Seth Meyers Agrees Nikki Haley Is ‘Right’ That Term Limits Are Necessary: ‘How About Half a Term, Is That Too Soon?’ | Video

Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley continues to push for term limits on all politicians, and at this point, Seth Meyers agrees with her. In fact, on Tuesday night, the NBC host wondered if “half a term” is “too soon” to give someone the boot.

Haley’s latest call for term limits comes in a recent campaign ad attacking Biden, in which she also calls for mental competency tests. Meyers agreed, at least partly, saying “we need young, sharp politicians, like New York mayor Eric Adams.”

From there, Meyers played a clip from a recent interview Adams gave, in which he was asked to sum up 2023 in one word. That word was actually two: New York.

“This is a place where every day you wake up, you could experience everything from a plane crashing into our Trade Center, to a person who’s celebrating a new business that’s open,” Adams said.

He added, “This is a very, very complicated city, and that’s why it’s the greatest city on the globe!”

As the clip ended, Meyers jokingly called off-screen to an imaginary spouse, joking he doesn’t want to go to New York anymore.

“Nikki Haley is right, term limits might be a good idea,” Meyers said. “How about half a term, is that too soon?”

You can watch Seth Meyers’ full monologue in the video above.

The post Seth Meyers Agrees Nikki Haley Is ‘Right’ That Term Limits Are Necessary: ‘How About Half a Term, Is That Too Soon?’ | Video appeared first on TheWrap.