Slice golf course to fix GWay + Congressman against Biden impeachment | Opinion

GOP rep bucks Freedom Caucus

Recently reported by the Washington Post: An arch-conservative Freedom Caucus Republican has stepped up to undercut the GOP’s “Trumpian exploits.”

Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colorado, questions the wisdom and constitutionality of its (Biden) impeachment-related efforts; expressed faith in the FBI and Director Christopher A. Wray despite his party pillorying them, and is among the few Republicans to treat the criminal charges against former president Donald Trump as serious, saying a criminal conviction would disqualify him from office.

At a hearing, he noted that Wray is, in fact, a Republican, despite Republicans casting Wray and the FBI as persecuting both Trump and conservatives. He then went on CNN and flatly rejected that core argument.

His most recent comments on the GOP’s politics was on July 26 on CNN. With House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., suggesting an impeachment inquiry of President Biden, Buck called it “impeachment theater.” He even accused the speaker of distracting from key appropriations issues.

When asked if he thought the FBI is pursuing conservatives unfairly, he responded that Director Wray is a good person, that he’s making sure the FBI follows the evidence and that the FBI is treated unfairly in how it has been perceived and portrayed to the public.

Bill Petrie, Richland

Slice golf course to fix GWW mess

After reading about the proposed upcoming changes to George Washington Way and Jadwin, where nine lanes of traffic are reduced to six (with bicycle lanes and wider sidewalks), I am confused.

My math skills have never been that great; however, no matter which way I calculate it, there is no possible scenario in which this is going to improve the traffic situation on George Washington Way and Aaron Drive during rush hour or any other time of day. The City of Richland needs to put this to a people’s vote because I suspect none of us wants to spend our tax dollars on this waste of money.

A more logical option would be to take land away from the golf course and the business side of the parking side of George Washington Way, to increase the number of lanes. This would not infringe on private property.

Or, build an overpass to get out of town. (Thankfully, the sidewalk overpass idea was abandoned.) Ask the public for ideas, perhaps those of us who drive it weekly/daily have more of a clue than some designer who doesn’t live here, no matter how much expertise they have. Just a thought.

Becky Miska, Richland

At Hansen Park, keep dogs leashed

Hansen Park is a great place to walk your dog. The park is well maintained, has a nice, open feel to it, and for a while, most of the people who walk their dogs there have them on a leash.

Or if they’re not on a leash, the dog is right next to the owner and can be seen staying right next to them the whole walk, as well as listening to the owner if there is a command given.

However, as of the last year or so, the amount of people who let their dogs run off leash is increasing.

These are people who also have zero control of their dog, meaning the dog does not listen when called, and even more upsetting, nine out of 10 times, the owner is not even close to their dog and just stands there watching their dog run up to people and other dogs on leashes!

This puts everyone, except the owner standing by watching, in a dangerous position! People don’t realize that not every dog is friendly!

Your off-leash dog could get bitten!! If you want your dog off leash, there’s a dog park in Richland.

Leah Gilbert, Richland