Queen’s funeral latest: King Charles and siblings keep vigil over the Queen’s coffin

The King has led a moving vigil at his mother’s coffin alongside his three siblings as mourners filed past on a chilly Friday night at Westminster Hall.

King Charles III, the Princess Royal, the Duke of York and the Earl of Wessex stood on the four sides of the Queen’s coffin, facing out toward the public in a 15-minute vigil.

Other members of the Royal Family stood and watched from the walls of Westminster Hall.

Mourners queueing overnight to see the Queen’s lying in state have been warned of a 22-hour wait, and temperatures are set to drop to 7C.

Blankets and medication are being handed out to people braving the cold on Friday evening to pay their respects to the Queen at Westminster Hall.

The line was closed for hours on Friday after reaching capacity, but re-opened just after 5pm with newcomers joining the back at Southwark Park.

The Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has warned that the queue may need to be paused again.

Among thousands of members of the public who have already lined up was footballer David Beckham, who said he waited more than 12 hours.

New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and British MPs were among leaders who also paid their respects to the Queen at Westminster Hall on Friday.

Two mourners who queued on Wednesday were allegedly sexually assaulted by a man, a court has heard.

The King and Queen Consort spent the day in Wales for the first time since the King became monarch. The couple were in Cardiff to hear tributes from politicians, attend a service and greet mourners.

The Prince and Princess of Wales have spoken with troops from Australia, New Zealand and Canada at an army training centre in Surrey. They will participate in the Queen’s state funeral.

Friday headlines

Friday 16 September 2022 06:49 , Will Mata

Good morning. Here is what we know so far on Friday, September 16:

Queen Consort has been performing royal duties ‘with broken toe’

Prince Harry will get to wear military uniform in special tribute to the Queen - report

Royal staff fear redundancy via ‘death clause’ after passing of the Queen

Queen’s funeral plan in full revealed as queue for mourners reaches almost 5 miles

Prince Andrew’s return to public eye condemned by Jeffrey Epstein’s victims

Queue surges to 4.4 miles

Friday 16 September 2022 06:51 , Will Mata

It did not take long for the queue to stretch back to Bermondsey Beach.

The latest from the government graphic shows that it is now 4.4 miles long.

‘The wait has been worth it'

Friday 16 September 2022 07:04 , Will Mata

Some of the mourners who queued up over night (AP)
Some of the mourners who queued up over night (AP)

The queue to reach the Queen's coffin took some mourners more than nine hours to complete but many said the long wait was worth it.

At one point during the second night of the Queen's lying in state, those lining up in the queue which hugged the south banks of the River Thames were told the wait time had swelled to 14 hours.

Mourners said there was "breath-taking" serenity awaiting them in Westminster Hall where "you could hear a pin drop" in the silence.

As of 11.30pm on Thursday, the queue was 4.9 miles long, drifting back as far as Southwark Park in Bermondsey, with an estimated wait time of nine hours.

A little over two hours later, the wait time had jumped to 14 hours, although the mileage of the queue remained the same.

By 5.30am on Friday, it was once again at nine hours with the actual length shrinking to 3.6 miles. The closest landmark for the end of the queue had also changed to Tower Bridge. For most of the night, the line was nearly five miles in length with Southwark listed as the nearest landmark, according to the Queue Tracker.

Nurse Melanie Pickman, 50, left her home in Swansea at 11am to join the back of the queue just before 3pm.

The mother-of-three said: "My sons think I'm mad because I have come to London to stand in a queue which some people say could be 30 hours long.

"Last night I thought about it and I made the decision to come first thing this morning. I just thought that I needed to come.

"We will never see this again. She served our country for such a long time. We owe it to her to show our respect.

"Look at all these people who have shown up to queue - she has made them happy.

"She may be the Queen but she is also somebody's mum, aunty and granny. I just think she is part of us as well. We have been lucky to have her."

There was a tinge of sadness, overwhelming amounts of respect and lots of good-natured chatter as strangers quickly built friendships with those walking beside them for much of the day.

It was surprisingly also not overly noisy despite thousands of people, ranging from the elderly to babies in arms, joining the growing crowd.

Bonuses included mild temperatures in the early 20Cs, the rain holding off and a route which passed landmarks including the Globe Theatre and Tate Modern.

Firefighters were seen handing out bottles of water, volunteers from the Samaritans were available and there was a noticeable presence of stewards, police and portable toilets along the route.

The UK chief commissioner of the Scouts said the mood among the crowds waiting to pay their respects was "friendly and poignant".

Carl Hankinson, who is among volunteers to monitor the queue throughout Victoria Gardens, said Scouts had been "on their feet 12 hours" a day to help ensure the smooth running of admissions.

The Scout, who once met the Queen at a garden party, said: "She was fantastic in every way - she was interested in Scouts, she was conversational, very encouraging and very supportive of young people."

Marc Carney, 58, filed past the Queen's coffin at 6.40pm after travelling from his home in Hythe, Kent, on Thursday morning.

The moment he got to say his personal goodbye left him "struck by the realism" of everything that is happening.

He said: "It hits you how moving it all us and how much love and support there's for the Queen."

Mr Carney joined the queue at about 11.30am and said "it had been difficult to find the end of it because the line kept on growing as I was walking towards it".

He added: "It was so rewarding and peaceful in lots of ways. You also got to see London under a different cloud.

"It was worth it making that long journey. It makes you focus on what you are here for."

Earlier, three well-wishers who befriended each other in the queue said there had been a friendly "camaraderie" among the crowd.

Queue buddies: Matthew Edwards, 35, James Across, 65, and Amy Harris, 34 (PA)
Queue buddies: Matthew Edwards, 35, James Across, 65, and Amy Harris, 34 (PA)

Amy Harris, 34, and Matthew Edwards, 35, met James Cross, 65, after getting the train to London from Birmingham to join the queue at about 1am.

Mr Cross said: "Everyone in the queue was very friendly, chatting and having a laugh. It was really quite lovely."

Mr Edwards said: "Everyone was offering biscuits, drinks," adding that the three were now planning to have a pint together after the long wait.

The atmosphere in Westminster Hall was "breath-taking," Ms Harris said.

"When you're able to go in and have a moment to look at it and reflect, the serenity of it - to be able to pay your respects in such a serene place, it's very peaceful."

Fiona Holloran, 34, wept as she left Westminster Hall after paying her respects to the Queen.

The Londoner said: "It was very moving to see the vigil around her - I was a little bit surprised at how much it struck me."

The PhD student, who queued since 6.30am with her baby strapped to her in a carrier, said the wait had been "worth it".

"It's lovely that everyone has just a moment to themselves - no one was pushing."

Pictures: Queue enters third day

Friday 16 September 2022 07:12 , Will Mata

The line stretches down the South Bank in London (AP)
The line stretches down the South Bank in London (AP)
People queue to pay their respect to the late Queen Elizabeth II (AP)
People queue to pay their respect to the late Queen Elizabeth II (AP)
People queue at the start of the more than four miles long line, near Tower Bridge (AP)
People queue at the start of the more than four miles long line, near Tower Bridge (AP)
People queue to pay their respects following the death of Britain's Queen Elizabeth (REUTERS)
People queue to pay their respects following the death of Britain's Queen Elizabeth (REUTERS)

Queen used to watch The Crown on Netflix

Friday 16 September 2022 07:30 , Will Mata

Queen used to watch The Crown on a projector on Sunday nights, says Matt Smith (PA Wire)
Queen used to watch The Crown on a projector on Sunday nights, says Matt Smith (PA Wire)

The Queen used to watch episodes of The Crown via a projector on Sunday nights, actor Matt Smith has said.

