image credit)

Adrian Morgan couldn't contain his happiness on Friday seeing his paintings line the walls of Government House in Fredericton.

"I'm really happy I came here and I [saw] my own paintings," said Morgan.

"I'm inspired. My drawings came to life."

Morgan is one of the more than 25 artists in a new exhibit at the official residence of the lieutenant-governor on Fredericton's Woodstock Road. Togetherness-Ensemble was put together by L'Arche Saint John and Fredericton, a community for people with intellectual disabilities and features over 60 works of art.

Jonathan Collicott/CBC
Jonathan Collicott/CBC

L'Arche Saint John has a day program called Creative Connections, where the artists can create and display their work in their uptown Saint John studio.

Zoël Breau, executive director of L'Arche Saint John, said they've done five art shows at the Saint John Arts Centre, but this is their first time showing at Government House.

Jonathan Collicott/CBC
Jonathan Collicott/CBC

It all started four years ago, said Breau, when Lt.-Gov. Brenda Murphy was invited to one of their art shows at the centre and really connected with L'Arche, "and offered to continue [a] friendship with us and open this house for us," said Breau.

He said the program allows the artists to delve into various visual arts, including photography with the help of a volunteer photographer, each week.

'All things togetherness'

Morgan started with Creative Connections around five years ago and a lot of his work focuses on geometric shapes. He's had his work featured on Christmas cards, as well, a big fundraiser for the program each year.

He works with the support of Creative Connections program assistant Katie McTiernan.

McTiernan said all of the artists at Creative Connections have different skills and getting ready for the Government House exhibit has been "full steam ahead."

"All things art, all things togetherness, all things Christmas," said McTiernan.

Jonathan Collicott
Jonathan Collicott

She said the ideas for the art pieces are completely up to the artists, with a bit of guidance, and it's special to see their work framed and hanging at the Government House exhibit.

"So it's really nice to see your art come together, come alive in a different way," she said. "We see our art on paper every day. But seeing it up on the walls is really spectacular."

The show is open to the public and runs until Jan. 26.