Philip Bowden sentenced to 8 months for assaulting infant son

Philip Bowden sentenced to 8 months for assaulting infant son

A 41-year-old Halifax man has been sentenced to eight months in jail for slapping his son so hard the infant suffered permanent brain damage and vision problems.

In addition to the jail term, Philip Jason Bowden will be on probation for two years.

At Bowden's sentencing hearing earlier this week, the Crown asked for the maximum sentence for a summary offence, which is 18 months in jail. In addition to jail time, the Crown is asking for three years probation and a DNA order.

Court was told the infant was rushed to the ER at the IWK Health Centre on Aug. 13, 2012. The child, described as a "fussy baby," had severe head injuries and bleeding throughout the brain.

Bowden told police that he slapped his baby in a back-and-forth motion on both sides of his face. He later discovered the infant cold, not eating and twitching, which is when the baby was rushed to hospital.

Doctors concluded the injuries were consistent with the slapping Bowden described to police.

His lawyer, Brad Sarson, told court Bowden had difficulty accepting that his actions were responsible for the injuries his child suffered, which partially explains the delay in getting the guilty plea.

While Bowden was originally charged with aggravated assault, he eventually pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily harm.

The child has since been adopted and authorities are no longer able to assess his condition.

At an assessment done last year, Driscoll said doctors confirmed brain damage and vision problems. She said the infant was also incapable of standing on his own and had difficulty eating.

Sarson recommended a conditional sentence for his client, pointing out he's already spent two and half years on house arrest without any consequences.