The British actor, who played a young version of the Duke of Edinburgh in the popular royal-drama, said he wanted to return to the UK to experience the "ceremony" of the monarch's state funeral - due to be held on Monday.

Smith starred opposite Claire Foy for the first two seasons of the show, which also featured John Lithgow as Winston Churchill.

It has long been speculated as to whether any members of the royal family watched the hit series, or what their opinions of it were.

Speaking to NBC's Today Show, Smith said: "I heard the Queen had watched it, and she used to watch it on a projector on a Sunday night apparently.

"I know that Philip definitely didn't.

"A friend of mine sat next to him at a dinner once and he asked him... apparently he turned 'round to him and said 'don't be ridiculous'."

Smith revealed his desire to return to the UK for the funeral on Monday, saying: "I think it's a piece of history.

"I think I just want to be in London. I want to experience it, I want to share in the ceremony of it really."

He added that whereas his mother wanted to go to witness the procession, he would most likely watch the service "in a local pub with a group of friends".

It comes after Foy spoke of the honour of playing the Queen on screen, describing the late monarch as a "massive symbol of continuity and dignity and grace".

Charles to make first visit to Wales

Friday 16 September 2022 07:40 , Will Mata

The King and former Prince of Wales is to visit Cardiff for the first time as monarch.

There is no official legal function or necessary procedure to the events - but does mean Charles III will have been to all four home nation capitals since his mother, the Queen died.

Firm friends made in the queue

Friday 16 September 2022 07:55 , Will Mata

Mary Buttimer, 59 from Greenwich, and Martin Clark, 65, from Kent, have become firm friends in the queue.

Standing near London Bridge station, London, the pair have been in the queue for an hour and a half.

Mary said she had joined the queue to pay her respects to the Queen.

"I wouldn't necessarily say I'm a royalist, but I just thought it was a respectful thing I could do, to acknowledge her years of service," she said.

Martin said they had started near Bermondsey station.

"We are in, we have got to see it through now," he said.

Jacinda Ardern to meet King

Friday 16 September 2022 07:56 , Will Mata

New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (PA) (PA Wire)
New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (PA) (PA Wire)

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will meet the King, Prince of Wales and Prime Minister before the Queen’s funeral.

Ms Ardern confirmed the meetings but disclosed minimal details after arriving in the UK, saying she will “share the sorrow that New Zealand has” with the new monarch.

“I’ll simply share the sorrow that New Zealand has and pass on our deepest condolences,” the visiting PM said at a press conference in London.

“At the end of the day, although this is a period of transition for him, he has also lost his beloved mother. For us and New Zealand, that’s first and foremost.”

Ms Ardern, who said she is planning to attend the Queen’s lying in state at Westminster Hall ahead of the funeral, also confirmed she will meet with Liz Truss.

The visiting PM said the Queen’s death and new King will be the “focus of conversation” when she and Ms Truss meet.

China delegation ‘banned from attending lying in state’

Friday 16 September 2022 08:05 , Will Mata

An official delegation from China has reportedly been banned from attending the Queen's lying in state.

It comes amid a row over Chinese representation at the funeral of the late monarch, with concerns raised by some Conservative MPs over the extension of an invitation to the country.

Senior Tory MPs Tim Loughton and Sir Iain Duncan Smith this week wrote to the Commons Speaker and Lord Speaker, calling it "extraordinary" that Chinese representatives should have received an invitation.

The group from Beijing has been refused permission by Commons authorities to attend the lying in state after an intervention by the Speaker, a senior parliamentary figure told news website Politico.

Sir Lindsay Hoyle reportedly told colleagues he declined a request for the delegation to be allowed access to Westminster Hall, where crowds continue to pay their respects to the Queen ahead of her funeral on Monday.

A House of Commons spokesman said "we do not comment on security matters" when queried.

A spokesman for Sir Lindsay also declined to comment.

William ‘not expected’ to learn Welsh

Friday 16 September 2022 08:28 , Will Mata

Prince William is the new Prince of Wales (REUTERS)
Prince William is the new Prince of Wales (REUTERS)

The Welsh First Minister indicated that he did not expect the new Prince of Wales to follow in the footsteps of his father and learn Welsh.

Mark Drakeford told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that "nobody will be expecting miracles" from Prince William on the language, admitting that it could be a "challenge" to learn as an adult.

"The language is a very important part of Wales, spoken by thousands of people every day as part of their everyday lives. It's not necessarily the easiest language to acquire later on.

"The incoming Prince of Wales will want to recognise the importance of the Welsh language and the part it plays in shaping the identity of a contemporary Wales."

He said the Welsh people would understand and "appreciate" any interest in the language show by the prince.

"I don't think anybody will expect somebody to have a suddenly acquired fluency in the Welsh language."

"Nobody will be expecting miracles."

Three tube stations to be closed to prevent overcrowding

Friday 16 September 2022 08:37 , Will Mata

Three central London Tube stations will be closed on the morning of the Queen's funeral to prevent overcrowding.

Transport for London (TfL) announced that passengers will be prevented from starting or ending journeys at Westminster, St James's Park and Hyde Park Corner stations for "most of the morning" on Monday.

The transport body said it "will aim to reopen stations" after the funeral at Westminster Abbey - which will be at around noon - to help people leaving the Westminster area.

Green Park station will be exit-only between 10am and 8pm.

Many buses in central London will be diverted due to road closures.

TfL also announced that buses will pull over "if it is safe and practical to do so" and switch their engines off during the one-minute silence on Sunday at 8pm and the two-minute silence on Monday at around 11.55am.

Pictures: Friday queue

Friday 16 September 2022 08:50 , Will Mata

People wait in a queue to pay their respect to the late Queen Elizabeth II (AP)
People wait in a queue to pay their respect to the late Queen Elizabeth II (AP)
Tower Bridge crowds slowly move forward (AP)
Tower Bridge crowds slowly move forward (AP)
The queue is now 4.9 miles long (AP)
The queue is now 4.9 miles long (AP)
Mourners have until 6.30am on Monday to see the coffin (AP)
Mourners have until 6.30am on Monday to see the coffin (AP)

Waiting time of 14 hours

Friday 16 September 2022 09:03 , Will Mata

Those wishing to pay respects to Her Majesty are now queuing for around 14 hours.

The line stretches back almost five miles to Southwark Park.

Elizabeth Line trains to run through night this weekend

Friday 16 September 2022 09:06 , Will Mata

Elizabeth line trains will run seven days a week from the autumn (Ross Lydall)
Elizabeth line trains will run seven days a week from the autumn (Ross Lydall)

Elizabeth line trains are to run through the night between London and the Home Counties this weekend to help people pay their respects to the Queen.

Transport for London announced on Friday that services on the line’s western and eastern branches, from Paddington to Reading and Liverpool Street to Shenfield, will operate round the clock from tonight and on Saturday and Sunday. There will be one train an hour overnight on both sections.

