Tucker Carlson Pushes Election Fraud B.S. Same Night Filing Reveals He Knows It’s B.S.

tucker carlson BS election - Credit: Jason Koerner/Getty Images
tucker carlson BS election - Credit: Jason Koerner/Getty Images

Dominion Voting Systems is suing Fox News for spreading conspiracies about the company’s role in nonexistent fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Dominion submitted a bombshell legal filing on Thursday revealing that most of the Fox News hosts who pushed the Big Lie knew it was total bullshit, as well as the internal strife over how to cover the election Donald Trump has clearly lost.

Tucker Carlson was particularly incensed, the filing reveals. “Sidney Powell is lying by the way. I caught her. It’s insane,” he texted fellow host Laura Ingraham on Nov. 18, 2020, referring to the right-wing lawyer who was one of the primary drivers of the conspiracy that Dominion’s machines weren’t on the level. Ingraham responded that Powell is “a complete nut,” as is Rudy Giuliani. “It’s unbelievably offensive to me,” said Carlson. “Our viewers are good people and they believe it.”

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Carlson and his fellow hosts continued to push the idea that the election was fraudulent, regularly inviting conspiracy theorists onto their shows. Carlson was even pushing it on Thursday night, right around the time the filing was made public.

“How did senile hermit Joe Biden get 15 million more votes than his boss, rockstar crowd surfer Barack Obama?” he asked. “Results like that would seem to defy the laws of known physics and qualify instead as a miracle. Was the 2020 election a miracle?”

Carlson knows very well that the 2020 election was not a miracle. Biden won around the same portion of the popular vote as Obama. He won 15 million more votes simply because more people voted in the election. Trump also won millions more votes than John McCain and Mitt Romney.

Trump has repeatedly cited the vote total discrepancy as proof the election was fraudulent, and Dominion’s filing on Thursday suggests why Carlson is doing the same over two years later despite knowing full well it’s not a legitimate argument. He was worried that if Fox News didn’t fall in line with Trump’s deranged arguments he could turn supporters against the network and direct them to more compliant networks, like Newsmax.

“What [Trump]’s good at is destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong,” he texted his producer Alex Pfeiffer Nov. 5, 2020, in the wake of the network correctly calling Arizona for Biden. He texted Pfeiffer on Jan. 6, 2021, that Trump is “a demonic force, a destroyer. But he’s not going to destroy us.” Carlson downplayed the riot at the Capitol, and invited conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell on his show a few weeks later to push more lies about Dominion.

Fox News has claimed that its hosts were merely relaying newsworthy information to viewers, and that there’s nothing in the Constitution holding them responsible for that information’s accuracy, even if it defames a business. “There will be a lot of noise and confusion generated by Dominion and their opportunistic private equity owners, but the core of this case remains about freedom of the press and freedom of speech, which are fundamental rights afforded by the Constitution and protected by New York Times v. Sullivan,” the network said in a statement.

Carlson believed his viewers were “good people” who would “believe” bullshit about the 2020 election. He shoveled it to them anyway. He still is, over two years later.

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