Two jailed after gun found in driver’s handbag in south London

Renee Cox (L) and Donnell Morgan (Met Police)
Renee Cox (L) and Donnell Morgan (Met Police)

Two people have been jailed and three guns taken off the streets after police stopped a car in south London.

Officers stopped a car in Thornlaw Road, West Norwood on April 10 last year while on an operation and found a loaded revolver in a handbag on the driver’s seat.

The driver, Renee Cox, 21, of Stockwell Road, Brixton, and the passenger, Donnell Morgan, 22, of Crosby Walk, Brixton, were arrested.

The revolver found in the car (Met Police)
The revolver found in the car (Met Police)

Morgan’s DNA was run through the national police database, linking to two other guns that officers had recovered from a property in Lambeth on March 31, 2022.

Two sawn-off shotguns and 112 rounds of ammunition were found hidden in a cupboard at the property in Crosby Walk.

At the time of the raid, the property was unoccupied and there were no registered tenants.

One of the shotguns recovered from Crosby Walk (Met Police)
One of the shotguns recovered from Crosby Walk (Met Police)

Morgan was charged with three counts of possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and two counts of possession of ammunition with intent to endanger life.

Cox was charged with one count of possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and one count of possession of ammunition with intent to endanger life in relation to the revolver in the handbag.

 (Met Police)
(Met Police)

Morgan was sentenced at Croydon Crown Court to 16 years, four of which will be served on licence, and Cox was sentenced to five years.

Detective Constable Harry Ford, from the Met’s Specialist Crime Command, said: “As police officers, we regularly see the grave consequences of gun crime and across the Met, we are committed to reducing violence on the streets of London.

“I am pleased this proactive operation has resulted in three potentially lethal weapons being taken out of the hands of two dangerous offenders."