Trains on the central section of the line between Paddington and Abbey Wood will run until around midnight, including on Sunday – for the first time since the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – to help with “unprecedented” travel demand.

Southwark Park ‘extremely busy’

Friday 16 September 2022 09:28 , Will Mata

Southwark Park, which marks the end of the queue to see the Queen lying in state, is "extremely busy" and close to capacity, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DMCS) said.

As of 9.08am on Friday, the DCMS tweeted: "Southwark Park is extremely busy. Entry to the queue will be paused if it reaches capacity.

"If you are planning to join, please consider waiting until numbers have reduced."

Katherine Jenkins praises ‘wonderful’ music choices

Friday 16 September 2022 09:32 , Will Mata

Katherine Jenkins (Steve Parsons/PA) (PA Wire)
Katherine Jenkins (Steve Parsons/PA) (PA Wire)

Katherine Jenkins has said the music chosen for the Queen's memorial events has been "wonderful" in helping to set the tone and "bring out our emotions".

Choirs and marching bands have performed at services of thanksgiving and ceremonial occasions over the last week, including the procession carrying the Queen's coffin from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall for her lying in state.

The 42-year-old classical singer, who performed for the Queen many times, told BBC's Breakfast: "The music, I think, has been so important.

"It's just been so wonderful in creating the correct atmosphere and to bring out our emotions."

She added that she thinks the singing in Westminster Hall has been "really beautiful".

"Obviously, these things are planned well in advance but I compliment it greatly. I think they sound beautiful and I'm looking forward to seeing what music will be chosen on Monday."

Jenkins was selected to record a new version of God Save The King for BBC Radio 4 last Friday following the death of the Queen.

Government says queue may soon be paused

Friday 16 September 2022 09:36 , Will Mata

“If the park reaches capacity, entry to the queue will be paused,” the government has said.

The queue is in Southwark Park and the department for culture, which is handling proceedings, has said it will cap the line when it reaches capacity in the park.

Queue entry ‘paused for six hours'

Friday 16 September 2022 10:02 , Will Mata

PA has reported: Entry to the queue to see the Queen lying in state has been paused for "at least" six hours after Southwark Park reached capacity, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DMCS) said.

Eight of the Queen’s grandchildren will stand vigil beside her coffin

Friday 16 September 2022 10:04 , Will Mata

Eight of the Queen's grandchildren will stand vigil beside her coffin in Westminster Hall for 15 minutes on Saturday night, royal sources have confirmed.

The Prince of Wales will stand at the head, the Duke of Sussex at the foot. At the King's request, they will both be in uniform.

The other grandchildren will be in morning suits and dark formal dresses with decorations.

William will be flanked by his cousins Zara Tindall and Peter Philips, the children of the Princess Royal; while Harry will be with the Duke of York's daughters Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.

The Earl of Wessex's children Lady Louise and Viscount Severn will stan near the middle of their grandmother's coffin.

The grandchildren, at the King's invitation, are said to be very keen to pay their respects - just as their parents are doing on Friday evening.

Veteran ‘blown away’ by funeral invite

Friday 16 September 2022 10:08 , Will Mata

A veteran made an MBE in this year's Queen's Birthday Honours said getting a call inviting him to the monarch's funeral sparked a "special feeling".

Robert Lodge, of Weeley Heath in Essex, said a "lady from the Cabinet Office rang me and explained that they wanted some recent recipients of the MBE to attend".

"In an instant the answer was yes, of course," the 71-year-old said.

"That's a special feeling to get that invite."

Mr Lodge, who joined the Army as an 18-year-old gunner and rose to the rank of captain in 27 years of service, was honoured for his work with the Red Cypher charity.

The charity supports past and present members of 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery and is so named because "our cap badge is a royal cypher with a red backing", Mr Lodge said.

Mr Lodge met the Queen in Germany in 1984 when she visited a gunner parade in Dortmund.

"She was friendly, straight-talking as everyone knows her to be and a wonderful person," he said.

"When I joined the Army in 1969 as an 18-year-old, you swear allegiance to the Queen or the Crown and her successors, and when you do that you start to understand what it is you're getting involved in.

"The Queen was our captain general and King Charles will be our captain general on and on."

Mr Lodge said he was "very sad" when he learned about the Queen's death.

"When I was invited to the funeral, it's a duty and I feel privileged, and, 'Why me?', but absolutely blown away with the fact I've been invited," he said.

Mr Lodge said he has been asked to attend Westminster Abbey on Monday morning.

"It's an honour and a privilege," he said.

"I just feel very humbled.

"This year, MBE, Queen dying, being invited to her funeral... it's all a bit surreal, really.

"But looking at the pictures on the television and all the people I speak to, there's an outpouring of grief.

"It's just amazing.

"Only this country would produce the standard of organisation and pageantry that we're seeing on the television.

"Absolutely amazing, outstanding, all the people involved with it.

"Never forget it."

Westminster Hall officials stop mourners ‘trying to smuggle in dogs’ to Queen’s lying in state

Friday 16 September 2022 10:11 , Will Mata

Officials monitoring Westminster Hall reportedly stopped six mourners from entering premises to see the Queen’s coffin lying in state.

Read more here.

Construction workers ‘in limbo'

Friday 16 September 2022 10:42 , Will Mata

Thousands of construction workers have been left in limbo over whether their site will be closed for the Queen's funeral, a leading union said.

Unite said it was not clear if work will be halted for the day on Monday or if workers will receive paid holiday.

General secretary Sharon Graham said: "Following pressure from Unite, workers on major construction projects are being paid for the bank holiday for the Queen's funeral. These employers have taken the correct decision."

However, Unite national officer for construction Jerry Swain said thousands of construction workers have been left in limbo, not knowing if they are required to work or if they will be paid.

He accused employers' federations of ignoring the mood of the country by failing to honour the bank holiday, adding: "The cost of paying a worker an additional bank holiday equates to just seven minutes pay for every year that the Queen loyally served our country, it is peanuts for these construction employers.

"The construction trade federations and their members should be hanging their collective heads in shame. The federations now need to take a long hard look at who they have representing them."

‘People still queuing’

Friday 16 September 2022 10:44 , Will Mata

People continue to enter Southwark Park to queue to see the lying in state at Westminster Hall despite instructions from the Government that entry to the line has been paused until at least 4pm on Friday.

A queue attendant told the PA news agency they had yet to receive any instructions to close the gate and stop any more people joining the queue.

Hundreds of people continue to file through the gate into the park

Minute by minute: Your guide to the Queen’s funeral as London pays its respects

Friday 16 September 2022 10:55 , Will Mata

Queen Elizabeth II will be laid to rest on Monday in a state funeral set to be watched by billions of people around the globe.

Here’s a minute-by-minute guide to the day’s events as London pays tribute to Britain’s longest-reigning monarch.

King and Queen Consort to attend service

Friday 16 September 2022 11:06 , Will Mata

King Charles and the Queen Consort Camilla are about to attend a service in Cardiff.

The pair are driving over from Tetbury in Gloucestershire - where they had been staying since Wednesday.

The Cardiff visit is Charles’s first trip to Wales since becoming King.

