Quebec Scout troop scrambling after Tamaracouta camp closes for summer

Quebec Scout troop scrambling after Tamaracouta camp closes for summer

Scouts Canada says it's temporarily closing down the Tamaracouta Scout Reserve, a popular camping site in the Laurentians for the summer.

In a statement, officials say the site needs infrastructure upgrades and is undergoing an evaluation.

This is bad news for Chris Hosein, who works with the Second Westmount Scout Troop.

He says this last-minute decision is disrupting summer plans for volunteers and the hundreds of children who camp there.

"We have big camps that were planned for May, June and July. But we are now left scrambling to host our camps," he said. "We don't know if we're going to be an hour away or three hours away; or if the price is going to be $200 or $600."


The troop is now trying to work out logistics and find a new place for children to camp this summer.

"As a scout troop, and as a parent, we are really upset and quite concerned about this closure."

Hosein said he doesn't have much information about Scouts Canada's property management study, or what it will mean for the future of the Tamaracouta Scout Reserve.

"We're not quite sure what's happening at all. And I think that's probably been the most upsetting."

Scouts Canada has not returned the CBC Montreal's request for comment, but did release a statement announcing the temporary closure of the camp site.