Yes, Kari Lake, Mark Finchem, Arizona election results are taking forever. The GOP is why.

On Wednesday evening, Maricopa County released another batch of ballots – 62,000 votes that slightly boosted the Democrats’ tenuous leads in Arizona’s key races.

You’d have thought someone took away Mark Finchem’s cookie. Abe Hamadeh was livid, having already proclaimed victory when he briefly led by a couple of votes.

Meanwhile, Kari Lake was vowing to call the Arizona Legislature into a special session because she didn’t get a balloon drop on election night.

I say this most respectfully to the candidates who may become Arizona’s next governor, next secretary of state and next attorney general.

Do you need a timeout? That’s what I used to ask my toddler sons when they’d throw themselves onto the floor, kicking and screaming, because they didn’t get their way.

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Mark Finchem goes into a rage over slow results

Mark Finchem went into a rage as Wednesday’s vote count slightly padded Adrian Fontes’ lead in the secretary of state’s race. Never mind that there are still hundreds of thousands of votes to be counted – votes that seem likely to break the Republicans’ way.

Finchem doesn’t want to wait.


“It seems the only election deniers are the ones denying releasing the election results. RELEASE THE COUNTS,” he whined.

Then he picked up where he left off first thing on Thursday morning.

“Maricopa’s election systems are a national disgrace,” he cried. “We waited 24 hours and got a measly 62k votes. Even third world countries count faster than that. #AZSOS”


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It's taking a long time because of what you wanted

Yes, Mr. Finchem, it is taking a long time to count votes.

It’s what happens when you and your fellow election deniers tell Republicans to drop off their early ballots at polling places because they can’t trust the mail or a drop box.

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As a result, 290,000 early ballots were dropped off on Election Day – compared with 175,000 in 2020. Another 80,000 were returned or voted in the three days leading up to Tuesday's election.

Ballots being processed at Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC) on Nov. 9, 2022, in Phoenix.
Ballots being processed at Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC) on Nov. 9, 2022, in Phoenix.

Now those ballots must be processed and the signatures on each one verified to ensure they are legitimate votes.

Or would you, Mr. Finchem, rather the county skip that part?

Apparently, Abe Hamadeh would.

“I think Fetterman could do a better job running Maricopa County’s elections,” he howled, referring to Pennsylvania Sen.-elect John Fetterman, who has auditory processing difficulties from a stroke he suffered six months ago.

Hamadeh implies a plot before results are in

I suppose Hamadeh's juvenile (read: classless) fit is understandable. He’d all but declared himself the winner of the attorney general’s race earlier on Wednesday, when he briefly creeped into the lead with 50.1% of the vote.

Wednesday evening’s vote dump put him back behind Kris Mayes, at 49.9%.

“Arizona DESERVES results on Election Day,” Hamadeh moaned. “This is an embarrassment. Maricopa County needs accountability.”

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“Third world countries run their elections better than @maricopacounty," he yelped.

"Maricopa County’s incompetence is a “threat to our democracy," he screamed.

“All we ask for is free, fair, transparent, and competent elections," Hamadeh cried. "Is that too much to ask for?”

No, it’s not too much to ask.

Election workers sort mail-in ballots for processing inside Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center in Phoenix on Nov. 8, 2022. County officials referred to this process as "Red Line Blue Line."
Election workers sort mail-in ballots for processing inside Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center in Phoenix on Nov. 8, 2022. County officials referred to this process as "Red Line Blue Line."

But is it too much to ask that a grown man who wants to be Arizona's next attorney general act like an adult? That he wait for facts showing some nefarious intent before taking to social media to whine and cry?

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This isn't a plot to steal the election. Rather, it's Maricopa County trying to make sure that every legal vote counts.

Lake says she'll call a special session (not sure why)

Of them all, only Blake Masters has acted like a grown up in the hours since the polls closed.

“With the remaining ballots outstanding, we are confident we will win,” he simply tweeted earlier Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Kari Lake was on Fox, complaining about “shoddy elections that are run by imbeciles” and vowing a special session of the Legislature – though I’m not sure why a special session would be needed given that the Legislature will convene just seven days after our new governor takes office.

Kari Lake gives a press conference on the sidewalk outside of the Downtown Phoenix Post Office after casting her ballot on Nov. 8, 2022.
Kari Lake gives a press conference on the sidewalk outside of the Downtown Phoenix Post Office after casting her ballot on Nov. 8, 2022.

Republicans are anxious to claim victory. I get that. It’s quite likely that at least a few of them will shortly be able to do that.

(It’s also quite likely that the ones who don’t win will launch into a two-year tantrum, crying that they were robbed.)

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Oh, grow up. They are following the law

For the adults in the room, what’s happening now with the delay in counting was entirely expected. It’s the product of close races and an early ballot system created by Republicans and run by Republicans.

A process that was made difficult because of the very Republicans who are now pitching a fit.

This isn’t a plot, Mr. Finchem. Democracy is working just fine, Mr. Hamadeh, Ms. Lake.

No one’s trying to take away your lollipop.

It’s Maricopa County doing exactly as you asked, Mr. Finchem, with your campaign mantra: “JustFollowTheLaw.”

Grow the heck up.

Laurie Roberts is a columnist for The Arizona Republic and azcentral, where this column originally ran. Reach Roberts at Follow her on Twitter at @LaurieRoberts.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Arizona election results delayed but Lake, Finchem fits unfounded