Pictures: Royals and guests arrive for service of reflection in Wales

Friday 16 September 2022 11:21 , Will Mata

Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales and his wife, Clare Drakeford attend a Service of Prayer and Reflection for the Life of The Queen at Llandaff Cathedral (Getty Images)
Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales and his wife, Clare Drakeford attend a Service of Prayer and Reflection for the Life of The Queen at Llandaff Cathedral (Getty Images)
A member of the public wearing a Union flag-themed blazer poses for a photograph outside St Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff (AFP via Getty Images)
A member of the public wearing a Union flag-themed blazer poses for a photograph outside St Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff (AFP via Getty Images)
A Welsh flag flies at half mast at Cardiff Castle, following the death of Britain's Queen Elizabeth, (REUTERS)
A Welsh flag flies at half mast at Cardiff Castle, following the death of Britain's Queen Elizabeth, (REUTERS)
Liz Truss is greeted by The venerable Michael Komor, Dean of Llandaff Cathedral (Getty Images)
Liz Truss is greeted by The venerable Michael Komor, Dean of Llandaff Cathedral (Getty Images)

Accessible queue also nearly full

Friday 16 September 2022 11:28 , Will Mata

The government’s accessible queue, which offers a shorter wait for those with disabilities or impairments, is also reportedly nearly full.

Gun salute

Friday 16 September 2022 11:30 , Will Mata

The King’s arrival in Cardiff has been marked by a gun salute.

Reservists from 104 Regiment Royal Artillery fire a royal gun salute from Cardiff Castle (PA)
Reservists from 104 Regiment Royal Artillery fire a royal gun salute from Cardiff Castle (PA)

Preparations to pause continue

Friday 16 September 2022 11:38 , Will Mata

Preparations to pause the queue at Southwark Park in south-east London are continuing as thousands of people enter the line to see the Queen lying in state.

Asked where entry to the queue would pause from, a spokesman for the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport in the park said: "I'm not going to speculate at the moment - it's too early for that."

He said the announcement about the pause has "trickled down".

"We informed the TfL, the transport people, first to let people find out before they reach this point."

He added that announcements are being made in Tube stations and on display boards.

"We are trying to move people as fast as we can; just bear with us about some of the finer questions about the ground level."

‘Don’t join queue’ warning as ‘Elizabeth Line’ wait time hits 14 hours

Friday 16 September 2022 11:39 , Will Mata

Organisers temporarily closed the queue to visit the Queen as she lies in state at Westminster Hall after the five-mile “Elizabeth Line” reached capacity.

As huge crowds built at the line’s end point at Southwark Park on Friday morning, the Government appealed to people not to try to join for at least six hours while they deal with the tens of thousands of mourners already waiting.

Read the full article here.

Which Heathrow Airport flights have been cancelled for the Queen’s funeral?

Friday 16 September 2022 11:42 , Will Mata

Heathrow airport has cancelled more than 100 flights on the day of the Queen’s funeral on Monday September 19 to avoid noise during the two minutes of silence.

The airport is disrupting 15% of the 12,000 flights that are set to either land or take off on Monday.

Read the full article here.

King Charles meeting and greeting

Friday 16 September 2022 11:49 , Will Mata

King Charles III and the Queen Consort arrive at Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff, for a Service of Prayer and Reflection (PA)
King Charles III and the Queen Consort arrive at Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff, for a Service of Prayer and Reflection (PA)
The King on his first visit to Wales as monarch (REUTERS)
The King on his first visit to Wales as monarch (REUTERS)
The royals took a helicopter to Llandaff Cathedral (PA)
The royals took a helicopter to Llandaff Cathedral (PA)
Charles enters the Cathedral to pay his respects (REUTERS)
Charles enters the Cathedral to pay his respects (REUTERS)

King Charles attends service of prayer and reflection

Friday 16 September 2022 12:00 , Will Mata

Charles has begun his first visit to Wales as King, attending a service of prayer and reflection for the life of the Queen.

He arrived by helicopter with the Queen Consort and then travelled by state limousine in bright sunshine to the service at Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff - the final stop in his tour of the four home nations.

A booming gun salute fired from Cardiff Castle was heard across the city centre when the King and the Queen Consort arrived in the Welsh capital.

Cheering school children and members of the public lined the royal couple's route to the cathedral.

Among the congregation were Prime Minister Liz Truss and leading figures from Wales including First Minister Mark Drakeford and Robert Buckland, Secretary of State for Wales.

Meanwhile, in London, the public queue to attend the Queen's lying in state is being paused for at least six hours after reaching capacity, the Government said.

Mourners have been warned by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) not to attempt to join the queue at Southwark Park in south-east London until around 4pm on Friday at the earliest.

The call was made as the official estimate for queuing time reached at least 14 hours.

Earlier, it emerged the decision to allow the Duke of Sussex to wear his uniform during a vigil at the Queen's coffin was made by his father.

Royal sources have said Charles also requested that the Queen's eight grandchildren be allowed to participate in the vigil - standing in quiet contemplation around their grandmother for 15 minutes as a mark of respect - something they were all keen to undertake.

Duke and duchess inspect floral tributes in Windsor

Friday 16 September 2022 12:02 , Will Mata

Prince Andrew, Duke of York and Sarah, Duchess of York look at floral tributes laid by people near Windsor Castle (REUTERS)
Prince Andrew, Duke of York and Sarah, Duchess of York look at floral tributes laid by people near Windsor Castle (REUTERS)

Southwark Park being closed

Friday 16 September 2022 12:20 , Will Mata

Southwark Park is being closed with the queue to Westminster Hall having reached its maximum permitted length - the BBC has reported.

The accessible queue is also full, the department for culture said.

A tweet added: “The accessible queue is at capacity for today and entry for allocation of wristbands is currently paused.

“Those with wristbands and entry times will still be able to view the Lying-in-State

“Please do not attempt to join until it resumes.”

The crowd in Southwark Park (AP)
The crowd in Southwark Park (AP)

More than 30 arrests made in arrangements around Queen’s funeral

Friday 16 September 2022 12:22 , Will Mata

More than 30 arrests have been made so far as part of the biggest policing operation in the Met's history in the lead-up to the Queen's funeral.

Metropolitan Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Stuart Cundy said by Friday morning 34 people had been arrested for a "range of offences" but described this as "relatively few", adding that none had been for protesting.

Scotland Yard has not yet been able to provide a breakdown of the offences involved.

The senior officer told reporters the "hugely complex" policing operation is the biggest in the force's history, surpassing the London 2012 Olympics which saw up to 10,000 police officers on duty per day.

Mr Cundy said: "This will be the largest single policing event that the Met Police has ever undertaken.

"As a single event this is larger than the 2012 Olympics, it is larger than the Platinum Jubilee weekend.

"The range of officers, police staff and all those supporting the operation is truly immense."

It will also be the largest global protection operation the force has dealt with, as hundreds of world leaders, dignitaries and other VIPs are expected to attend the state funeral on Monday.

In the wake of the Queen's death, in mutual aid alone - officers who are drafted in from outside forces to help - there will be 20,000 officer shifts throughout the week and 2,000 officers in a single day at the peak, Mr Cundy said.

