Scotty T v MTV

So, I’m back with another piece for my blog and this time I will be looking at Scotty T and his latest romance with Francesca Toole and a report I saw earlier this week explaining Scott’s anger towards the possibility of the lass joining him in the Geordie Shore cast.

On screen, we have never really seen Scott settle down with anyone until the last series where he did seem really into Chantelle. However, all other potential couples, it broke down and now they are miles apart. It is obvious that a relationship on Geordie Shore probably isn’t going to work, so it is no wonder that Scott reacted like he did when he found out about Francesca potentially joining the show. He said in an exclusive interview with MTV that ‘as a matter of fact, Francesca’s been approached loads by producers’, for Scott, this inevitably would be a killer moment and would almost certainly come between the two of them.

Over the years we have seen so many couples try and fail, from Gaz and Charlotte to Ricci and Vicky, it just does not seem to work. They’re right in the public eye and with so many people judging the couples on a day to day basis, of course it isn’t go to be easy. Scott claimed he told MTV ‘don’t you dare try and get her on the show, I know what you are trying to do’. In my opinion, he has a point – why would he want his relationship put on the line all because of a TV show? Without a doubt, the producers of the show were probably just looking to inject a bitter of fire into the programme, but if they do end up snapping Francesca up, it may well see the end of Scotty T; let’s hope not.

That’s all for today’s piece, I will be back later this week with a very entertaining preview of the new series of Geordie Shore… Stay tuned.