Gail Quigley's coupon tips: Christmas meal for 6 for $25

Coupon cynics, be prepared to turn into coupon converts.

Coupon expert Gail Quigley says she can feed a family of six for under $25.

The mother and former banker is always scouring flyers and online coupon sites for the best deal. As her husband says, she can make a dollar out of a penny,

Quigley recently took the CBC out on a shopping trip to see how to price match and coupon a way to a more economical Christmas dinner, with leftovers to spare.

The grocery list:

From Walmart

- Turkey $0.75 per pound. (13. 7 pounds, one limit per family) = $10.28

- 3 pounds of carrots $1.27 (3 pounds)

- 3 pounds of onions $1.27 (3 pounds)

- 2 Villaggio Bread (for stuffing) $2.47 — $2 online coupon = $0.47

- Ocean Spray cranberries $1.78

No Frills

- Breyers ice cream $1.97 — $1.00 coupon — $1.00 rebate from = free

- 1 pound of rutabaga $0.47

Super Store

- Hawaiian Punch juice $1.00 — $1.00 online coupon = free

- 3 x Schweppes Ginger Ale ($0.99 x three = $2.97) — manufacturer's coupons = $0.75

Gateway Meat Market

- Sweet potatoes $0.17 (10 pound limit)

Lawtons Drugs

- Clubhouse Gravy $0.77 x two = $1.54

Giant Tiger

- 10 pounds white potatoes $1.47

- Coffee Folgers $6.88-$2.00 coupon = $4.88

Total = $24.82

​The secret weapon, says Quigley, is price matching. Stores like Walmart, No Frills, Target and Giant Tiger will match items for the same price as their competitors.

Bring in the flyers showing the sale at other stores, and watch the total tumble.

Quigley was able to pay for almost everything on the list at Walmart for $24. 07 by price matching. Saving money, and gas.

"Things are tough for a lot of people out there these days. Every dollar, every cent really does helps," she said.

Quigley also uses sites like Sale Whale to find the best deal in her region.

The drinks are available at Superstore, the ice cream at No Frills.

Quigley jokes that she'll make her husband pick them up on the way home, again, cutting down on gas.

Now the cooking — that we leave up to you.,

CBC donated all the collected food to Feed Nova Scotia.