Prince Harry ITV interview LIVE: New revelations from Duke of Sussex as he discusses his memoir Spare with Tom Bradby

Prince Harry ITV interview LIVE: New revelations from Duke of Sussex as he discusses his memoir Spare with Tom Bradby

An interview with Prince Harry ahead of the release of his controversial memoir Spare has been aired on ITV tonight ahead of the book’s launch.

The programme in which the Duke of Sussex sat down with broadcaster Tim Bradby revealed more detail on the book and more allegations against the Royal Family.

The Duke of Sussex accused members of his family of "getting into bed with the devil" to rehabilitate their image, and the King of sacrificing Harry's interests in favour of his own.

In his first primetime television interview promoting his controversial memoir, Harry also criticised "family members" for a "really horrible reaction" on the day the Queen died, with leakings and briefings.

He also told ITV's Tom Bradby that he loved his father Charles and brother the Prince of Wales, but said: "At the moment, I don't recognise them, as much as they probably don't recognise me."

"Nothing of what I've done in this book or otherwise has ever been any intention to harm them or hurt them," he added.

Clips previously released by ITV of Harry: The Interview, showed him describing feelings of guilt and telling broadcaster Tom Bradby he had cried only once after the death of his mother Diana, Princess of Wales.

In a previously released trailer for the interview, Harry said he was publishing his memoirs because he does not know "how staying silent is ever going to make things better".

In another clip, he says he wants to reconcile with his family - but that it cannot happen without "some accountability".

The one hour 40 minute programme that began at 9pm was the first of four broadcast appearances over the coming days, with the duke also speaking to Anderson Cooper for 60 Minutes on CBS News on Sunday night in the US, Michael Strahan of Good Morning America on Monday and Stephen Colbert on the Late Show on CBS on Wednesday morning UK time.

00:59 , Matt Watts

That concludes our live coverage of the ITV interview. You can read a full story on the revelations of the Duke of Sussex’s interview with Tom Bradby here.

Prince Harry says he doesnt think his brother and father will read his memoir or watch his ITV interview

Sunday 8 January 2023 23:30 , Matt Watts

Prince Harry said he doesnt think his brother and father will read his memoir or watch his ITV interview.He said: “I don’t think – I don’t think my father or brother will read the book. I really hope they do. But I don’t think they will.

“And with regard to this interview I – I don’t know whether they’ll be, you know, watching this or not, but, what they have to say to me and what I have to say to them will be in private, and I hope it can stay that way.

“Because the last moment that we were together was during, you know, our – or the Queen’s funeral. And that, in my mind – and I think globally people felt the same, was a really good opportunity to bring the family together. “But the day that she died was just a really, really horrible reaction from my family members and then by all accounts, well certainly from what I saw and what other people probably experienced was they were on the back foot and then the briefings and the leaking and the planting, I was like ‘We’re here to celebrate the life of granny and to mourn her loss, can we come together as a family?’ but I don’t know – I don’t know how we collectively – how we change that.”

Harry discusses how ‘from the get go’ Meghan and Kate didnt get on

Sunday 8 January 2023 23:03 , Matt Watts

During the interview, Bradby discusses Harry and Meghan’s relationship with the Princess of Wales.

Bradby says how in Spare he described how “you do love her and see her as the sister you never had” but then with Meghan and Kate“the impression is that ...almost from the get-go it’s just they don’t get on” which Harry describes as “fair.”

When asked what he thought it was all about he said: “lots of different reasons but, as I again detail a lot, I had put a lot of hope in the idea that it’d be William and Kate and me and whoever. I thought the four of us would, you know, bring me and William closer together, we could go out and do work together, which I did a lot as the third wheel to them, which was fun at times but also, I guess slightly awkward at times as well. “

“I don’t think they were ever expecting me to get into a relationship with someone like Meghan who had, you know, a very successful career.”

He suggested the “stereotyping” of her as an “American actress” that was “playing out” in the press could have played an influence.“So you know, the fact that I had that in the back of my mind, and some of the things that my brother and sister-in-law – some of the way that they were acting or behaving definitely felt to me as though unfortunately that stereotyping was causing a bit of a barrier to them really sort of, you know, introducing or welcoming her in.”

“ Well, American actress, divorced, biracial, there’s – there’s all different parts to that and what that can mean but if you are, like a lot of my family do, if you are reading the press, the British tabloids at the same time as living the life, then there is a tendency where you could actually end up living in the tabloid bubble rather than the actual reality.”

Memoir and Netflix interview ‘essential for historical fact and significance’

Sunday 8 January 2023 22:45 , Matt Watts

Questioned on whether he was “looking back too much” with his interview with Tom Bradby and releasing his memoir, the Duke of Sussex said: “We always knew that these two projects, both the Netflix documentary and the book – one being our story and one very much being my story – they were look-back projects.

