Washington wolves are at risk. Fish and Wildlife might make it worse. Why? | Opinion

Washington wolves at risk

Washington’s wolves are in serious danger. In addition to the risks they face from poaching, Tribal hunting, vehicle strikes and more, the state’s Fish and Wildlife Commission is currently discussing reducing their protections by down-listing wolves from “endangered” to “sensitive.”

Reducing wolf protections would make them even more vulnerable to poaching, as penalties for illegally killing a wolf would be reduced. They’d also be more like to get killed in response to (already rare) conflicts with livestock.

These iconic animals play an essential role in our ecosystems, keeping nature healthy and biologically diverse. Premature down-listing risks undoing the small progress we’ve made in wolf recovery.

We must continue to protect wolves as endangered to safeguard their continued recovery and ensure they remain a vital part of Washington’s natural heritage.

Laura Kozuszek, Anderson Island

Tacoma Landlord Fairness Initiative

Over the last few years, progressives have proven they are utterly incapable of tailoring public policy to human nature. In other words, they incentivize bad behavior. From decriminalizing meth and fentanyl to preventing police from detaining suspects based on reasonable suspicion, progressives enact laws that predictably and reliably harm society.

Enter their latest ordinance: a bill that incentivizes squatting. Now, Tacoma renters needn’t worry about stiffing their landlord for up to nine months at a time. I can’t believe it has to be said, but no one has a “right” to take up residence in another person’s property without paying rent.

Indeed, no one has a “right” to anything he or she isn’t willing to work for.

Tacoma’s tenants’ rights initiative lays bare the simple fact that progressive socialists honestly believe they can get away with theft, if only they put the word “democratic” in front of the name.

They believe that if they convince more people to vote for them than their opponents, they are free to take what belongs to someone else.

Greg Taylor, Tacoma

Public service announcement

I tried watching the news this morning, but I changed the station. The most distressing thing for me is that I can’t find a station that is telling me what is actually happening with our politics in America.

They are throwing out concerning terms like fascism, dictatorship and authoritarianism. If this is true, all Americans should be informed immediately.

I have been voting since I was 18 years old. Now I’m a senior citizen. I can’t believe the media’s irresponsible words and deeds.

We need the media to tell us truthfully what is happening and what road we are traveling down. In the 1930s, some treated Hitler like a celebrity and we know what happened with that. We also saw recently what happened on January 6, 2021. Some say it was an insurrection. Others describe it as a fun day. Still others say it was treason.

I believe there should be a public service announcement to all Americans if there is a clear and present danger of fascism, authoritarianism or dictatorship — as well as treason, socialism and communism.

The media and politicians should stop alarming the public and try describing events differently for our understanding.

Constance D. Clay-Williams, Tacoma