Progress on Essex Council’s four-year Strategic Plan outlined

In March of 2023, the Town of Essex retained Linton Consulting to put together its Strategic Master Plan, a document that establishes overall direction and priorities, aligns organizational efforts, and supports future decision-making.

Council recieved an update a year after the document was implemented at the May 6 regular meeting.

The document looks ahead over the four-year Term of Council.

“Through consultation with Council, Administration, and the public, a plan was developed that identified four strategic priorities that provide direction and goals...used as guiding principles on priorities when establishing budgets or capital projects,” CAO Doug Sweet explained.

One of the questions on the survey issued to gather public feedback when the consultant was developing the document was “what was important to residents.” Out of nearly 500 participants, the top three answers wanted safe and well-maintained roads; parks, trails, playgrounds, and open spaces; priorities and desired timely communication from the municipality.

With that feedback in mind, the four strategic priorities were established: safe and reliable infrastructure, jobs and economic opportunities, a welcoming and caring community, and a responsible and people-focused government.

Each of the four priorities were broken into action items, Sweet explained. The document listed a total of 47 action items, each assigned with a department lead and estimated timeline to complete that action.

After the first year has been completed, 74 percent of the action items have been started, Sweet said.

“This demonstrates the Town’s commitment and accountability to this plan,” he said.

Councillor Kim Verbeek said she loved the news.

Council received the Report for information.

Sylene Argent, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Essex Free Press