Specialist teams involved in the operation include motorbike escort riders, mounted branch carrying out patrols on horseback, firearms officers, dog teams and the marine unit.

The force has used more than 22 miles (36km) of barriers in central London alone to control crowds and keep key areas secure.

Comment: Monday will be our last goodbye to the Queen, but our memories live on

Friday 16 September 2022 12:25 , Will Mata

"It has never been more important for the UK to stick to its values while also proving itself capable of being subtle and nuanced enough to balance on these shifting sands."

Emily Sheffield has written about the Queen’s legacy.

Read the full article here.

More than 50,000 stems have been sold by a Windsor flower shop

Friday 16 September 2022 12:26 , Will Mata

Flower shops in Windsor have been thriving (AFP via Getty Images)
Flower shops in Windsor have been thriving (AFP via Getty Images)

More than 50,000 stems have been sold by a Windsor flower shop since the Queen's death, with a florist describing the period as "Christmas, Valentine's and Mother's Day all wrapped into one".

Natalie Prince, 35, who works at family-run Darling Buds of Windsor, said the most popular blooms had been royal purple hydrangeas, sunflowers and stocks, which were thought to be among the late monarch's favourites.

"Sunflowers because I think she was a bit of a ray of sunshine to most people, but also stocks and other bright flowers, because she was so famous for wearing her brightly coloured clothes," Ms Prince, from Windsor, told the PA news agency.

"Also a lot of purple because of the regal symbolism - violets, and purple royal hydrangeas, which we have now sold out of and can't get any more from the supplier."

Channel 4 to re-air 1953 documentary A Queen Is Crowned

Friday 16 September 2022 12:41 , Will Mata

Channel 4 has said it will screen a 1953 documentary of the Queen's coronation while the state funeral is being broadcast on other channels.

The 1953 technicolour programme, A Queen Is Crowned, is narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier and was nominated for an Oscar.

The Channel 4 schedule for the day of the funeral on September 19 will also observe the two-minute silence as a mark of respect to the Queen.

A Channel 4 spokesperson told the PA news agency: "On the day Britain says farewell to its longest-serving monarch, Channel 4 will be airing A Queen Is Crowned, the classic 1953 documentary about her coronation, so that viewers can experience both the beginning and end of her remarkable reign.

"Following the service, Channel 4 will also broadcast two extended editions of Channel 4 News as well as the 1943 Vera Lynn film, We'll Meet Again."

The will be two 90-minute Channel 4 News broadcasts during the day, with a special at 1.25pm and a second programme at 7pm.

Pictures: Southwark Park full to capacity

Friday 16 September 2022 12:47 , Will Mata

People stand in a queue to pay their respects to the late Queen Elizabeth II (AP)
People stand in a queue to pay their respects to the late Queen Elizabeth II (AP)
A sign outside Southwark Park in London announces that the queue to see the Queen has been paused (PA)
A sign outside Southwark Park in London announces that the queue to see the Queen has been paused (PA)
The queue now stretches out to almost five miles (AP)
The queue now stretches out to almost five miles (AP)
Southwark Park was always the designated end point for the line (AP)
Southwark Park was always the designated end point for the line (AP)

Pictures: King in Wales

Friday 16 September 2022 13:00 , Will Mata

King Charles shakes hands with children on his visit to Wales (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
King Charles shakes hands with children on his visit to Wales (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Loud cheers from schoolchildren waving Welsh flags could be heard outside Cardiff Castle ahead of the King's arrival.

Around 150 children from St Mary the Virgin Church of Wales primary school, from years one to six, chanted "King Charles, King Charles" as they lined the streets on Friday.

Headteacher Nicki Pritchard said it was a "thrill" that the children could come and see the King visit the Welsh capital.

The children then began chanting "God save the King".

Britain's King Charles III meets the local community after a Service of Prayer and Reflection for the life of Queen Elizabeth II (AP)
Britain's King Charles III meets the local community after a Service of Prayer and Reflection for the life of Queen Elizabeth II (AP)

What is an epithet? Calls for Queen to be known as Elizabeth the Dutiful

Friday 16 September 2022 13:20 , Will Mata

Richard Coles (Ian West/PA) (PA Archive)
Richard Coles (Ian West/PA) (PA Archive)

While making a speech in the House of Commons, former prime minister Boris Johnson recently referred to the late Queen as "Elizabeth the Great". And Rev Richard Coles, a former Church of England parish priest and broadcaster who co-presents BBC Radio 4’s Saturday Live, has now suggested calling her Elizabeth the Dutiful.

Find out more, here.

Friday 16 September 2022 13:21 , Will Mata

King Charles III meets the local community after a Service of Prayer and Reflection for the life of Queen Elizabeth II (AP)
King Charles III meets the local community after a Service of Prayer and Reflection for the life of Queen Elizabeth II (AP)

The Queen was described as a "towering figure on the world stage" during a memorial service in Cardiff attended by Charles during his first visit to Wales as King.

Andrew John, Archbishop of Wales, highlighted the late monarch's ability to "utilise soft power" and said we would never look at a jar of marmalade in the same way again, after she appeared with the fictional character Paddington Bear during her Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

Charles and his Queen Consort were greeted by gun salutes and cheering schoolchildren when they arrived in the capital of Wales - the final stop in their tour of the four home nations which began after the Queen's death last Thursday.

Meanwhile, in London, the public queue to attend the Queen's lying in state is being paused for at least six hours after reaching capacity, the Government said.

Mourners have been warned by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) not to attempt to join the queue at Southwark Park in south-east London until around 4pm on Friday at the earliest.

The call was made as the official estimate for queuing time reached at least 14 hours.

Charles III shows off Welsh language skill

Friday 16 September 2022 13:23 , Will Mata

King Charles is able to speak Welsh as well as English (AP)
King Charles is able to speak Welsh as well as English (AP)

First Minister Mark Drakeford stood to propose the Motion of Condolence in English and Welsh and the King then stood to reply in both languages.

The motion, which was agreed at an extraordinary session of the Senedd held last Sunday, said: "That this Senedd expresses its deep sadness at the death of Her Majesty The Queen and offers its sincere condolences to His Majesty The King and other members of the royal family.

"We recognise Her Majesty's enduring commitment to public service and duty, including her support for many Welsh charities and organisations, and her lifelong association with Wales and its people."

The session was closed by the Llywdd Elin Jones, who then escorted Charles and Camilla to the courtyard area where they viewed condolence messages and met 12 members of the Welsh Youth Parliament.

A brief history of the Queen Elizabeth’s life in The Londoner’s Diary

Friday 16 September 2022 13:25 , Will Mata

From her first trips to Balmoral to her tussle with the author of Peter Pan, the Queen was a stalwart of our diary column.

Read some of the best bits here.

Pictured: Gates closed to crowds at Southwark Park

Friday 16 September 2022 13:27 , Will Mata

Members of the public line up outside the gates of Southwark Park after access was paused for the line to see Queen Elizabeth II lying in state (Getty Images)
Members of the public line up outside the gates of Southwark Park after access was paused for the line to see Queen Elizabeth II lying in state (Getty Images)

Video: Thousands have now seen Queen Elizabeth’s coffin

Friday 16 September 2022 13:28 , Will Mata

King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla arrive at the Senedd

Friday 16 September 2022 13:30 , Will Mata

The King and his Queen Consort have now left the Cathedral in Cardiff and have driven to the Senedd - the Welsh parliamentary building.

