Year in Review 2013: Rob Ford's No Good, Very Bad Year

In August, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admitted that he smoked 'a lot' of pot in the past. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and Premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne admitted that they’ve tried pot as well. Daily editorial cartoon for Friday, August 30, 2013, by Wes Tyrell
In August, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admitted that he smoked 'a lot' of pot in the past. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and Premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne admitted that they’ve tried pot as well. Daily editorial cartoon for Friday, August 30, 2013, by Wes Tyrell (Wes Tyrell)

2013 has been extremely tumultuous for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. He's garnered international attention for his antics, first denying and then admitting to smoking crack-cocaine, accusations of mismanaging his time and resources in favour of his high-school football coaching job, and a few lawsuits thrown his way for good measure.  All of which he seems to be walking away from unscathed. The cartoonists at Yahoo Canada have had a ball taking aim at Ford and his brother Doug this year. Here are some of the highlights of their work as we look back at the Year of Ford.