Vin Diesel wants ex-assistant's lawsuit thrown out

Vin Diesel wants his former assistant's sexual battery lawsuit to be thrown out.

The 'Fast and the Furious' actor is being sued by Asta Jonasson, who alleged the 56-year-old star "molested her body" in his suite at the St. Regis hotel in Atlanta in September 2010, but he has denied all allegations of wrongdoing and has now asked for all the claims to be dismissed and for his ex-employee to be made to foot the bill for his legal costs.

A motion obtained by read: “Defendant is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges, that the Complaint, and each and every cause of action stated therein, is barred by reason of Plaintiff’s consent."

In her lawsuit, Asta claimed Vin's sister Samantha Vincent - who works as president of her brother's production company One Race - fired her after she refused to comply with his demands when he allegedly forced himself on her.

But in the new documents, the 'Fast and the Furious' star insisted all actions about her employment "were taken in good faith for legitimate non-discriminatory purposes" and insisted Asta hadn't suffered any damages due to his actions.

In her original lawsuit filed in December, the former assistant claimed the 'Pacifier' actor invited her to his suite after coming back from a club with hostesses, and then when the rest of the group left, allegedly grabbed her wrists and pulled her onto the bed, groping her chest and kissing her, “despite her pleas” for him to stop.

The lawsuit added: “Ms Jonasson was afraid to more forcibly refuse her supervisor, knowing that getting him out of that room was both crucial to her personal safety and job security.

“But this hope died when Vin Diesel dropped to his knees, pushed Ms Jonasson’s dress up toward her waist, and molested her body, running his hands over Ms Jonasson’s upper legs, including her inner thighs.”

Asta said at that point she ran away from Vin and headed toward the bathroom, but he allegedly pinned her against a wall and placed her hand on his “erect” member as he touched himself.

The lawsuit added: “Terrified, Ms Jonasson closed her eyes, trying to dissociate from the sexual assault and avoid angering him.

“Ms Jonasson then heard groaning noises from Vin Diesel… Jonasson was frozen in a state of shock and unable to move.”

In response, the 'Riddick' star "categorically denied" the allegations.

His lawyer Bryan Freedman told Variety in a statement: "Let me be very clear Vin Diesel categorically denies this claim in its entirety. This is the first he has ever heard about this more than 13-year-old claim made by a purportedly nine-day employee.

"There is clear evidence which completely refutes these outlandish allegations.”