King Charles III speaking after receiving a Motion of Condolence at the Senedd in Cardiff (PA)
King Charles III speaking after receiving a Motion of Condolence at the Senedd in Cardiff (PA)

Is that David Beckham in the queue?

Friday 16 September 2022 13:33 , Will Mata

He is sporting royalty, but there is apparently no red carpet service for David Beckham.

The former England number 7, or someone who looks very, very like him, has been spotted among the commoners in the 14 hour long queue - and the picture has been shared on Twitter.

Is this really the man himself? There is plenty of time to nab an autograph!

Queue begins moving again after 40 minute pause

Friday 16 September 2022 13:36 , Will Mata

Members of the public in the queue at Southwark Park (PA)
Members of the public in the queue at Southwark Park (PA)

The public queue to attend the Queen's lying in state has started moving again after a 40-minute pause when it reached full capacity.

However, mourners have been urged not to join the line until at least 4pm on Friday by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).

Officials stopped people joining the queue entirely at around 11.35am at the entrance to Southwark Park in south-east London due to overwhelming demand.

Helena Larsen, 76, only just missed out on instant entry, but said she was prepared to wait despite being in recovery from a back injury.

Ms Larsen, from Chertsey, Surrey, told the PA news agency: "We have literally got here and they have shut it in front of us."

When asked whether she was prepared to wait for the line to reopen, she said: "I don't know what else to do. There are no other access points."

"I do think because there's just a handful of us, we should be let in," she added.

"I fractured my back a few months ago. It's a long walk, even down to here."

As Ms Larsen spoke to PA, the crowd around the entrance began to swell.

She was allowed to join the line around 40 minutes later.

Liz Truss to meet world leaders at funeral

Friday 16 September 2022 13:37 , Will Mata

Liz Truss is to meet a number of world leaders including US President Joe Biden, Irish Taoiseach Micheal Martin and Canadian premier Justin Trudeau when they visit Britain for the Queen’s funeral.

Downing Street on Friday detailed the head-to-heads confirmed so far for the Prime Minister this weekend, ahead of the state funeral.

She will meet privately with her counterparts from Australia and New Zealand, Anthony Albanese and Jacinda Ardern, at the Government’s Chevening country residence on Saturday, a No 10 spokesperson said.

On Sunday, she will meet Mr Martin, Mr Trudeau, Polish President Andrzej Duda and Mr Biden at Downing Street.

Ms Truss has met Mr Biden as foreign secretary but this will be their first meeting since she became Prime Minister.

It will take place against a backdrop of disputes over the Northern Ireland Protocol and difficulties working towards a trade deal with the White House.

The protocol is also likely to come up when she speaks to Mr Martin amid strained relations between the two countries over post-Brexit arrangements.

Comment: King Charles III is a man of faith, a leader and great convenor

Friday 16 September 2022 14:05 , Will Mata

King Charles III and the Queen Consort leave Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff, following a service of prayer and reflection for the life of Queen Elizabeth II (PA Wire)
King Charles III and the Queen Consort leave Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff, following a service of prayer and reflection for the life of Queen Elizabeth II (PA Wire)

An opinion piece on the legacy of King Charles III.

“Now that Her Majesty has passed, it is Charles’s head that wears the the heavy crown. Just days into the role, he has already steadied the ship through his thoughtful speeches and his heartfelt television address. He has earned praise for his composure too - although a leaky pen did cause him to understandably let his guard slip.”

Read the full piece here.

Charles addresses Welsh Senedd

Friday 16 September 2022 14:10 , Will Mata

King Charles III speaking after receiving a Motion of Condolence at the Senedd in Cardiff (PA)
King Charles III speaking after receiving a Motion of Condolence at the Senedd in Cardiff (PA)

The King said: "Through all the years of her reign, the land of Wales could not be closer to my mother's heart.

"I know she took immense pride in your many great achievements, even as she also felt you deeply in great times of sorrow.

"It must surely be counted the greatest achievement to belong to a land that inspired so much devotion.

"I am resolved to honour that same example in the spirit of the words I always try to live my own life - Ich dien - I Serve."

He added: "I take up my new duties with immense gratitude for the privilege of having been able to serve as Prince of Wales.

"That ancient title dating from the time of those great Welsh rulers... I now pass to my son William whose love for this corner of the Earth is made all the greater by the years he himself has spent here."

David Beckham

Friday 16 September 2022 14:13 , Will Mata

Yes, it could well be him!

Here is more on the news that David Beckham is queuing up with the public to see the lying in state.

King arrives at Cardiff Castle

Friday 16 September 2022 14:16 , Will Mata

Britain’s King Charles III waves as he arrives to visit Cardiff Castle (AFP via Getty Images)
Britain’s King Charles III waves as he arrives to visit Cardiff Castle (AFP via Getty Images)

Charles III at Cardiff Castle

Friday 16 September 2022 14:20 , Will Mata

The King will spend Friday afternoon meeting audiences and attending a reception for local charities.

Britain's King Charles III waves as he arrives to visit Cardiff Castle (Getty Images)
Britain's King Charles III waves as he arrives to visit Cardiff Castle (Getty Images)

King at Cardiff Castle: Mostly cheering, some booing

Friday 16 September 2022 14:24 , Will Mata

A person holds a sign during a protest outside Cardiff Castle on the day of a visit by Britain's King Charles (REUTERS)
A person holds a sign during a protest outside Cardiff Castle on the day of a visit by Britain's King Charles (REUTERS)

Amid the cheering that arose as Charles and Camilla arrived by motorcade at Cardiff Castle following their visit to the Senedd anti-monarchy protesters could be heard booing while holding signs reading "We want a democracy, a Welsh republic".

Despite intending to be a silent protest by a number of groups under the banner Real Democracy Now, the rally also at times broke into song led by members of the Cor Cochion, a socialist choir based in Cardiff.

Video: Charles in Wales

Friday 16 September 2022 14:27 , Will Mata

David Beckham pays tribute to Queen while standing in line

Friday 16 September 2022 14:52 , Will Mata

Beckham meeting the Queen in June 2018 (Getty Images)
Beckham meeting the Queen in June 2018 (Getty Images)

David Beckham has said he feels "lucky" to have spent time with the Queen while queueing to pay tribute on Friday afternoon.

When asked whether he had any anecdotes about his experiences with the Queen, he told ITV News: "Probably the most special moment for me was when I received my OBE.

"To receive my OBE, I took my grandparents with me, who were the ones that really brought me up to be a huge royalist and a fan of the royal family, and obviously I had my wife there as well.

"To step up, to get my honour, but then also Her Majesty, to ask questions, to talk, I was so lucky that I was able to have a few moments like that in my life, to be around Her Majesty.

"Because we can all see with the love that has been shown, how special she is and how special she was and the legacy that she leaves behind.

"It's a sad day, but it's a day for us to remember the incredible legacy that she's left."

Estimated time decreases

Friday 16 September 2022 14:54 , Will Mata

The government’s own Twitter feed The Queue is stating there are likely waiting times of eight hours now for those in line. Earlier on Friday the time was estimated at 14 hours.

