Squeaky ticket barrier sings Blur’s ‘Song 2′ to London Underground passengers

Ritch Ames noticed that a squeaky ticket barrier on the London Underground's Jubilee Line was creating a "woo-hoo" sound. Ritch Ames/YouTube video screen grab

Some people are entertained by the darndest things.

Ritch Ames noticed that a squeaky ticket barrier on the London Underground's Jubilee Line was creating a "woo-hoo" sound.

So, on a quiet day at the station, he filmed the barrier. That night, he "cobbled together" his footage with the official music video for Blur's Song 2.

The strange mash-up went viral.

"Yesterday I had the chance to film this talented barrier at Canary Wharf, and was pleasantly surprised to find it sings almost in key with Damon," Ames told the Telegraph on Wednesday.

"It's the fourth barrier from the right, not the second as you go down into the tube," he clarified on YouTube, in case any commuters wanted to hear the "singing" barrier for themselves.

And, yes, even Blur thinks it's funny.

"Thanks, everyone — there must be more machines and objects happily singing songs to themselves?" Ames wrote on YouTube.

What everyday objects sing to you?

P.S. Most paper-towel dispensers can sing along with Taylor Swift.