“They were necessary, they were essential for historical fact and significance.

“I don’t want my kids or other people of that age growing up thinking ‘Oh wow, this is what happens’, like no that’s not what happened. This is what happened.

“There are two sides to every story, so it’s been – it’s been a painful process – cathartic at times, but going back over old ground to be able to get these projects right has taken a lot of energy, and there’s a lot of relief now that both these projects have been complete.

“Now we can focus on looking forward and I’m excited about that.

“So no, I’m not stuck in the past and I will never be stuck in the past.”

Harry addresses alleged comments within Royal household about Archie’s skin colour

Sunday 8 January 2023 22:42 , Matt Watts

In his interview with Bradby in California, the presenter said “in the Oprah interview you accused members of your family of racism”, Harry responded by saying “no I didn’t”, adding “the British press said that”.

The Duke continued: “Did Meghan ever mention that they’re racist?”

After Bradby said the duchess claimed troubling comments were made about their son Archie’s skin colour, Harry said: “There was – there was concern about his skin colour.”

Asked if he would describe that as racist, the duke said: “I wouldn’t, not having lived within that family. The difference between racism and unconscious bias, the two things are different.

“But once it’s been acknowledged, or pointed out to you as an individual, or as an institution, that you have unconscious bias, you therefore have an opportunity to learn and grow from that in order so that you are part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

“Otherwise unconscious bias then moves into the category of racism.”

Prince Harry hits out at ‘horrific’ Sun newspaper article about Meghan

Sunday 8 January 2023 22:38 , Matt Watts

The Duke of Sussex has said Jeremy Clarkson’s “horrific” article in the Sun newspaper about his wife Meghan encourages people around the world to believe it is an acceptable way to treat women.

Harry told Tom Bradby on ITV ahead of the publication of his memoir Spare: “When we’re talking about accountability… the Jeremy Clarkson article, so not only did what he said was horrific and is hurtful and cruel towards my wife, but it also encourages other people around the UK and around the world, men particularly, to go and think that it’s acceptable to treat women that way.

“To use my stepmother’s words recently as well, there is a global pandemic of violent – violence against women.

“It’s no longer a case of me asking for accountability, but at this point the world is asking for accountability, and the world is asking for some form of comment from the monarchy but the silence is deafening.”

The Sun newspaper apologised after the piece, in which TV presenter Clarkson said he “hated” Meghan, became the Independent Press Standards Organisation’s most complained-about article.

Harry discusses ‘level of ‘unconscious bias that existed within me'

Sunday 8 January 2023 22:36 , Matt Watts

Prince Harry has talked about “unconscious bias, and being called a racist by the British press” in his memoir.

He told Bradby: “I got called a racist when I was, you know, in my 20s by mistakes that I made. They were never intentional to harm anybody, but I recognise from that a level of unconscious bias within me that probably came from a combination of my upbringing, things I was exposed to and things that I saw in the media.

“And I made a choice to right that wrong. I wanted to be part of the solution rather than part of the – part of the problem. And that has taken a lot of hard work, because I couldn’t understand ‘why am I being called a racist?’ of course clearly by what I did it looked that way.

“But I knew that I wasn’t a racist. But I made an active choice to ensure that the British press and the public knew that I wasn’t because that was a horrible place to be, a horrible thing to be called. But there was a level of unconscious bias that existed within me that needed to be confronted.”

Harry says Lady Susan Hussey’ never meant any harm’ with Lady Susan Hussey comments

Sunday 8 January 2023 22:30 , Matt Watts

The Duke of Sussex said the reaction from the press to the incident between Lady Susan Hussey and Ngozi Fulani was “horrendous”.

He told Tom Bradby on ITV: “All we’ve ever asked for in the last – certainly the last few years – is some accountability.

“And I’m very happy for Ngozi Fulani to be invited into the palace to sit down with Lady Susan Hussey and to reconcile, because Meghan and I love Susan Hussey. (Meghan) thinks she’s great.

“And I also know that what she meant – she never meant any harm at all.

“But the response from the British press, and from people online because of the stories that they wrote was horrendous.”

The Queen’s former lady in waiting quit an honorary role after asking Ms Fulani during an event at Buckingham Palace where she really came from.

Royal family ‘complicit in conflict created by the press’

Sunday 8 January 2023 22:24 , Matt Watts

The Duke of Sussex said “certain members” of his family and the people who work for them are complicit in conflict created by the British tabloid press.

Harry said: “I think there’s probably a lot of people who, after watching the documentary and reading the book, will go, how could you ever forgive your family for what they’ve done?

“People have already said that to me, and I said, forgiveness is 100% a possibility because I would like to get my father back. I would like to have my brother back. At the moment, I don’t recognise them, as much as they probably don’t recognise me.

