Upset about Wichita nightclub shootout? Why do you hate 2nd Amendment rights? | Opinion

Sunday’s Wichita nightclub shootout that sent 11 people to the hospital has prompted the same old predictable hand-wringing from the leftists of our community.

Why do they hate freedom?

They hadn’t even mopped up the bloodstains at the City Nightz club before Wichita Mayor Brandon Whipple was on Twitter trying to paint random bar shootings as somehow being a bad thing.

“We will not tolerate gun violence in our city,” the mayor said in a tweet quoted by Fox News, so you know it’s true. “We must advocate for safer communities and continue proactive measures to prevent such tragedies, while fostering a culture of peace, empathy, and understanding.”

That’s wussy talk.

Whipple and his ilk should be thanking whatever gods they worship that we are fortunate enough to live in a state where our legislators are smart enough to recognize that the solution to gun violence is more guns, carried by everyone, everywhere, all the time.

What happened at 1 a.m. Sunday at the City Nightz club — where several people opened fire, nine were shot and two trampled in the crowd running away — is being called a “mass shooting” by the leftist media. You won’t find those biased journalists calling it what it is, Constitution-loving patriots exercising their God-given right to shoot people who annoy them.

Police have arrested 31-year-old Brandon Young of Florissant, Mo., in connection with the spontaneous outburst of Second Amendment patriotism inside this humble mom-and-pop drinking establishment downtown.

I shudder to think of what this will do to our local tourism industry. Why would anybody ever want to come to Wichita if they can’t even shoot at us without getting arrested?

It’s kind of hard to believe these days, but there was a time not too long ago in Kansas when you couldn’t carry a concealed weapon at all without a permit issued by big guv’ment.

A misguided alliance of leftist Democrats and Republicans in Name Only, AKA RINO’s, liked it that way because it allowed them to control the population and stifle freedom-loving patriots.

The road to the liberty we now enjoy has been long and hard.

It started in 2006, when the Legislature overrode a veto by the quasi-Marxist Democrat Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to pass the “Personal and Family Protection Act” and establish concealed carry in the state.

But for some inexplicable reason, that law banned concealed carrying of guns in bars — and who among us can say that they’ve never needed a gun to protect their family in a bar?

Legislators cleaned that up the next year to allow concealed carriers to take their guns with them to have a few drinks. But the law still required a permit, which you could only get after eight hours of gun training.

It was to be another seven long years before the Legislature and Gov. Sam Brownback passed Constitutional Carry, which finally allowed Kansans to carry their weapons as the Founding Fathers and the Good Lord intended — no permits, no training, no questions asked.

At the time, Kansans could carry guns openly, but we all owe a debt of gratitude to then-Kansas State Rifle Association President Patricia Stoneking for putting the hardship of that in perspective from the female point of view.

“If I’m dressed in an evening gown, which I was recently, and I want to carry a gun, I should be able to slip it in my bag,” Stoneking said at the time. “I shouldn’t have to try to figure out how to put on a belt and holster.”

You go girl! Thank God our 70% male Legislature can understand and solve the problems faced by today’s modern woman.

The Legislature and Brownback also banned cities and counties from any misguided attempt to establish gun laws of their own. Because as we all know, gun laws that work in a rural community of 400 people will work equally well in an urban city of 400,000. It’s simple multiplication.

So on this Independence Day, exercise your 2A rights and strap up before you head out to celebrate at your favorite local night spot. You never know who you might encounter that needs shooting.

Until we’re all packing heat, can any of us really be safe?