'Please just don't forget about us': Water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi, far from over

On Aug. 29, residents of Mississippi's capital city of Jackson lost access to running water when excessive rainfall led to flooding at the Pearl River, and one of the city's two water-treatment plants failed. Low or no water pressure left many residents without sufficient water to drink, bathe or flush toilets.

After about seven weeks of being forced to boil their water, residents were told Thursday that water from the tap is safe to consume. But Jackson residents say the crisis is nothing new, and are wary of quick fixes. USA TODAY Opinion asked residents what they want the nation to know with the spotlight on their city. These conversations with Voices Editor Casey Blake have been edited for length and clarity.

Bertha Anderson, retired, resident of Dewitt Avenue in Jackson

Bertha Anderson, 84, a resident of Dewitt Avenue in Jackson, Miss., talks about the city’s water crisis Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2022. Jackson has been under a bottled water notice for over a month, with additional issues caused by recent flooding. "We steady paying water bills but we can't drink the water," Anderson said. "That's the part I think is real bad. So they need to do something about that."

I really don't like taking showers – all that hot water and pressure. I'm 84, and I like taking a sit bath better – always have. Since I moved here to my house on Dewitt – here to Jackson – I always know to put a cap of Clorox in with my bathwater. Doesn't seem like you should have to but it's what I do and it works fine for me. I haven't drunk the water in 20 years but you have to take a bath.

I grew up in Yazoo County here in Mississippi, where I've lived my whole life. We used to have to tote water in from the well when I was a little girl. Now we're out here having to wait in line to get our water. It just doesn't seem right.

More from Jackson: Water crisis isn't just a moment. It's a systemic catastrophe.

I thank God I've only had to wait in line maybe 30 minutes. You see some people lining up, just sitting there for hours in line in the heat of the day. They say you need to get there by 1 o'clock if you want to get your water starting at 5, and a whole lot of people have been out there sitting and waiting.

I'm lucky that some of my neighbors brought me some water, and my daughter had a case delivered to me from Walmart. People are out here trying to help, but it's just a lot going on. I'm thankful for them.

I think we're all tired of being patient while we're all impatient. One of my neighbors told me not to forget, "Don't use that water!" I told her I've lived in the city since 1988 – no one who's been here needs any reminding that you don't drink the water in Jackson. We all know that.

Jackson, Miss., resident Bertha Anderson, 84, filled a gallon bag with water from her tap and hung it on her porch in an effort to ward off flies. Green sediment settled on the bottom, Anderson said Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2022. She then filled a second bag and decided to add pennies. No sediment formed. Copper, a fungicide, is sometimes used to keep flowers alive longer.

A lot of people on the news are talking about what happened and who is responsible, and I think a lot of them haven't done what they were supposed to. They should have taken care a long, long time ago. But a lot of them, most of them in charge now, are really doing their best to fix it. I really do believe that they're doing their best.

After some years in Jackson, all the white folks left the city and after that time they just really didn't care about us Black people who stayed. They just forgot about us. But that's not just Black people here, that's a lot of places.

I thank God I've had people here helping me. I just feel really bad that it's happening. I love my home. It's my home. I know people can understand that, and I just hope they get it fixed and stop fighting about it. The people here are good and we deserve a little help – everybody does. It should have been fixed a long time ago.

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Malcolm White, owner of Hal & Mal’s restaurant in downtown Jackson

It’s hard times in the land of plenty. That’s what I’ve been telling friends when they’ve called from around the country to ask what it’s been like here in Jackson, Mississippi, shaking my head with a laugh.

But it has been hard times here. And it’s been going on a lot longer than a week.

Malcolm White of Hal & Mal's speaks to the press during the announcement of the theme for the 2019 Hal's St. Paddy's Parade in Jackson, as well as the return of the Sweet Potato Queens to the annual event. Wednesday, August 29, 2018.
Malcolm White of Hal & Mal's speaks to the press during the announcement of the theme for the 2019 Hal's St. Paddy's Parade in Jackson, as well as the return of the Sweet Potato Queens to the annual event. Wednesday, August 29, 2018.