“But that is, uh, a symptom of one of the problems where we’re not just talking about family relationships, we’re talking about an antagonist, which is the British press, specifically the tabloids who want to create as much conflict as possible.

“The saddest part of that is certain members of my family and the people that work for them are complicit in that conflict.

“So, though I would like to have reconciliation, I would like accountability, I’ve managed to make peace over this time with a lot of things that have happened but that doesn’t mean that I’m just gonna let it go.

“You know, I’ve made peace with it, but I still would like reconciliation. And not only would that be wonderful for us, but it would be fantastic for them as well.”

Harry alleges ‘planting and leaking’ of stories from other members of the royal family

Sunday 8 January 2023 22:19 , Matt Watts

The Duke of Sussex has claimed “planting and leaking” from other members of the royal family meant, in his mind, they had written “countless books” and “millions of words … dedicated to trying to trash my wife”.

Asked how his brother would react to his airing of private conversations in public, Harry told Bradby: “He’d probably say all sorts of different things.

“But you know, for the last however many years, let’s just focus on the last six years, the level of planting and leaking from other members of the family means that in my mind they have written countless books – certainly millions of words have been dedicated to trying to trash my wife and myself to the point of where I had to leave my country.

“The distorted narrative is that we wanted to leave to go and make money.”

Harry says ‘I’m no competition to my father or brother’

Sunday 8 January 2023 22:17 , Matt Watts

Speaking about the “competition” between him and the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Sussex said: “I always believed that – well I’m the spare, I’m no competition to my father, no competition to my brother, I think this will be absolutely fine. How wrong I was.

“The very thing that William and Kate had experienced from Pa and Camilla happened to us, and happened from William and Kate’s office as well.

“But somehow in that, apparently the same experience that they had had, William and Kate, wasn’t happening to us.”The Duke of Sussex said it was “heartbreaking” that he “simply didn’t believe” his brother when he said he wanted him to be happy and used the words “on mummy’s life” at the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral.

In his book Spare, Harry described the phrase as a “universal password” or a “secret code” between the pair, which he said they had used for 25 years “for when one of us needed to be heard”.

Harry told Tom Bradby on ITV: “It is heartbreaking. This whole thing is completely, not just unnecessary, it’s incredibly sad.

“But there’s a – there’s a way through it, there’s a way out of it.

“And that’s what I’m focused on now. But yes, it’s heartbreaking.”

Prince William ‘raised some concerns about marriage to Meghan'

Sunday 8 January 2023 22:13 , Matt Watts

The Duke of Sussex said his brother “raised some concerns” about his marriage to Meghan.

Harry told Tom Bradby on ITV: “He never tried to dissuade me from marrying Meghan but he aired some concerns very early on and said ‘this is going to be really hard for you’, and I still to this day don’t truly understand which part of what he was talking about.

“Maybe he predicted what the British press’s reaction was going to be?”

Harry discusses how ‘fab four’ title ‘created competition’

Sunday 8 January 2023 22:12 , Matt Watts

The Duke of Sussex told Tom Bradby the idea of him and his wife being the “fab four” with the Prince and Princess of Wales was “something the British press created” and it “creates competition”.

He said: “The idea of the four of us being together was always a hope for me.

“Before it was Meghan, whoever it was going to be, I always hoped that the four of us would get on.

“But, very quickly it became Meghan versus Kate.

“And that, when it plays out so publicly, you can’t hide from that, right?

“Especially when within my family you have the newspapers laid out pretty much in every single palace and house that is around.”

Harry ‘asked for permision from Queen to keep his beard for wedding’

Sunday 8 January 2023 22:10 , Matt Watts

The Duke of Sussex said he asked the late Queen for permission to keep his beard for his own wedding, which she allowed, but his brother the Prince of Wales was unhappy.

Asked what the disagreement was actually about by Tom Bradby on ITV, Harry said: “I think a lot of it is to do with – I mean I refer to it as heir/spare but also older brother/younger brother – there’s a level of competition there.

“And again, writing this, I remembered that William had a beard himself and that granny and other people, the ones to tell – told him that he had to shave it off.

“The difference for me, if there was a difference, but the difference for me was, as I explained to my grandmother, that this beard – that I’m still wearing – felt to me at the time like the new Harry, right. As almost like a shield to my anxiety.

“I think William found it hard that other people told him to shave it off, and yet here I was on my wedding day wearing military uniform, no longer in the military, but believing as though I should shave it off before my wedding day.

“And I said ‘well I don’t believe that Meghan’s going to recognise me if she comes up the aisle and sees me beardless’.”

Harry discusses alleged violent incident with William

Sunday 8 January 2023 22:02 , Matt Watts

Harry has discussed the violent incident with his brother William that he describes in the book, where he alleged William knocked him to the floor, with a dog’s bowl cracking under his back after he fell.He says: “Me and William, like I guess a lot of siblings, or maybe not, William and I used to fight all the time. Now the difference to that was we were kids, we used to shoot each other with BB guns, we used to have firework fights, all of this stuff that I talk about in the book.

