My students struggle to pay for college. Student loan forgiveness doesn't fix the system.

If you believe that forgiving $10,000 or $20,000 of a person's student loan debt isn’t fair to those who through hard work and financial responsibility avoided college loans, I won’t argue with you.

If you think the Biden administration's loan forgiveness should have included checks or tax credits for those who made sacrifices to avoid borrowing, I won’t discount your grievance. Although I will say that it is also not fair that anyone who entered adulthood around 2008 was confronted with a dismal job market, or that kids had to grow up and the elderly had to be isolated from their loved ones during a pandemic, or that my father’s generation came of age at the start of a world war. Timing is everything.

And if you want to complain that this latest executive action is pandering to the electorate, you probably aren’t wrong. Politicians are politicians; they want to get reelected.

Debt relief could make problems worse

But please do not think that wiping out thousands of dollars of student loan debt is more than a compress on a hemorrhage. If we do nothing to address the unreasonable cost of a college education along with the fetishizing of so-called elite universities, then this debt relief could make the problem worse in the long run.

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This one is personal for me. I have taught too many students who have worked tirelessly, often in excruciatingly challenging circumstances (in fractured families and perilous neighborhoods, poverty, depression, isolation, homelessness and food insecurity) to better themselves and their families, only to smack their heads against the glass ceiling of college tuition.

If you believe that every smart, hard-working, underprivileged student gets a scholarship to college, you are mistaken. There are too many such students and not enough financial aid, government or private, for all of them to afford college.
If you believe that every smart, hard-working, underprivileged student gets a scholarship to college, you are mistaken. There are too many such students and not enough financial aid, government or private, for all of them to afford college.

If you believe that every smart, hard-working, underprivileged student gets a scholarship to college, you are mistaken. There are too many such students and not enough financial aid, government or private, for all of them to afford college. I’ve seen too many kids staring in stunned silence at their financial aid statement and the gap between what a college charges and how much help they will receive.

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For many of them it is a deal breaker. A few thousand dollars a year of debt may seem not insurmountable to most of us, but for someone who has never had more than a few dollars in their pocket, who has seen parents struggle to provide basic necessities and keep from living in a car or a shelter, the gap is a psychological assault and a threat to their future.

I question what I've told my students

Colleagues and I have spent hours trying to work through the anxiety and despair with these students, and it has led to my own despair and a professional crisis. Why am I preparing these kids for a college education that could be out of their reach?

And this is in California, which has one of the best and most affordable college systems anywhere. Community colleges are virtually cost-free in our state and offer mostly transferrable classes, but associate of arts degrees open few doors.

Some community colleges are starting to expand their offerings and offer bachelor’s degrees, but such opportunities are limited. We need to expand free or nearly free college to every young person who needs it.

And we should demand an explanation from colleges about the ballooning cost. Perhaps there are sound reasons, but if we continue to believe in the efficacy of these institutions, is it not fair to insist on transparency about the money they collect and where it all goes and why the increases seem to always outpace inflation?

If the accusations are true that increased financial aid, including secured loans, has fueled the hyperinflation of post-secondary education, then there ought to be a reckoning about such opportunism and exploitation.

Beyond that, we need to obliterate the elitism that marginalizes students who must, by circumstance, rely on the most affordable options in higher education. I’m not an expert in public policy, but I don’t see how we can legislate against the inequality of college status.

I paid off $65K in debt: My final payment was months before Biden's student loan forgiveness. Here's how I feel.

We cannot outlaw college rankings, which validate institutions that reject the most applicants. But rejecting young people who have overcome so much is nothing to be proud of and ought not be used as a measure of the quality of an education.

The influence of educational institutions ought to be measured by the degree to which they make our world a better place – mostly by the post-graduation accomplishments of their students.

Universities ought to lead the charge to deconstruct their own elite status and promote the worth of every deserving college graduate, regardless of the brand on their degree.

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'Elite' schools are oversold

Educators in high schools, too. Starting with me. I’m guilty of encouraging students to apply to so-called elite universities, especially the ones with large enough endowments to meet the financial need of all students, if I think they have a chance to get into one. And I brag about my students who do.

It is difficult not to, although I should not use it as a criterion for bragging because I am proud of all my students who have overcome so much to change the trajectory of their lives and of their family's history.

I'm proud of those who have become social workers and teachers and otherwise committed themselves to helping the generations that follow them. I’m also proud of those who’ve become engineers, entrepreneurs, physicians, attorneys, artists and skilled tradespeople.

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I shouldn’t perpetuate the idea that a student who managed to get into and through Harvard or Columbia or Bryn Mawr or Wellesley is more worthy of my thrill or satisfaction.

I am just as proud of those students who attended the elite universities but go out of their way to demythologize the false superiority of the education those places offer – and who give props to their peers who have made the most of their education, wherever they attended.

I am proud of those who managed to get through college debt-free or pay off their loans quickly, but I am also happy for those who will now get help with what they still owe.

Larry Strauss has been a high school English teacher in South Los Angeles since 1992. He is a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributors and the author of more than a dozen books, including "Students First and Other Lies: Straight Talk From a Veteran Teacher" and his new novel, "Light Man." Follow him on Twitter: @LarryStrauss

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Biden's student loan forgiveness is a bandage on a broken system