I’ve been the proud owner of Hal & Mal’s restaurant in the heart of Jackson for 37 years. We like to say stepping into Hal & Mal’s is like slipping on a cool pair of old shoes that’re still comfy, still stylish and still perfectly capable of skipping out on a dance floor at a moment’s notice.

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When the latest water crisis hit us, we were still sanitizing hands and worrying about whether to wear masks in the aftershocks of COVID, just barely recovered from the hardest years I could have imagined as a business owner.

Now, we’re worrying about whether or not the toilets will flush that day, whether the dishwasher and the coffee machine will be able to do their jobs, whether we have enough bottled water for customers, and ultimately whether we can open our doors. For my staff, that whether or not isn’t just business. It’s their livelihood.

For anyone who’s never lived in a city that’s struggled with water, it may be hard to imagine not being able to trust what comes out of your faucet. You take for granted that you can shower in your home and not worry about it, or that it’s safe to fill up your dog’s water bowl from the tap.

For me, I look at my grandchildren and wonder if some health problem we can’t see yet will come up down the road. I wonder, and I just hope, that I’ve done enough to protect my family. We all do.

For Jacksonians, this has become a bleak routine. “There’s another boil water advisory, better get out the jugs and the water bottles” is a regular song and dance for us.

It’s a tired old saying that you don’t miss your water until the well runs dry, but it’s true. In America, this isn’t something we’re used to. But in Jackson, it is.

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I’m glad this crisis has finally gotten us the attention and help that we needed. We hear all these pundits saying the city isn’t asking the state for help, or that the state doesn’t want to help the city. We hear it's that this mayor or that governor that's to blame. I don't believe any of it is that simple. And if casting blame and pointing fingers were solutions here, our system would have been fixed long ago.

We have a complicated past here, and it’s made for a complicated present. Mississippi succeeded and fought against a federal government that it now relies on – the same federal government that was the only thing standing between businesses including mine going under in the last few years.

From the beginning, our state’s economy was built on enslaved labor. Mississippi held out longer than any other state on integration, and the white flight that followed left the city with a wounded tax base that's left a lot of needs unmet.

We're an 80% African American city in a state that's mostly white and Republican. I don’t think people walk around here thinking “I am a racist” or “I’m not a racist.” But I think we carry a heavy burden into everything we do because of it. Jackson, in many ways, is the ultimate manifestation of America’s failure to thoroughly deal with our original sin, and we can’t escape the problems that were never solved.

I hope when people think of Jackson, they think of a city with a lot of soul, not a city without water. Who wouldn't want to live where Deion “Prime Time” Sanders lives?” I also hope they’ll think of a city that figured out how to take care of each other better.

Larry Kelly, retired auto mechanic and Jackson resident of 25 years

Terrence Shirley, CEO of the Community Health Center Association of Mississippi in Jackson

I’m fortunate enough to live about 2 miles north of where the water crisis has hit my neighbors in Jackson, Mississippi, so when I turn my water on it runs clean. But my siblings and other family in the city weren’t so lucky. Just 2 miles away from where I live, you can’t do anything with the water in your home.

I was over at my sister’s last week to celebrate her mother-in-law’s 80th birthday. It was really difficult trying to remember that no, you can’t use that water in the sink to wash the dishes after dinner, and gently reminding this 80-year-old woman that she can’t do this simple thing because it’s not safe.

From Central Miss. Health Services team: Robert Porter, Dr. Tim Rush (back row), Michael Adcock, Magnolia Health Plan, and the author, Terrence M.  Shirley, CEO, Community Health Center Association of Mississippi.
From Central Miss. Health Services team: Robert Porter, Dr. Tim Rush (back row), Michael Adcock, Magnolia Health Plan, and the author, Terrence M. Shirley, CEO, Community Health Center Association of Mississippi.

