PM 'Battling For Britain Through The Night'

David Cameron has said he will be "battling for Britain through the night" to get a good deal on EU renegotiation.

Speaking in Brussels ahead of a summit of European leaders, Mr Cameron acknowledged no deal would be reached over night but said it was important to driver for "real momentum".

His comments came after European Council President Donald Tusk warned Mr Cameron's demands on migrant benefits were "unacceptable".

The Prime Minister has made four demands but the key sticking point has been a four-year ban on UK in-work benefits for EU migrants, which European leaders are opposed to because it threatens the key EU principle of freedom of movement.

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Mr Tusk said: "The consultations I have led with all member states shows goodwill of all the parties involved, but it doesn't change the fact that some parts of the British proposal seem unacceptable.

"However, if Prime Minister Cameron persuades leaders tonight that we can work together to find solutions regarding all four baskets then we will have a real chance to strike a deal in February."

His comments were echosed by European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker has warned EU reform has to be fair for all countries, not just Britain,

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Mr Juncker said there were other options to be considered and not just the ones David Cameron has tabled in his list of four demands.

He said: "We want a fair deal with Britain and this fair deal has to be a fair deal with other countries."

Mr Cameron said: "I want to see real progress in all of the four areas that I have mentioned.

"We are not pushing for a deal tonight but we are pushing for real momentum so that we can get this deal done. So I am going to be battling for Britain right through the night and I think we will be getting a good deal."

Over dinner tonight, Mr Cameron will have his first significant opportunity to gauge support for the concessions he is seeking for Britain.

Bilateral meetings have revealed backing for some elements of the reform package, but negotiations are expected to be tough.

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It comes as a poll from Lord Ashcroft indicates more British people now want to leave the EU than stay in it. The poll of 20,000 voters found 47% want out of the EU and only 38% wanted to remain - with 14% undecided.

The Prime Minister is essentially making four demands in his renegotiation of the UK's deal with the 28-nation bloc.

He wants protection for EU countries who have not joined the Euro, reforms to promote competitiveness, and guarantees over UK sovereignty and the benefit curbs.

It is seen in key European capitals as contrary to the fundamental principles of EU freedom of movement and non-discrimination, and therefore requiring a change to core EU treaties.

The main EU powers have ruled out treaty change now for political reasons.

Mr Cameron has invited his European counterparts to offer alternative policy reforms that can help the UK limit large flows of migration from other EU countries since the advent of the Eurozone crisis.

One option floated involves an emergency brake on the payment of benefits to EU migrants if flows become excessive.