Top state awards for Gulliver and St. Thomas Aquinas water polo players. Plus playoff results

Senior Sam Collingwood of St. Thomas Aquinas High School has been named the Florida Dairy Farmers 2023 Mr. Water Polo, and seniors Emily Scheerer of Lake Nona High School and Gabriela Montalvo of Gulliver Prep have been named co-winners of the 2023 Miss Water Polo award after a final round of voting by a statewide panel of high school water polo coaches.

In addition, Michael Goldenberg of St. Thomas Aquinas and Alexander Bennett of Lake Nona were named winners of the Boys’ and Girls’ Water Polo Coach of the Year awards, respectively.

Collingwood led his school to the state championship, scoring 90 goals, including five goals in the state-title win over Belen Jesuit. He also finished the season with 30 assists plus 30 steals.

Scheerer, the 2022 Miss Water Polo and a Marist College signee, scored 113 goals, had 49 assists and added 39 steals in helping her team to its third straight state title, and in the process, became the first two-time Miss Water Polo.

Montalvo, who shared this year’s Miss Water Polo award with Scheerer, led her Gulliver Prep squad to the state championship game, finishing the season with 127 goals, 28 assists and 84 steals. She has committed to play water polo at Brown University after completing her prep career with 315 goals, 87 assists and 241 steals.

Goldenberg led his boys’ squad to a 28-2-1 record and the school’s first state title since 2013 after defeating 2022 state champion Belen Jesuit, 14-12, in this year’s championship game.

Bennett led Lake Nona’s girls to a 26-2 record and a third straight state title. He won three girls’ state titles (2005-07) and a boys’ title (2007) at Gulliver Prep, before taking over the Lake Nona program 14 years ago.

The Florida Dairy Farmers Sports Awards program exemplifies Florida Dairy Farmers’ commitment to the state’s youth. This is the 31st year of these unique awards as we honor the state’s top athletes and coaches in all FHSAA sanctioned sports. The program also emphasizes to young people the importance of keeping dairy products a primary part of their diet in their overall nutrition plan.


True North baseball ended the regular season with another victory, giving the Titans a 16-8 mark entering the playoffs, and Doral Academy won its 20th game of the season to open its post-season.

In other action, Western’s Brandon Lorenzo had a walk-off two-run single in a district quarterfinal against Coral Glades. After a scoreless seven innings, Coral Glades scored twice in the top of the eighth, but the Wildcats rallied for three runs in the bottom of the frame.

True North 8, Miami Springs 7: Sam Fischer (Sr) 5-5, 3B, RBI, 3 R; Angel Garcia (So) 2-3, 2B, 4 RBI, 2 R; Matias Fiscer (Fr) 1-3, 2B, RBI, R; Austin Simmons (So) 3 IP, 3 K; Yankee Cordova (So) 3 IP, 1 R, 1 BB; WP Matias Fischer (Fr) 1 IP, 1 R, 1 K. TN (16-8), MS (14-7).

Sam Fischer of the True North baseball team against Miami Springs.
Sam Fischer of the True North baseball team against Miami Springs.

District Quarterfinal: Western 3, Coral Glades 2 (8 inn.): WP Alex Pena (6-2) 1 IP, 0 ER, 1 K; Jake Butter 8 IP, 0 ER, 0 H, 1 BB, 8 K; Daniel Ortega 2-4; Bryce Huffman 1-2, HBP; Tyler Jenkins 1-4; Zach Beyra 1-4, R; Cristian Alvarez 1-4, R, RBI; Brandon Lorenzo 1-3, BB, 2 RBI. Wst (13-9), CG (11-10).

District Semifinal: Western 11, Taravella 4: Leading 5-4, the Wildcats scored six times in the top of the seventh. WP Alex Pena (7-2) 5.1 IP, 2 R, 4 K; Aiden Andreu 1-3, HR, 3 R, RBI, 2 BB; Brandon Lorenzo 1-2, 2 R, 2 RBI, 2 BB; Logan Miyar 1-1, 2B, 2 RBI; Andrew Holt 1-2, R, BB. Wst (14-9), Tar (15-9).

District Semifinal: Doral Academy 10, Southridge 2: Daniel Restrepo 2-3, 2 HR, 5 RBI; Mike Torres 2-4, RBI; Pedro Acosta 1-2, HR; WP Zachary Cowart 5 IP, 0 ER, 5 K. Dor (20-6).