Fire service commits to helping those in line

Friday 16 September 2022 14:56 , Will Mata

Charles pays tribute to Queen’s Welsh service

Friday 16 September 2022 15:04 , Will Mata

The King addresses the Senedd in Cardiff (Andrew Matthews/PA) (PA Wire)
The King addresses the Senedd in Cardiff (Andrew Matthews/PA) (PA Wire)

Charles has paid tribute to the Queen’s commitment to Wales on his first visit to the nation as King, saying it “could not be closer to my mother’s heart”.

He told the Welsh Parliament she felt pride at “your many great achievements” and also “felt you deeply in great times of sorrow”.

His address was in response to a Motion of Condolence in the Senedd, which came after the late monarch was described during a memorial service at Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff earlier in the day as a “towering figure on the world stage”.

The King and the Queen Consort were greeted by gun salutes and cheering schoolchildren when they arrived in the Welsh capital - the final stop on their tour of the four home nations which began after the Queen’s death last Thursday.

In his address to the Senedd, which the former Prince of Wales partly delivered in Welsh, Charles said: “Through all the years of her reign, the land of Wales could not be closer to my mother’s heart.

“I know she took immense pride in your many great achievements, even as she also felt you deeply in great times of sorrow.

“It must surely be counted the greatest achievement to belong to a land that inspired so much devotion.

“I am resolved to honour that same example in the spirit of the words I always try to live my own life - Ich dien - I Serve.”

King and Queen Consort meet invited guests at the Banqueting Hall in Cardiff Castle

Friday 16 September 2022 15:11 , Will Mata

King Charles III shakes the hand of Llywydd (presiding officer) Elin Jones as he leaves the Senedd in Cardiff (PA)
King Charles III shakes the hand of Llywydd (presiding officer) Elin Jones as he leaves the Senedd in Cardiff (PA)

The King and Queen Consort have met with invited guests at the Banqueting Hall in Cardiff Castle for a reception.

The Aberfan Wives were present at the reception, and told the PA News agency the Queen had travelled to the area after disaster "at the right time".

Denise Morgan said she believed the King would continue his "bond" with the people of Aberfan.

Fellow member of the Aberfan Wives, Gloria Davies, told PA: "I don't think they will have seen another side to him yet, but we have - he likes a bit of banter."

How old is Queen Consort Camilla and when did she marry Prince Charles?

Friday 16 September 2022 15:24 , Will Mata

She has been a part of the royal family and in the public eye for years. Find out everything you need to know about Camilla, the Queen Consort.

Camilla Parker-Bowles, as she was before her marriage to King Charles III (Getty)
Camilla Parker-Bowles, as she was before her marriage to King Charles III (Getty)

Quotes of the day

Friday 16 September 2022 15:26 , Will Mata

King Charles III and the Queen Consort arrive at Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff, for a Service of Prayer and Reflection for the life of Queen Elizabeth II (PA) (PA Wire)
King Charles III and the Queen Consort arrive at Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff, for a Service of Prayer and Reflection for the life of Queen Elizabeth II (PA) (PA Wire)

"Her ability to influence, to utilise soft power - no less significant, no less authoritative - illustrates the wise and careful thought she brought to her role. Prime Ministers found that she was a trusted confidant. Her attention to matters of Government, her knowledge of world events and the longevity of her reign gave her an unmatched perspective and ability to see the distant scene" - Andrew John, Archbishop of Wales, paying tribute to the late Queen during a memorial service in Cardiff attended by King Charles.

"She was an extraordinary role model and an inspiration to many. In every engagement that I have had with her she showed great compassion, humility and pure warmth. Pinning upon me the Victoria Cross is among the fondest memories that I will hold very closely to my heart" - Colour Sergeant Johnson Beharry VC, ahead of joining other recipients of Britain's highest military honour, in the procession at the Queen's funeral.

"The music, I think, has been so important. It's just been so wonderful in creating the correct atmosphere and to bring out our emotions" - classical singer Katherine Jenkins on the impact of the music chosen for the Queen's memorial events.

King leaves Cardiff

Friday 16 September 2022 15:41 , Miriam Burrell

The King and Queen Consort have left Wales after meeting with politicians and members of the public.

They will return to London to take part in a vigil at his mother’s coffin at around 7.30pm, alongside his siblings.

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Two mourners allegedly sexually assaulted in queue

Friday 16 September 2022 15:44 , Miriam Burrell

Two mourners queueing to pay their respects to the Queen were allegedly sexually assaulted by a man who dived into the River Thames to escape, a court has heard.

Adio Adeshine, 19, allegedly exposed himself and pushed into the mourners from behind as they waited in line at Victoria Tower Gardens on Wednesday evening after Westminster Hall opened its doors to the public.

More details here.

 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

Prince William and Kate meet Commonwealth troops

Friday 16 September 2022 15:52 , Miriam Burrell

The Prince and Princess of Wales have arrived at Army Training Centre Pirbright in Surrey to meet troops from the Commonwealth who are to participate in the Queen’s state funeral.

Queue: 400 people treated by ambulance teams

Friday 16 September 2022 16:14 , Miriam Burrell

Ambulance teams have treated 435 members of the public along the route of the queue to see the Queen lying in state and surrounding areas over the past two days.

Some 291 people along the route of the queue and nearby in London were given medical assistance on Wednesday, with 17 needing hospital treatment, London Ambulance Service (LAS) said.

A further 144 people were treated on Thursday, with 25 people being taken to hospital.

The LAS said the majority of incidents attended were faints and collapses, resulting in head injuries.

Pictured: Prince William and Kate meet Commonwealth troops

Friday 16 September 2022 16:25 , Miriam Burrell

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

MPs criticised for skipping queue

Friday 16 September 2022 16:54 , Miriam Burrell

As members of the public stand in line for hours to see the Queen lying in state, a rule allowing MPs and peers to skip the queue along with up to four guests has drawn criticism.

David Beckham has drawn praise after it emerged he had waited 13 hours, alongside members of the public, to visit Westminster Hall. Holly Willoughby and Philip Scofield both ‘skipped’ the queue.

Most Parliamentary staff can also avoid the line and bring one guest.

But people who work directly for MPs and peers, such as parliamentary researchers, cannot.

 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

Can I join the queue at Southwark Park?

Friday 16 September 2022 17:03 , Miriam Burrell

There has been some confusion over whether the queue to see the Queen lying in state, which has stretched to Southwark Park, has re-opened.

The line was paused on Friday morning after reaching capacity, with the government issuing advice for people not to attend and to check back later.

The Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s queue livestream is still relaying that message.

However there are reports that some people have joined the queue on Friday afternoon despite this.

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Confirmed: Entry to queue resumed, 24-hr wait

Friday 16 September 2022 17:14 , Miriam Burrell

Entry to the queue has resumed, the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has confirmed.

The line to see the Queen’s lying in state was paused for hours on Friday as it reached capacity.

Although mourners will now be able to join the queue at Southwark Park, the expected wait time is more than 24 hours.

People are also warned that overnight temperatures will be chilly, and the queue may be paused again if it reaches capacity.

You can track the queue live here.

