Wichita Mayor Lily Wu is traveling to Switzerland next month. Here’s why and who’s paying

Wichita Mayor Lily Wu has accepted an invitation for a weeklong trip to Switzerland next month with all expenses paid by the Swiss government.

The Embassy of Switzerland invited Wu and eight other female mayors from the United States on an overseas trip sponsored by Presence Switzerland, the European country’s foreign affairs division in charge of improving Switzerland’s image abroad. The invitation, provided by Wu to The Eagle, says the trip “provides the opportunity for city-level leadership from the United States to experience how local governance is organized in Switzerland.”

The mayors will visit the Swiss cities of Zurich, Basel, Bern, Lausanne and Geneva.

Wu said she looks forward to learning during the trip, which was approved unanimously by the Wichita City Council on Tuesday. She’ll be in Switzerland from April 20 to April 27.

“I’m honored to be selected among a group of women American Mayors to learn and connect with national and international leaders,” Wu said in a statement to The Eagle. “I will be connecting with eight women mayors from the US and leaders from Switzerland, while gaining insight into how other communities are tackling issues that are also important to Wichita, including public safety, housing affordability, and economic development.”

The theme of the trip is titled “Shaping Urban Landscapes for a Sustainable Future.” The mayors will meet with representatives from the executive and legislative branches of Switzerland city governments, Swiss research institutions and “preeminent international organizations shaping the 21st century global environment.” The “focus topics” of the trip will be sustainable infrastructure, the future of cities, economic promotion, public health and safety, urban governance and women in politics, according to a document outlining the trip itinerary.

Jacques Pitteloud, Ambassador of Switzerland to the United States and former head of the Swiss Intelligence Service, extended the invite. Other attendees will include mayors from Columbia, Missouri; Tampa, Florida; McMinnville, Oregon; Thornton, Colorado; St. Louis Park, Minnesota; Albany, New York; Fontana, California; and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

“This trip is designed for female mayors as both countries have increased the representation of women in local politics, but challenges in achieving gender parity persist. This trip aims to foster best practice exchanges and strategizing on urban development among current leaders,” Pitteloud wrote in the invitation.

“I am impressed by your service to the people of Wichita,” Pitteloud wrote to Wu. “In particular, your focus on public safety, economic diversification and restoration of trust within the community, demonstrate an awareness of current and future challenges and the ability to meet them. This is why I believe the planned program will be enriching and beneficial for you.”

At Tuesday’s meeting, Wu emphasized that no city money will be used to pay for the trip.

“This is not being paid for by the city of Wichita nor any stipend by the city of Wichita,” Wu said. “This is an item on the agenda for full transparency, awareness and approval.”

City Council members expressed excitement for Wu’s opportunity.

“Congratulations,” Vice Mayor Maggie Ballard said. “That’s awesome.”

“Will you be bringing back chocolate?” Council Member Brandon Johnson asked. “I hear they have good chocolate.”

“I shall bring back chocolate for you,” Wu said.

Wu said she also plans to meet with representatives of SelectUSA, a program of the U.S. Department of Commerce focused on promoting foreign investment in the U.S. economy, while she is there “to advocate for Wichita companies and global economic development opportunities for our regional employers.”

Wu said she’s traveling alone on the trip to Switzerland and that she trusts the city will be in good hands while she’s gone.

“I know that Vice Mayor Maggie Ballard will be able to well-cover any duties while I am away and am grateful to have her as my Vice Mayor,” she said in a statement.