Saskatoon council considers allowing permit-free fireworks on Diwali and Lunar New Year

Residents of Brampton, Ont., set off fireworks to mark the start of Diwali on Nov. 4, 2021. Saskatoon is considering adding Diwali and the Lunar New Year as dates when permit-free fireworks are allowed in the city. (Evan Mitsui/CBC - image credit)
Residents of Brampton, Ont., set off fireworks to mark the start of Diwali on Nov. 4, 2021. Saskatoon is considering adding Diwali and the Lunar New Year as dates when permit-free fireworks are allowed in the city. (Evan Mitsui/CBC - image credit)

A Saskatoon city council committee is in favour of adding Lunar New Year and Diwali as occasions when permit-free fireworks are allowed in the city.

The motion, passed on Tuesday at the environment, utilities and corporate services committee meeting, will still need approval by city council. Currently, permit-free, low-hazard fireworks are allowed on Victoria Day, Canada Day, Labour Day and New Year's Eve.

Ramesh Thirumalai lobbied to add Diwali — the Indian "festival of lights" — on behalf of the Hindu community. The date for Diwali changes every year based on the Hindu calendar. This year it will be celebrated on Nov. 12.

"It's more about bringing joy and light into our culture and by bursting fireworks and using sparkles so we destroy evil around us," Thirumalai said. "And my kids are growing up in Saskatoon and I would like them to have the same joy that I had back when I was in India."

Ramesh Thirumalai speaks to the City of Saskatoon's standing policy committee on environment, utilities and corporate services on Aug. 8, 2023.
Ramesh Thirumalai speaks to the City of Saskatoon's standing policy committee on environment, utilities and corporate services on Aug. 8, 2023.

Ramesh Thirumalai speaks to the City of Saskatoon's standing policy committee on environment, utilities and corporate services on Aug. 8, 2023. (CBC News)

Lunar New Year celebrations mark the end of the lunar calendar. While it is most commonly associated with the global Chinese community, the holiday is an important time of year for several other Asian cultures. In 2024, it will be celebrated on Feb. 10.

The Saskatoon Fire Department recommended against adding more dates for fireworks. Instead, it would like to see all non-permitted use of fireworks scrapped because they are a safety risk.

Mayor Charlie Clark said fireworks are an important part of the Lunar New Year and Diwali, and he supported adding the dates.

"I hear the report. I understand the concerns. I know how meaningful it is to get a chance to celebrate in communities," Clark said. "We don't want to have a situation where there are fireworks every night, but we already have four days. The experience of fireworks when done safely is a point of celebration."

Thirumalai said he wants his children to learn the values and traditions of his culture. He noted there are already other cities in Canada that allow people to celebrate Diwali with fireworks without a permit.

He said getting the permit is a long process and people in the community miss the chance to celebrate their culture and keep their traditions alive in Canada.

"I talked to a lot of new immigrants coming to Saskatoon especially," he said, "and one of the things they think they miss is celebrating Diwali with fireworks."