Angry beaver causes traffic delays, panic around New Brunswick town

Jim O'Neill took this picture of an angry beaver was roaming around Miramichi on Tuesday.

You know you’re in Canada when angry beavers are just roaming through the streets.

In Miramichi, New Brunswick on Tuesday, an angry beaver was the cause for traffic delays. You could tell he was aggressive as he was chasing onlookers. You may laugh, but those teeth can chew through pretty much anything!

According to CBC News, taxi driver Jim O’Neill, was driving up the King George Highway when he noticed a man being chased by the beaver.

So, O’Neill did what any man would do in that instant: He took out his camera to get a few photos.

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While snapping a few quick photos, O’Neill got a little to close to the angry beaver, and it turned on him.


“Slapped his tail on the driveway, slapped his front feet on the ground. He came on,” he said. O’Neill then backed up to try again when the beaver got quite aggressive.

It is possible recent flooding was the reason the angry beaver was displaced from its home. It seems he spent most of his day wandering the streets of Miramichi trying to find it.

Hey, if you couldn’t find your house after a flood, you’d probably be pretty angry, too!

Miramichi Police were soon called in to deal with the angry, street-roaming beaver.

Even though they deal with animals on a daily basis, this was a first.

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Sgt. Ed Arbeau was convinced “the damn thing was lost.” He said the police didn’t have to do anything.

“The guys left it alone, told the citizens to leave it alone and it went back on its way to where it was going,” he said.


There have been rare instances where beavers have attacked people, but Arbeau suspects the beaver may have been provoked during its little visit to the city.

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