Isabella Mori lives in 'tiny home' in North Vancouver

Isabella Mori lives in 'tiny home' in North Vancouver

With Vancouver recently crowned the second-most unaffordable city in the world, it's no surprise that many people are looking for more affordable alternatives for housing.

Some move to the suburbs, while others find roommates or go for 'Wizard of Oz' suites. But one woman says the city should consider allowing people to rent out their backyards to people with tiny homes on wheels.

Tired of dealing with rent increases and roommates, 50-year-old Isabella Mori took matters into her own hands.

"Trying to buy a place here [in Vancouver] as everyone knows at this point is almost impossible unless you have a very high income," she said.

Mori found a builder who specialized in constructing small houses and eight months and $39,000 later, she is the proud owner of an 186-square-foot home — complete with multifunctional spaces and collapsible furnishings — in an RV park on the North Shore.

So far she has no regrets.

"It's great ... I was waiting to wake up and go, 'Oh lord, I live in a 186-square-feet space with two cats. What have I done?' But that just hasn't happened."

Take the poll: Could you live in a 186 sq. foot home?