'Weather girl' is a sexist, outdated term – it's time we stopped using it

Caroline Aherne as Paula the weather girl on The Fast Show
Scorchio! Caroline Aherne as Paula the weather girl on The Fast Show - BBC

Why are we so fascinated by weather girls? Scorchio! The Story of the Weather Girl (Radio 4) was hosted by Sam Fraser, a presenter of regional TV weather in the South, whose bottom, she told us, has its own online fan club. She’s not alone in being objectified, either. This programme was full of unedifying stories of people sending sex toys to female weather presenters in the post, openly savaging their looks online, and even, in some cases, subjecting them to stalking and harassment.

Fraser believes that the term “weather girl” is part of the problem. After all, we don’t informally call male weather presenters “weather boys”. No, they’re weathermen. How does that difference in language affect how we treat the people who tell us whether to take an umbrella or a sun hat with us on our way out?

There were contributions from Siân Lloyd, Kate Kinsella and John Kettley (famously the subject of the 1988 pop hit, John Kettley is a Weatherman). We heard lots of thigh-rubbing media coverage, including how one news outlet reported the breaking news that Carol Kirkwood “puts on seriously busty display in plunging blue dress” while delivering a forecast for BBC Breakfast.

Fraser and producer Sarah Bowen’s selection of archive revealed an enduring culture of suspicion that women are hired on the basis of their appearance rather than their knowledge. Boris Johnson was quoted as having been chief among the harrumphers in the press objecting to the appointment of Sarah-Leigh Barnett, via a talent search, in 2003 when Michael Fish retired.

The programme is named after the catchphrase of The Fast Show’s effervescent weather presenter Paula Fisch, played by Caroline Aherne, for whom every forecast was “scorchio!,” and, happily, Fraser found time for some sunny spells like this amid the storm clouds – none of which undermined her central request for the women of weather to be taken seriously.

Notably absent, though, was BBC weatherman Tomasz Schafernaker, who has a fan club of thousands on Facebook. Indeed, even the late Queen Elizabeth II was said to have a “soft spot” for him. Perhaps the objectification of a male weather presenter might have complicated Fraser’s argument too much for her to include, though I think it might also have made it more substantial. Why are we so obsessed with the people who tell us about the weather? Why are we Brits so obsessed with weather at all? Honestly, I’m still not sure.

Richard Osman and Marina Hyde
Richard Osman and Marina Hyde

More discussion of how TV works comes via a new podcast from Gary Lineker’s audio empire, Goalhanger Podcasts, makers of The Rest is History. The latest offering is The Rest is Entertainment, in which Richard Osman and Marina Hyde discuss current TV, film and journalism, how it’s made and what it means to the wider culture.

In the first episode, they talked about game shows. They emphasised the mantra in TV that game shows are all about the casting: it doesn’t really matter whether those taking part are talented or competent, but they should always be interesting, particularly when balanced as an ensemble. The casting of Osman and Hyde is perfect. Hyde is a respected journalist, while Osman has decades of experience both in front of the camera (presenting Pointless) and behind it, having spent 20 years at the major TV production company Endemol. Oh, and he’s written a few books.

They know what they’re talking about, then, and where this podcast sparks into life is when they apply their expertise to some riveting and gossipy on-the-fly analysis. They speculated that Nigel Farage’s rumoured £1.5 million fee for I’m a Celebrity…might have been offered primarily because he was a last-minute booking when ITV had budget left over after the other celebrities had come in cheaper than expected. Boris Johnson (him again!) was in advanced talks to enter the jungle, too, Hyde claims.

Nevertheless, Osman pointed out, Farage’s fee was a news story because it’s annoying when anyone receives a huge sum, no matter who they are. Osman, who reportedly recently received an advance of more than £10 m for his next four books, has an eye for an attention-grabbing statement (“Game shows are dying”). He’s nicely offset by Hyde, who has a wry journalistic instinct that pairs well with Osman’s TV-honed ebullience.

I do hope that they delve into some of the meatier stories of the moment, too, such as the allegations against Russell Brand. The entertainment industry has plenty of skeletons in its closets. Are Hyde and Osman – who have the requisite insider knowledge and contacts – going to be the people to bust them out? I’ll be listening eagerly.

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