It’s 2022 in the capital city of the state of Mississippi and we’re talking about people who can’t wash a dish in the sink with the water in their homes. They can’t go the restroom and wash their hands, or bathe in it.

As many people as you saw standing in line to watch as the queen’s coffin went by last week – that’s how many people were standing in line to get clean water they could drink in Jackson. And we are nowhere near out of the woods yet.

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In health care, we talk about these new buzzwords like the social determinants of health. Now we are talking about facing determinants that lead to the illnesses of 40, 50 or 60 years ago when people had standing water in their yards and were drinking from creeks. We’ve got trained medical professionals delivering water to patients, and having to coordinate water getting brought in just to mix medicines.

We’re talking about heavy medical equipment that needs water to operate with coolants, and dialysis systems that need clean water to keep people alive.  When we’re talking about something as simple as running water, it’s almost difficult to think about how many things fail without it. How simple a thing it is that we forget.

There’s been a lot of finger-pointing about who is to blame, and now that the people in charge can finally be in a room together to solve this thing, I hope they’ll use this attention to realize that this system is failing. Our infrastructure is failing people. It is broken, and you cannot put new things on top of old broken things.

They just lifted the boil-water advisory, but I don't know how many folks will trust that or how long it'll take. If you've lived in place this long where you couldn't trust the water, and they told you all of a sudden it's safe, you just have to wonder if you can believe it. I won't be drinking it today. Would you?

I hope the country won’t forget about Jackson. Please just don't forget about us. I hope they won’t let us become old news. Other cities across the country will be right where we are, and they just don’t know it yet. We need resources to keep coming and for the light to stay on us.

Yamiracle Cleveland, full-time job trainer, mom and Jackson native

When I was my baby’s age I remember my mama boiling water for us to take baths in. When I was growing up, boiling water was the first thing she did to start cooking. She wasn’t boiling any of our food, necessarily – that’s just what you had to do to start cooking when I was growing up. There was always a boil-water advisory so that was just normal.

I’m 29 now, with my own 4-year-old daughter. I’ve lived in Jackson my whole life, and we’re still boiling water here. I’m sure we’ll keep doing it.

Yamiracle Cleveland poses with her daughter, 4-year-old Yalaysia Nelson, in 2022 in Jackson, Mississippi.
Yamiracle Cleveland poses with her daughter, 4-year-old Yalaysia Nelson, in 2022 in Jackson, Mississippi.

I'll keep using bottled water to brush our teeth and wash our faces. On the days when the water was really tan, I was bird-bathing my baby girl, just because I didn’t want her sitting in that water when the color was so discomforting. We’re still putting bleach in our water when it’s “clean,” too, and we’ll keep doing that.

They lifted the advisory this week to boil all our water, but I just can’t believe it’s safe. This has been going on for years. It’s basically been going on my whole life. So I think most of us who live here are just asking, “If all it took was two weeks to fix this, why haven’t you guys already done it?” It just doesn’t make any sense.

I honestly feel the only reason they’ve even said that is because there’s been so much pressure and because it all went so viral. There were all these eyes on Flint (Michigan), and then here it is in Jackson, so they want to say they’ve fixed it. But if it was that simple, why did it take so long? Why wasn’t it already done?

I love Jackson, and I’m happy to be a Jacksonian. This is my home and it feels like home. But the system is failing us – that’s how I feel. Our leaders are failing us, and I personally believe it’s because we’re a Black-populated city.

Out of all the cities in Mississippi that all have clean water - this is the capital city. If other cities can have it together, it just doesn’t make any sense that we can’t have clean water. I don’t want to leave, but I think one day I might want my daughter to grow up somewhere that’s safer, and that supports single moms and gives them what they need.

Casey Blake is the Voices editor for USA TODAY Opinion. Follow her on Twitter: @CaseyBlakeAVL

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Jackson water crisis: Boil advisory lifted, will residents drink it?