Tudor and Cashel have last Lunch and Learn until September

Tudor and Cashel Township had a Lunch and Learn on May 15 on Better Ways to Grow, Harvest, and Store, presented by the Bancroft Horticultural Society’s Pam Bromley and Elaine Visser. Over 30 people were in attendance at this last Lunch and Learn the township will be holding until September. Councillor Elain Holloway and Bromley comment on this successful event.

Holloway says they had a fabulous turnout at the Better Ways to Grow, Harvest and Store Lunch and Learn at the Tudor and Cashel Community Centre on May 15. Over 30 people came by and Holloway says that this concluded their Lunch and Learn series under the Ontario Seniors’ Accessibility Grant for the season.
“Pam Bromley, president of the Bancroft Horticultural Society was joined by member Elaine Vissers as they provided useful information regarding this region’s growing zone, companion planting, and answering a multitude of questions from those in attendance,” she says.

Holloway says that participants were able to feast on ham, scalloped potatoes, mixed vegetables and rolls following the presentation.
“A shout out to our Community and Communications Advisory Committee members, numerous volunteers including the Limerick Friends Club members, who lent a hand in meal preparation, serving and clean up. We look forward to starting up the Lunch and Learns again in September,” she says.

Visser says that she and Bromley put together some tips about calculating and soil requirements in the garden, pros of raised bed gardening, companion planting with flowers, herbs and vegetables in the garden and she says they shared a handy chart to help.
“Overall, we had fun, and answered a few questions. The luncheon was put together very well by Elain Holloway. We invited the attendees to join us at the Bancroft Bible Chapel for our next monthly meeting on May 23 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. We meet once a month on the fourth Thursday,” she says.

Bromley reiterated to The Bancroft Times that she and Visser really enjoyed themselves sharing information on gardening at the May 15 Lunch and Learn.
“Elaine talked about raised gardening beds, and I spoke on companion planting and resources to learn more about this. We really enjoyed the free Lunch and Learn group in Tudor and Cashel. What a beautiful facility! And I didn’t realize it was only 45 kilometres from Bancroft,” she says.

Bromley says she hopes the local residents were a little more inspired to plant the community raised garden beds and flower beds around the facility. She said the group was interested in their topic and joined in with questions afterward. She also said the lunch of ham, homemade baked beans, buns and scalloped potatoes was delicious.
“I hope they get their grant for Seniors Accessibility again this year. I would like to join in again. It was a wonderful and friendly group and Elain Holloway is such a friendly, hard-working forces behind all the planning,” she says. “Tudor and Cashel are fortunate to have her.”

Michael Riley, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, The Bancroft Times