Tucker Carlson guest mocked for ‘making up a million things’ about Boris Johnson’s resignation

A former adviser to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been widely mocked online for saying “a million made up things” about Johnson’s resignation on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Thomas Corbett-Dillon told Fox News viewers there was “chaos” following the resignation of Mr Johnson, but appeared to forget to mention a number of reputational scandals responsible for his downfall.

The former political adviser said the UK prime minister had in fact been ejected from Downing Street because he had become “too woke” and had failed at being “the British Trump”.

“We elected Boris to be the British Trump,” said Mr Corbett-Dillon. “You know he was gonna shake up the system, deliver Brexit, he was gonna stick it to the elites, but he very quickly got sucked in by the globalist agenda”.

Many were amazed by the interview on Twitter, where journalists and commentators pointed to the apparent “conspiratorial fantasy” and “rubbish” of Mr Corbett-Dillon’s interview.

“My god,” tweeted ABC News foreign correspondent James Longman. “And I always wonder why British people get sucked into this nonsense.”

“Yes people say all kinds of rubbish, but this level of conspiratorial fantasy is so completely jarring with what’s acceptable on TV in the UK”.

“Reading through the quote tweets,” tweeted another user and film director Lexi Alexander. “I take it this level of fake news is not allowed in the UK…even though it’s the base of the Murdoch empire. Something to think about…”.

Liam Thorp, editor of the Liverpool Echo, added that Mr Corbett-Dillon was “Just going on telly to say a million made up things”.

“Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson simply fell into a vat of elites and became woke, so he had to go. Incredible scenes,” quipped a Den of Geek editor.

During the same segment on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Mr Corbett-Dillon – whose Twitter account is no longer visible – continued by accusing Mr Johnson of “sucking up” to UK allies including France’s Emmanuel Macron and former German chancellor Angela Merkel, although it was unclear what for.

“He became woke, he fully signed up to this Greta Thunberg idea of ‘the world is ending’ which is not what the Conservative people voted for,” Mr Corbett-Dillon argued, before attacking the UK’s tougher approach on Covid pandemic lockdowns.

Mr Johnson has said he will leave government with his “head held high” despite being rebuked for his handling of sexual assault allegations against a Conservative MP and his former deputy chief of staff, Chris Pincher.