District Semifinal: Gulliver Prep 6, Florida Christian 5: George Lombard 4-4, 2B, 3B, HR, 5 RBI; AJ Argudin 2-3, 2 R; Brixton Lofgren 6.2 IP, 8K.

District Semifinal: Palmetto 6, Ferguson 1: WP Brody Seeds (5-4); Justin Corman 2-3, 2B, R; Sebastian Font 2-3, R, 2 RBI; Michael Arnold 1-2, 2 R, RBI. Plm (10-10).


Bella Miki went 2-for-4 with the winning RBI, walk-off style, as Ransom Everglades softball edged Carrollton 3-2 in a district quarterfinal, and two eighth grade pitchers are leading Westminster Christian in the post-season.

District Quarterfinal: Ransom Everglades 3, Carrollton 2: Sofia De la Torre 2-2, 2 BB, 2 SB, 2 R; Ella Crowley 3B, R, RBI; Bella Miki 2-4, RBI; WP Leah Maduro 7 IP, Complete Game, 1 H, 0 BB, 7 K. RE (8-5).

District Quarterfinal: Westminster Christian 16, Somerset Academy-Homeseatd 0: WP Abi Barbosa (8th Gr) 3 IP, 0 H, 0 R, 0 BB, 8 K; Dani Alvarez 2-2, 2B, 2 RBI; Gigi Khoury 2-3, 2 3B, 6 RBI; Kaley Dyer 1-2, 2B, 2 RBI; Jas Armenteros 1-2, RBI; Abi Barbosa 1-1, RBI; Alexa Bender 1-1, RBI; Danica Tate 1-1, RBI; Julie Hendrikse 1-1, RBI. WC (10-7-1)

District Semifinal: Westminster Christian 4, Keys Gate Charter-Homestead 1: WP Kaley Dyer (8th Gr) 4.1 IP, 2 H, 1 R, 3 K; P Abi Barbosa (8th Gr) 2.2 IP, 1 H, 0 R, 3 K; Dani Alvarez 2-3, 2B; Brooke Rebhan 1-3; Kaley Dyer 1-3, 2B, RBI; Jas Armenteros 1-3, RBI; Alexa Bender 1-3; Kelsie Kenney 1-3. WC (11-7-1).

District Semifinal: Palmer Trinity 14, Marathon 3: WP Emme Fundora (8-2); Kinsey Cerda 3-4, 4 RBI; Mela Fajardo 2-4 HR, RBI; Gina Pineda 1-2, HR, 2 RBI; Emmy Cerda 2-4, RBI.

District Semifinal: Somerset Academy Silver Palms 11, Ransom Everglades 1: Ava Stevens 2-3, 2 R, 2 RBI; Lani Gonzalez 2-4, 2 R, 2 RBI; Arlene Sordo 2-2, R, RBI; Kate Champion 2-3, HR, 2 R, 2 RBI; WP Edan Playa (17-1) 3 IP, 7 K. SASP (24-2).

Boys’ volleyball

District Quarterfinal: Reagan d. Horeb Christian 25-6, 25-15, 25-22: Kevin Gonzalez 9 kills, 2 aces; Eduardo Marquez 3 kills, 17 serve received, 17 digs, 4 aces; Elijah Perfetto 4 kills, 4 digs; Diego Requena 29 assists, 4 digs; Sebastia Gota 4 kills, 1 block; Michael Perez 4 kills, 10 digs, 1 block. Rea (10-11).

District Semifinal: Belen Jesuit d. Varela 25-6, 25-15, 25-17: Morrison Hadad 11 kills, 3 blocks, 6 digs, 3 aces; Joseph Gonzalez 10 kills, 8 digs, 5 aces; Marcelo Morales 10 kills, 4 blocks. Bel (22-3).

District Semifinal: Cardinal Gibbons d. Pine Crest 25-15, 25-8, 25-17: Gabriel Nejad 20 assists; Daniel Sappia 9 kills; Thiago Zamprogno 8 kills. CG (22-3).

District Semifinal: Mater Lakes Academy d. Miramar 25-11, 25-9, 25-10: Jesus Montes 11 kills, 7 aces; Kevin Llerena 11 kills, 3 aces; Ibrahim Perez 5 kills; Leandro Mustelier 15 digs, 3 assists; Nicholas Aranda 25 assists, 9 digs. MLA (23-3).

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Roundup compiled by Jim Varsallone