Sanctuary from the violence

Sanctuary can come in many forms and can mean many things to many people.

To longtime Rankin Inlet resident and Kissarvik Co-op retail store manager Glenn Woodford, it's a little cabin on the land outside of the community.

Woodford said the cabin allows him to get away from home and work for a few days with no stress. It's a way to get out of town and enjoy some peace and quiet. And, it reminds him a little of his home in Newfoundland to boot.

The name Rogue's Roost comes from his hometown, and proceeds to tell the story behind it.

“I don't know if many here are aware of the story,” said Woodford.

“My hometown was, more or less, known as Rogue's Roost. I think in the late 1700s or early 1800s it was changed, and the reason why it was called Rogue's Roost is Newfoundland was in its Sally Ship days when the Europeans would leave England, Ireland and those places and come across to Newfoundland.

“They'd land at St. John's and anybody who was a fugitive, or something like that, would run off to Harbour Main — where I grew up — and that's where they would hide from the law.

“I bought the cabin in 2011, I believe. Of course, everybody back home who owned a cabin, named their cabin, so I named mine too.”

Grill master

Woodford is known locally in Rankin Inlet as one of the top people at the barbecue.

He said he enjoys the roughing it and cooking outside, adding he has a propane stove, which is OK, but he prefers to put his food on the open flame outdoors. To him, it's just a sense of freedom and peace. And, as they say in Newfoundland, there's nothing like a good scoff.

“I'd rate my Rogue's Roost a five out of 10,” said Woodford. “Some would disagree, but I'm comfortable there. The Roost has become a bit of a sanctuary for us lately, with all the shooting in town and all the violence. It's concerning, especially with so much of it happening.

“You come out here and you're secluded and enjoying your own privacy. I'm not bothering anyone out here and nobody's bothering me.

“I put a lot of planning into doing the inside of Rogue's Roost, where you'll find Canadian, Newfoundland and Nunavut flags.”

“I bought this to become my escape and it's the best thing I ever did with money.”

Darrell Greer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Kivalliq News