Utah Bride and Her Dad Perform the Most Epic Wedding Dance Mashup

Do you ever wish the traditional father-daughter wedding dance had a bit more … verve to it?

Then we’d like to introduce you to Mikayla Ellison Phillips and her dad Nathan Ellison. The Utah bride and her dad defied wedding conventions at Phillips’ Oct. 8 ceremony by quickly exiting their slow dance to “Butterfly Kisses” into a choreographed medley including “U Can’t Touch This” and “Bye Bye Bye.”

“I’m the oldest and the only girl so that was my dad’s only chance to do something like this,” Phillips told ABC News. “He for years has talked about doing that and he finally convinced me.”

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Phillips, as it turns out, is the hoofer in the family: She met her husband Cody as dance partners in Brigham Young University’s International Folk Dance Ensemble. Dad Nathan works in sales and computer tech, which made the weeklong cramming session the pair undertook to choreograph the routine “stressful,” according to Phillips, though she ultimately said she was glad to make her dad’s lifelong goal a reality. (Cody did the remix.)

“The most fun thing was seeing my dad and how happy he was,” she recalls. Since being to YouTube, on Oct. 22, the clip has amassed over 2.3 million views, though Phillips is keen to point out that, you know, she also got married that day.

“The actual best part of that day was marrying my best friend,” she told ABC.