“Um, what was different here was this level of frustration and, you know, I talk about the red mist that I had for so many years, and I saw this red mist in him.”

Harry opens up about his relationship with Prince William

Sunday 8 January 2023 21:52 , Matt Watts

The ITV interview has continued with Prince Harry talking about his relationship with his brother Prince William.

Prince Harry said he was hurt when his older brother didn’t want to be close to him when he joined Eton.He tells Bradby: “It’s like ‘Come on, like you left me at Ludgrove and now I’m here at Eton, like hey let’s – now we’re at the same school, let’s go’. and he didn’t want anything to do with me. And that hurt at the time. “

Now as a parent of two children of a similar age gap, he says he understands that the younger sibling can be annoying to the older.

But that at the time he didn’t understand he wanted space.

Harry says he has never been ‘scathing’ towards Camilla

Sunday 8 January 2023 21:50 , Matt Watts

Prince Harry has addressed his relationship with Camilla and his claims stories were leaked to the press.

An extract from the book reads: “Shortly after our private summits with her, she began to play the long game. A campaign aimed marriage, and eventually the Crown, with Pa’s blessing we presumed.”

Harry adds in the interview: “Stories began to appear everywhere in all the papers about her private conversation with Willie, stories that contained pinpoint accurate details, none of which had come from Willie, of course. They could only have been leaked by the other one other person present.

“There’s no part of any of the things that I’ve said are scathing towards any member of my family, especially not my stepmother. There are things that have happened that have been incredibly hurtful, um, some in the past, some current.”

Prince Harry says that he will ‘always love his father’ but that he was not made for ‘single-parenthood’

Sunday 8 January 2023 21:44 , Matt Watts

Prince Harry said during his ITV interview that he will ‘always love his father’ despite the ongoing rift.

Prince Harry said: “I love my father. I love my brother. I love my family. I always do.

“Nothing of what I’ve done in this book or otherwise has ever been to harm them or hurt them.”

He added that his father was “never made for single-parenthood’”

An extract from Spare reads: ‘He’d always given an air of not being quite ready for parenthood: the responsibilities, the patience, the time,’ he said.

“Even he, though a proud man, would have admitted as much. But single-parenthood? Pa was never made for that. To be fair, he tried.”

Prince Harry accuses Royal Family members of getting in ‘bed with the devil'

Sunday 8 January 2023 21:35 , Matt Watts

Prince Harry has accused Royal Family members of getting in “bed with the devil” over their links with the tabloid press.He tells Bradby: “ I love my father. I love my brother. I love my family. I will always do. Nothing of what I’ve done in this book or otherwise has ever been to any intention to harm them or hurt them.“

You know the truth is something that I need to rely on. And after many, many years of lies being told about me and my, my family, there comes a point where, you know, again, going back to the relationship between certain members of the family and the tabloid press, those certain members have decided to get in the bed with the devil, right?”

Harry addresses his drug taking

Sunday 8 January 2023 21:30 , Matt Watts

Harry has discussed his admission of taking drugs that are revealed in the memoir.“There’s a fair amount of drugs, um, marijuana, magic mushrooms, cocaine. I mean, that’s gonna surprise people. ,” says Bradby.Harry says it’s “important to acknowledge”.

Sunday 8 January 2023 21:27 , Matt Watts

William has talked about his memories of Diana’s funeralHe tells Tom Bradby: “the memories of the bridles chinking, you know, going down the mall, the hooves going down the, the concrete and the occasional, you know, gravel underneath the foot and the wails from the crowd. But otherwise complete silence is something that will stick with me forever.”

'I cried once at the burial of Diana’

Sunday 8 January 2023 21:16 , Matt Watts

Harry has been discussing further how he felt after the death of Diana. “I cried once, um, at the burial. Um, and, you know, I go into detail about talking how, you know, how strange it was and how actually there was some guilt that I, that I felt, and I think William felt as well, by walking around the outside of Kensington Palace and the 50,000 bouquets of flowers to our mother. And there we were shaking people’s hands, smiling. “

Harry discusses the trauma he felt after the death of his mother Diana

Sunday 8 January 2023 21:14 , Matt Watts

Harry has been discussing the trauma that he felt after the death of his mother Diana. “I refer to it as post-traumatic stress injury because I don’t, I’m not a person with a disorder. I know I’m not,” he says

‘It felt like a good time to own my story and be able to tell it for myself'

Sunday 8 January 2023 21:07 , Matt Watts

The interview with Harry has begun, with Harry being asked why he has released his “extraordinary” memoir.

He says after “38 years of having my story told by so many different people, , with intentional spin and distortion felt like a good time to own my story and be able to tell it for myself.”