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Pictured: Queue resumes after pausing for hours

Friday 16 September 2022 17:37 , Miriam Burrell

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)
 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

Countess of Wessex acknowledges ‘stoic' mourners

Friday 16 September 2022 17:40 , Miriam Burrell

Well-wishers at Windsor said the Countess of Wessex acknowledged the “rather stoic” mourners who had endured the hours-long queue to pay respects to the Queen at Westminster Hall.

“She said ‘have you braved the queue down in London?’ and we said we hadn’t and she said ‘you have to be rather stoic’,” Whitney Bacon-Evans, 34, said.

The Earl and Countess of Wessex spoke with stewards and Crown Estate staff before laying flowers given to them by the crowd outside Windsor Castle.

 (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
(POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Queen’s coffin: Route from London to Windsor

Friday 16 September 2022 17:48 , Miriam Burrell

For mourners who can’t see the Queen’s lying in state, there will be another opportunity to see the coffin following the state funeral.

Details of the route that the Queen’s coffin will take from Wellington Arch to Windsor Castle on Monday have been released.

 (Press Association Images)
(Press Association Images)

Earl of Wessex ‘overwhelmed by tide of emotion’

Friday 16 September 2022 18:02 , Miriam Burrell

The Earl and Countess of Wessex received a warm welcome as they arrived to view a sea of flowers and tributes left for the Queen during a walkabout in Windsor.

In a statement, the Queen’s youngest son said the royal family had been “overwhelmed by the tide of emotion” following the Queen’s death and thanked the public for their support.

He said: “As a family, we have grown up learning to share our parents, especially our beloved mama, with the nation, her realms and the Commonwealth. While it has been lovely to have spent time saying our own farewell privately at Balmoral, it is now time to allow others to be able to say their farewell.”


Queue: 100 minutes to leave Southwark Park

Friday 16 September 2022 18:07 , Miriam Burrell

Mourners in line to see the Queen’s coffin at Westminter Hall are reporting that it has taken an hour and 39 minutes to leave Southwark Park.

The queue re-opened after pausing for hours on Friday as it reached capacity. People joining the queue now are being warned of a 24-hour wait time.

What happened today?

Friday 16 September 2022 18:19 , Miriam Burrell

The King and members of the Royal Family have been meeting with politicians, armed forces and members of the public across the UK on Friday.

King Charles III and the Queen Consort received condolences from MPs in Cardiff during their first visit to Wales since Charles became the new monarch. They also attended a service of reflection and met mourners outside Cardiff Castle.

Tonight at around 7.15pm the King will led a 15-minute vigil at his mother’s coffin at Westminster Hall alongside his siblings, as members of the public continue to file through.

The Queen’s youngest son and his wife, the Earl and Countess of Wessex, viewed floral tributes and thanked well-wishers outside Windsor Castle.

On Friday afternoon the Prince and Princess of Wales met with troops from the Commonwealth who will be participating in the Queen’s funeral.


12,000 blankets handed out to queuers

Friday 16 September 2022 19:00 , Miriam Burrell

More than 12,000 blankets have been handed to mourners in queue as temperatures dip to 7C overnight.

St John chief operating officer Richard Lee told The Times staff are also handing out pain killers to people who need them, so people can “stay on their feet”.

“Much of the challenge comes from providing care 24 hours a day. People are getting very cold queueing at night and we’ve issued 12,000 blankets,” he said.

“We dealt with frail people who are exhausted and some who are dehydrated. The overriding thing has been pain relief for arthritis. There are lots of older people with a bad hip or foot, who wouldn’t stand up for eight hours.”


Expected queue time now 22 hours

Friday 16 September 2022 19:02 , Miriam Burrell

The expected queue time has reduced slightly from 24 hours to 22 hours, according to a government live tracker.

King concerned with ‘how people will manage winter’

Friday 16 September 2022 19:04 , Miriam Burrell

The King is “concerned” about how people will manage what is going to be a “difficult winter”, according to the First Minister of Wales.

Mark Drakeford also said Charles had told him he was interested in renewable energy generation in Wales at an audience on Friday.

The First Minister told Talk TV: “The King...mentioned the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and how that will impact on people here in Wales.

“He (Charles) is concerned as to how people will manage through what is going to be a difficult winter.

“He was interested to tell me about some of the projects that he has heard of, or become involved in dealing, for example, with food waste, making sure that we don’t waste a precious resource when some people might be going without.

“Interested, as always in renewable energy generation here in Wales, and how it might play a bigger part in future energy security.”


Watch: David Beckham queues 12 hours to pay respects to Queen

Friday 16 September 2022 19:09 , Miriam Burrell

King to faith leaders: ‘I have personal duty to protect diversity'

Friday 16 September 2022 19:25 , Miriam Burrell

The King has said he has a personal “duty to protect the diversity of our country”.

Charles told more than 30 faith leaders at a reception in Buckingham Palace that as Sovereign he believes his work must include “protecting the space for faith itself” and the valued differences which people live by.

He said: “I have always thought of Britain as a ‘community of communities’.

“That has led me to understand that the Sovereign has an additional duty...it is the duty to protect the diversity of our country, including by protecting the space for faith itself and its practise through the religions, cultures, traditions and beliefs to which our hearts and minds direct us as individuals.”


King leaves Buckingham Palace

Friday 16 September 2022 19:34 , Miriam Burrell

The King has left Buckingham Palace to lead a vigil at his mother’s coffin at Westminster Hall.

He will stand alongside his siblings for 15 minutes at the Queen’s coffin while members of the public file past.

Vigil led by King begins

Friday 16 September 2022 19:49 , Miriam Burrell

The King and his four siblings have arrived at Westminster Hall for a vigil at their mother’s coffin.

Charles, the Princess Royal, the Duke of York and the Earl of Wessex are standing on each side of the Queen’s coffin.

They will remain there for 15 minutes as members of the public file past.

The Royal Family performed this vigil during the Queen’s lying in state at St Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh.

Pictured: King leads vigil at Westminster Hall

Friday 16 September 2022 19:55 , Miriam Burrell


Silence during vigil

Friday 16 September 2022 20:00 , Miriam Burrell

Westminster Hall is silent apart from the shuffling of feet as mourners make their way past their new King and his three siblings.

They are keeping vigil at the Queen’s coffin while other members of the Royal Family watch from the side.


King leaves Westminster Hall

Friday 16 September 2022 20:02 , Miriam Burrell

The 15-minuted vigil has ended.

The King and the Princess Royal, the Duke of York and the Earl of Wessex have now left Westminster Hall.

Pictured: Vigil at Westminster Hall ends

Friday 16 September 2022 20:54 , Miriam Burrell

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)
 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

What is happening this weekend?

Friday 16 September 2022 20:57 , Miriam Burrell

The Queen’s coffin will lie in state throughout Saturday and Sunday in Westminster Hall, with thousands expected to wait more than 22 hours to pay their respects.

A one-minute silence will be held across the UK at 8pm on Sunday. People can mark the silence privately in their own homes, on the street with neighbours or at community events and vigils.

Monday is the day of the Queen’s state funeral. It is a bank holiday in the UK.

Live coverage ends

Friday 16 September 2022 21:02 , Miriam Burrell

That’s all for our live coverage today.

You can read about what happened in our wrap here.

Good evening