Traffic on the Boise Greenbelt: Speed has increased, courtesy decreased | Opinion


I feel very lucky to live on the Greenbelt next to the river. My dog and I love that walk with one exception: riders who don’t say anything when they, on their silent bikes, are coming up behind us.

I’m grateful when riders call out “on your left” so I can have a firm hold on the dog’s leash. And I always call back a thank you.

Unfortunately, this spring and summer I’ve experienced this courtesy waning and the speed of the riders increasing.

In keeping with the slogan “Share the Road,” if you’re riding the Greenbelt, please call out well before you get to pedestrians.

And to the rider — large, older, white, male — who scared the coffee out of me by yelling “Pay attention!” as he raced by with inches between him and my dog, I absolutely will be more careful to look both ways starting today, knowing there are people like you on the Greenbelt who would rather be right than safe.

Your mother must be so proud.

Debbie McCormick, Boise


Numerous federal, tribal and state agencies have developed numeric goals for salmon and steelhead restoration returning to the Columbia and Snake rivers. To achieve salmon restoration, there must be a multi-component approach. Restoring habitat and/or improving habitat for salmon and steelhead. Managing harvest to prevent overfishing and exploitation. Managing hatcheries to provide enough salmon for sustainable harvest while addressing wild and hatchery salmon. Eliminating fish barriers and improving hydropower operations to enhance smolt and adult migration. Reduce predation to smolts from birds and adult fish from sea lions and seals in the Columbia River. It is time to take steps to achieve sustainable and harvestable adult salmon and steelhead returning to the Columbia and Snake rivers. What steps should be taken now to increase the number of salmon and steelhead returning to the Columbia and Snake rivers — increase and improve hatcheries to spawn and rear more salmon and steelhead upstream of Bonneville Dam, reduce predation from birds, sea lions and seals downstream of Bonneville Dam and modify turbines to increase smolt survival rates.

I ask that our federal and state officials take steps to achieve sustainable and harvestable adult salmon and steelhead returning to the Columbia and Snake rivers.

Donald Vernon, Middleton

Gas engines

I am astonished that someone is trying to take my gas stove away because they are said to produce greenhouse gasses each year equivalent to 500,000 cars or what the U.S. generates every three and a half hours. Meanwhile, where is the concern about small off-road gas powered engines, including lawn mowers, blowers and trimmers? One study found that a gas-powered blower running for an hour produces the pollution of a mid-size Toyota traveling 1,100 miles and unsafe levels of noise for a distance of up to 800 feet. According to the EPA, gas-powered lawn and garden equipment exposes people to levels of toxic and carcinogenic emissions of benzene, butadiene, formaldehyde and fine particulates. Health risks include cancer, lung disease and respiratory illnesses. By 2031, emissions from small off-road gas powered engines will be nearly twice those from passenger cars. Let’s address bigger problems first and in the meantime keep your hands off my gas stove which cooks an egg (and a lot of other things) predictably and perfectly.

Joe W. Holland, Boise


I just read the article on Patrick Crusius the Walmart gunman sentenced to 90 consecutive life sentences. In an online rant Patrick warned, “...that Hispanics were going to take over the government and the economy.” His attorney stated, “Patrick’s thinking is at odds with reality...resulting in delusional thinking.” Wait, wait, isn’t this the same at odds with reality delusional thinking that motivates those wanting to ban books? Isn’t this the same at odds with reality delusional thinking behind every Idaho legislator who voted to ban transgender care and drag shows? Isn’t this the same delusional fear that if you’re not White, straight and Protestant then the government and economy will fail and life as you know it will never be the same? It hasn’t yet come to killing but yes, this is the same at odds with reality delusional thinking as the Walmart gunman.

Julie Kralovec, Boise


While Rome burned, emperor Nero fiddled. While Sen. Tommy Tuberville undermines the military, the puppet master Donald Trump waves the flag and pretends to be concerned about the welfare of the country. Could a terrorist have as much negative impact on the military as Sen. Tuberville has with his sophomoric disruptions of military protocol?

Does Sen. Tuberville have a mind of his own or was he elected to the Senate because this minion mindlessly agreed with all the psychobabble that has been propagated by Donald Trump? And now the military is being undermined by Sen. Tuberville’s blocking of necessary military appointments. Patriotic Republicans sit silently as enemies of America give Sen. Tuberville and Donald Trump a “standing ovation.” Donald Trump vehemently denies Russian collusion, but he continues to undermine American democracy.

Sidney Asker, Boise


With reference to Bryan Clark’s recent column on the Bundy lawsuit and the misnamed People’s Rights Network, the continuing problem with Nevada export Ammon Bundy who refuses to obey the law illustrates the wrong-headed decisions being made by Gov. Brad Little. Little has ordered Idaho State Police troopers to Texas to guard a border that is not part of Idaho. Meanwhile, Bundy sits on his large derriere flouting multiple court orders. Why hasn’t Little ordered the Idaho State Police to deal with Bundy (whose threats are arguably more of a potential danger to our republic than desperate migrants)?

According to news reports, Bundy has dared the government to arrest him or confiscate his property. He has reportedly hinted that his alleged 60,000-member People’s Rights Network is ready to oppose any effort to enforce the court orders.

There is a historical precedent for how to deal with people like Bundy who refuse to abide by our laws and rules. In 1794, then-President George Washington sent 13,000 militia troops into Pennsylvania to put down the “whiskey rebellion.” After a few months in Gitmo, Bundy may decide to obey our laws.

Gary L. Bennett, Boise