Southeast US has seen rapid sea level rise since 2010, studies say. Will it keep going?

Full moon high tides and a high pressure system prompted coastal flood advisories from the Carolinas to Miami this week and new studies show a surprising surge in sea levels is making such forecasts all too familiar for Southeastern cities.

Sea levels on the U.S. East and Gulf coasts have risen five times faster since 2010 than last century's average, driven by warming oceans and fluctuations in Atlantic Ocean circulation patterns, the studies report.

Sea levels along coastlines from North Carolina to Texas have risen in excess of 10 millimeters a year (about a half inch) compared to an average of about 2 millimeters a year over the last century, said Sönke Dangendorf, an assistant professor at Tulane University. "The science is very clear."

The study results didn't surprise William Sweet, oceanographer with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Ocean Service. “What truly is unprecedented is the emergence of sunny-day high tide flooding over the last couple of decades that will continue to grow more frequent, deeper and more widespread unless action is taken rather soon.”

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Temporary seawalls placed along the beach in Daytona Beach Shores, Monday, March 13, 2023
Temporary seawalls placed along the beach in Daytona Beach Shores, Monday, March 13, 2023

A foot or more by 2050

By 2050, sea levels in many locations along the Southeast Atlantic and Gulf coasts are headed for a one-foot rise in sea levels over 2005 levels, Sweet said Monday. "Maybe less, maybe more."

Higher seas already are having “significant impact,” said Dangendorf, co-author of a study by a group of international researchers published this week in Nature Communications.

"We’ve seen a more than doubling of high tide flooding events," he said. "A couple of centimeters make a big difference along the coastline, particularly in low lying areas."

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Barometric pressure differences between systems over the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern seaboard this week also prompted National Weather Service advisories for flooding events along the coasts of Louisiana and Mississippi. And high tide flooding doesn't just stop at the beach.

On Tuesday, the Melbourne, Florida weather service office warned water levels along the St. Johns River – more than 100 miles south of the river's mouth in Jacksonville – were being driven higher by the high ocean tides. Meteorologist Will Ulrich said a northeast wind surge event generating high surf along the coast caused a reversal in the river's surface flow and was preventing the river from discharging.

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Image of a Collapsed house in Rodanthe, N.C.
Image of a Collapsed house in Rodanthe, N.C.

Tide gauges tell the tale

Dangendorf and his collaborators examined tide gauge data for 66 stations along the East and Gulf coasts.

He was surprised to find “massive acceleration” in the rate of rise from Cape Hatteras south and into the Gulf of Mexico, he said. And all the stations showed similar and consistent change. He added the rise even extends into the Caribbean.

Jianjun Yin, a professor of geosciences at the University of Arizona, found similar results in reviewing tide gauge and surface altimetry data. Yin reported a “rapid decadal acceleration” of sea level rise during 2010-2022 along the eastern seaboard and Gulf of Mexico, in a study published in March by the American Meteorological Society. 

Unfortunately for many coastal residents, he wrote, the rapidly rising sea levels coincided with hyperactive hurricane seasons, exacerbating storm surge and coastal flooding, especially along the Gulf Coast.

What’s causing the rise?

Dangendorf said their study found:

  • Warming water temperatures as a result of man-made climate change contribute about 40% of the increase in sea levels.

  • Natural fluctuations in wind currents and large ocean circulation patterns account for the remaining 60% of rise in sea levels, he said.

  • The warmer water compounds the effect of those changing circulation patterns.

Yin's analysis found:

  • The acceleration in sea level rise is likely a lagged response to the observed 2009-2010 slowdown of the large overturning pattern in the Atlantic Ocean known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.

  • A natural phenomenon that slows down and speeds up over time, the circulation moves water from north to south and back again in a slow-moving cycle, redistributing the warmth.

  • An increase in greenhouse concentrations can cause ocean warming and melting of the Greenland ice sheet, Yin told USA TODAY, which can slow down the overturning circulation.

  • Climate models project the slowdown could continue to modify the circulation's movements and cause faster sea level rise along the East and Gulf coasts.

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'There's hope'

Both studies conclude the high rate of sea level rise may not remain on a permanent basis.

“There’s hope based on our results,” Dangendorf said. "Probably, very likely in the next decade, these rates will slow down to a little more moderate rate.”

But that doesn't negate the urgent need for better planning, said he and others.

The lack of planning in many places is “alarming,” a different team of international researchers concluded in a third study, published in April in the Nature journal Communications Earth & Environment. The authors said better communication is required between scientists and coastal managers to plan for the impacts of higher sea levels.

The challenge for property owners and government officials alike is how to handle the increase in coastal flooding events.

"An event that occurs maybe once every 100 years now might be an event that occurs every 10 years or even more often, depending where you are,” Dangendorf said. A massive flooding event can be tolerated once in a lifetime, can can it be tolerated once a decade? “Probably not so much.”

A view of NC 12 north of Rodanthe after a storm sent sand and water washing into the roadway in April 2020.
A view of NC 12 north of Rodanthe after a storm sent sand and water washing into the roadway in April 2020.

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Dinah Voyles Pulver covers climate and environment issues for USA TODAY. She can be reached at or at @dinahvp on Twitter.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Sea level rise has hit southeast US hard, studies say. What's next?